Entuity Integration for BMC Remedy AR System files
To rename integration configuration files
Entuity Integration for BMC Remedy AR System dlls
Entuity Integration for BMC Remedy AR System files:
The installed Entuity Integration for BMC Remedy AR System includes:
- Template files installed to entuity_home/install/template/etc:
- arhelpdsk_server.cfg
- Sample configuration files that integrate with the default AR System HPD:HelpDesk form. These are in entuity_home/etc/:
- arhelpdsk70.cfg
- arhelpdsk70_global.cfg
- sw_remedy70_menu_def.cfg
- remedyforkevent.cfg
- RemedyForkEventLoggerConf.xml.
- File generated after configure in entuity_home/install/template/etc:
- arhelpdsk_server.cfg
- Files in entuity_home/integ/Remedy/:
- arforward.exe.
To rename integration configuration files:
The sample configuration files are overwritten with each new Entuity installation. When you want to use the sample configuration in a live installation, you can either:
- take a backup of your files and reinstall them after each upgrade.
- consider the supplied files as templates that you should amend after installing them.
When renaming files, you should also edit the content, so any references to these files are also amended.
Entuity recommends you decide on a standard naming format, e.g.:
- sw_remedy70_menu_def_NEWNAME.cfg
- remedyforkevent_NEWNAME.cfg
- arhelpdsk70_global_NEWNAME.cfg
- arhelpdsk70_NEWNAME.cfg
- arhelpdsk_server_NEWNAME.cfg. It is automatically created during configure, however if the file already exists it is not overwritten. This file only requires renaming when configuring multiple servers.
You must also rename any references to these files within the configuration files. For example, in:
- sw_menu_def_file_list.cfg,
- include sw_remedy70_menu_def_NEWNAME.cfg.
- sw_remedy70_menu_def_NEWNAME.cfg,
- rename the reference to arhelpdsk70.cfg to arhelpdsk70_NEWNAME.cfg.
- rename the reference to arhelpdsk70_global.cfg to arhelpdsk70_global_NEWNAME.cfg.
- remedyforkevent._NEWNAME.cfg,
- rename the references to RemedyForkEventLoggerConf.xml to RemedyForkEventLoggerConf_NEWNAME.xml.
- arhelpdsk70_global_NEWNAME.cfg and arhelpdsk70_NEWNAME.cfg, appropriately rename the arhelpdsk70_server_NEWNAME.cfg includes.
- startup_O/S_site_specific.cfg,
- copy from startup_O/S.cfg the Remedy section and rename the reference to RemedyForkEvent.cfg to RemedyForkEvent_NEWNAME.cfg.
Entuity Integration for BMC Remedy AR System dlls:
For this module to run, you should ensure the following dlls are available in the run time path on the Entuity server:
- dlls for Windows installations, available in entuity_home/integ/Remedy/lib and usually installed in /systemWOW64:
- arapi70.dll
- arutl70.dll
- icuin32.dll
- arrpc70.dll
- icudt32.dll
- icuuc32.dll
- .dll
- msvcp71.dll
- dlls for Linux installs, available in entuity_home/integ/Remedy/lib:
- libar.so
- libicudatabmc.so.32
- libicui18nbmc.so.32
- libicuiobmc.so.32
- libicuucbmc.so.32
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