Note for configuring Entuity v21.0 upwards on Red Hat Enterprise or Oracle Linux version 9
Note for configuring Entuity v22.0 on Secure Boot Linux
Note regarding security recommendations
On Linux systems, Entuity is configured from the command line. On Windows, you can use the wizard to configure Entuity, but you can run configure from the command line as well.
configure only displays modules that you have activated and for which you have a license.
Note, configure must be run as an administrator.
- From entuity_home\install, run configure:
- On Linux, enter:
- On Windows, enter:
configure text
- On Linux, enter:
configure will start and display the operating system and host identifier.
configure will then prompt for the location of the Entuity database:
Database Directory [/Entuity/database/data]>
Either press <Return> to accept the default, or enter an alternative destination (without spaces) and press <Return>.
- When performing a reconfiguration, configure will prompt you to delete the existing database or create a new one:
Would you like to delete the existing database and create a new one? [no]>
Either press <Return> to accept the existing database, or to create a new database enter Yes and press <Return>.
configure will then prompt for the location of the backup folder of the Entuity database:
Database Backup Directory [/Entuity/database/backup]>
Either press <Return> to accept the default, or enter an alternative destination (without spaces) and press <Return>.
configure will then prompt for the location of the log directory:
Log Directory [/Entuity/log]>
Either press <Return> to accept the default, or enter an alternative destination (without spaces) and press <Return>.
configure will then prompt you to create the log directory:
Do you want to create the log Directory? [no]>
Enter Y to create the directory.
From ENA v18.0 P03 upwards: configure will then prompt you to configure ENA as a systemd service. This option is only available if service installation is supported by the OS.
Configure ENA as a service on this system [No]>
Enter Y.
configure will then prompt you for the location of the license file:
License File [/Entuity/etc/license.dat]>
Either press <Return> to accept the default, or enter an alternative destination (without spaces) and press <Return>.
configure will then prompt you to activate the Integrated Flow Analyzer capability. Enter Yes to configure a server which acts as both a polling and flow collector server (all-in-one Server), or enter No to configure a server that acts only as a polling server (standard Server).
configure will then prompt you to accept or modify the current module activation settings:
Would you like to modify the Module Selection? [no]>
- if you enter no during:
- a new installation, configure will activate those modules enabled through entuity_home/etc/modules_definition.cfg
- an upgrade, configure will check and give precedence to module enabled settings in entuity_home/etc/installed_modules.cfg
- if you enter y, configure displays each module in turn. For those modules that are licensed, enter y to install or enter n to not install.
- if you enter no during:
- When you have activated the Configuration Monitor module, configure displays a series of Configuration Monitor prompts.
When you have specified the Entuity Configuration Monitor:
- Enter the server and user profile details Entuity will use when generating emails, e.g.:
SMTP Server Hostname []> DDYLONEX06.ddy.local
SMTP Username []>
SMTP Password []> password
Sender []> ddy@century.ddy.local
Subject [${eventDescr} - ${eventStr}]>
Note, email sender domains are validated for correctness. This means that the ‘emailFrom’ field configured in Entuity must be valid, and must not contain illegal characters as defined in the RFC 1034.
- In Hostname, Entuity will by default include the hostname of the Entuity server. This is a mandatory field.
configure will then display the Use SSL Communication prompt. By default, SSL is not activated. Enter Y to this prompt, and enter the full name and path details of your SSL key and certificate files, e.g.:
Use SSL Communication? [no]> y
SSL Certificate File []> C:\Entuity\etc\ssl-server.cer
SSL Private Key File []> C:\Entuity\etc\ssl-server.key
SSL CA Certificate File (optional) []> C:\Entuity\etc\root-cacert.cer
configure will then prompt you to change the default database password:
Change Database Root Password?
configure will then prompt you to run a database validation and possible repair. Database validation is not run upon the first install of Entuity, but when configure is re-run, you have the option to run a database validation. To run the validation, select this option and then:
- Quick Check, which is the default when there is an existing database but no mysql.error.log. configure will run dbcheck -F to run a fast check for tables that were not properly closed.
- Full Check, where configure will run dbcheck -E. dbcheck runs a full key lookup for all keys for each row, to ensure that the table is 100% consistent.
