To open Entuity from the AR System
From the AR System server, you cam open an Entuity originated AR and drill back to the source managed object using a URL.
Understanding Entuity URLs:
The URL identifies:
- the Entuity server that manages the object.
- the Entuity CGI that launches Entuity.
- the Entuity user account that originated the AR, although not the account password.
- the managed object that is the root of the AR.
For example:;--start=opener;--eosObjectID=
can be understood as:
- identifies the location of the Entuity web server.
- EOS/cgi/EYELauncher identifies the cgi that launches Entuity.
- --user=admin; identifies the user account logging into Entuity as admin. When you want to login using a different account amend the URL here, as it cannot be amended through the login dialog.
- --start=opener; opens Entuity.
- eosObjectID= identifies the Entuity managed object. Managed object identifiers can have one of two formats in Entuity:
- -1.-1.-1.<objectId> (e.g. -1.-1.-1.34)
- object1.object2.object3.object4, e.g. for a device, for a port.
Each managed object has a unique identifier that can be viewed using Flex Reports.
To open Entuity from the AR System:
- In the AR, open Notes, where the AR System displays a full description of the AR.
- Access the URL. If you are accessing the AR through the mid tier, the URL is available as a hyperlink; if you are accessing the AR through the browser, the URL is available as a text string.
- Entuity will launch on the same host as the AR System client, in the context of the managed object that is the source of the AR.
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