To uninstall Entuity from Windows
To uninstall Entuity from Linux
To uninstall Entuity from Windows:
- Stop Entuity via the Services functionality in the Control Panel.
- Remove details of the services from your registry, using the inst_service program (found in entuity_home/bin). From the Administrator command line, enter:
inst_service remove "EOTS"
inst_service remove "EOTS Database"
inst_service remove "EOTSWebserver" - Delete the root folder of the Entuity installation. If the database directory was not installed under entuity_home then you will have to separately delete that folder.
To uninstall Entuity from Linux:
- Navigate to the Entuity 'bin' folder and run the command stopeye.
- Delete the root folder of the Entuity installation. If the database directory was not installed under entuity_home then you will have to separately delete that folder.
If you have called Entuity from any external scripts, or are using Entuity together with other network management software through its integration modules, then you may have files external to these to amend.
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