- If the Entuity database fails, the validation check configure will stop.
configure will then prompt you to enter the username that will have the privileges to start, stop and reconfigure Entuity:
User [root]>
Either press <Return> to accept the default root, or enter a valid user ID and press <Return>
configure will then prompt you to accept or modify the default ports used by Entuity:
Use pre-selected port numbers [Yes]>
If you enter N, configure will prompt you for each port number. Ports should be in the range 1025 to 65535 (except for the web port, which can be 80), e.g.:Database Port [3306]>
Web Port [80]>
Event Request Listener Port [19193]>
Event Receiver Port 9191940>
Ticker Port [20202]>
Tomcat Port [8080]
Tomcat Admin Port [8005]
Flow Collector Port [9996]
Flow Management Port [12121]
The ports are as follows:
Port Name Port Description Database Port IP port on which you want the database server mysqld to listen. The default is port 3306. Web Port httpd to listen. The defaults are port 80 for non-secure access and port 443 for SSL./td> Event Request Listener Port IP port on which you want the event management porcess to listen for incoming requests for events from subscribed third party integrations. The default is port 1913. Event Receiver Port Event Receiver IP port on which you want the event management process to listen for incoming requests for events. The default is port 19194. Ticker Port IP port on which you want the ticker process to monitor its client ports' activity. The default is port 20202. Tomcat Port port used by the application server Tomcat. The default is port 8080. Tomcat Admin Port port used to access and manage the application server Tomcat. The default is port 8005. Flow Port port on which Entuity IFA receives flow information from devices sending NetFlow, Netstream or JFlow packets. This flow collector port is configurable through configure and Entuity IFA collects IPFIX flow data on port 2055 and sFlow data on port 6343. These collector ports are not configurable, so you must ensure routers using those flow technologies are configured to send data to the appropriate ports. Flow Management Port port used to manage the Flow Collector process. The default is port 12121.
configure will then display the parameter settings and prompt you to continue the configuration:
Do you want to continue? [no]>
Either press <Return> to halt the configuration, or enter y and press <Return> to implement the configuration.
- When the configuration is complete, configure will display:
Configure completed successfully
Press <Return> to return to the entuity_home directory.
- The first time you complete Entuity configuration, you should make an initial backup of the system.
- Start Entuity.
Note for configuring Entuity v21.0 upwards on Red Hat Enterprise or Oracle Linux version 9:
When running Entuity v21.0 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9 or Oracle Linux version 9, some actions are required for compatibility. The following libraries are required by Entuity configure. These cannot be installed using dnf or yum, but are shipped with the Entuity product:
When configure is run, its first task is to ask for permission to create symbolic links to these shipped libraries. These symbolic links are defined in the following shipped file: <entuity_home>/compatibility/compatibility.cfg.
Each time configure is run, it will ask for permission to create any of the symbolic links that do not already exist. If these symbolic links already exist, then configure will not ask about them.
Notes to consider:
- if any of the symbolic links already exist, then the administrator must ensure they are pointing to the libraries that are shipped in the <entuity_home>/compatibility directory.
- it will be necessary for an administrator to remove symbolic links that were previously created by Entuity configure if the product is installed to a new <entuity_home> directory on the same server.
- Entuity configure does not remove symbolic links that are no longer used, and so it is at the administrator's discretion to remove them in such cases.
If no symbolic links are found to exist, configure will ask to create them:
Starting Text mode configure
Make OS Version 9 compatible by creating symlinks /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/,, [no]> yes
Symbolic links: 5 created
In the case whereby some of the symbolic links exist, configure will ask to create the missing ones. If all the symbolic links exist, configure will not ask to create them.
From Entuity v21.0 upwards, the entuity.cfg configuration variable compatibility can be used if configure is run with the 'defaults' option, e.g. configure text defaults. The value can be 0 or 1, where:
- 0 - do not create symbolic links. This is the default.
- 1 - create symbolic links.
When running 'configure text defaults', this setting will be 0.
From Entuity v21.0 P09 & v22.0 P04 upwards, there is a new option added to the command line configure process, 'configure symlinks', to facilitate the creation of symbolic links only. Please note this is to be run before the 'configure defaults' command if the defaults behavior was set to not create symbolic links previously. Using this new option will also update the behavior to now create symbolic links for future 'configure defaults' executions.
Note for configuring Entuity v22.0 on Secure Boot Linux:
Secure Boot Linux systems are supported on Entuity v22.0 P04 upwards however, it requires different installation and configuration steps.
- After v22.0 GA is installed, you must explicitly state 'No' to running configure.
- The log directory should then be created manually at the following directory, <entuity_home>/log.
- Patches P01 through P04 should be installed in succession before running configure only after the P04 installation.
Note regarding security recommendations:
Please see this article for security recommendations regarding the default Entuity v19.0 (and below) install configuration.
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