Applicable to ENA v18.0 P04 upwards
To create a 'Send to BigPanda' action
To forward incidents to BigPanda
To create a 'Send to BigPanda' action:
Note, you will only need to create a 'Send to BigPanda' action if you are using Entuity v19.0 and below. From Entuity v20.0 upwards, the 'Send to BigPanda' action is included as out of the box.
- In the Main Menu, click Administration.
- On the Administration page, click Events Administration.
- On the Event Administration page, click the Actions tab.
- Click Add at the bottom of the window. This will open the Add Action window.
- In the Name field, enter: Send to BigPanda
- In Description, enter: Forward incidents/events to Big Panda
- In the Parameters section, click Add. This will open the New Parameter window.
- In the Name field, enter: app_key
- In Description, enter: The app_key configured in BigPanda
- In Default Value, enter: "Insert_app_key_here"
- Note, you must include the quotation marks in the Default Value field.
- Click OK to save the parameter.
- Add another New Parameter.
- In the Name field, enter: bearer_token
- In Description, enter: The bearer token provided by BigPanda
- In Default Value, enter: "Insert_bearer_token_here"
- Note, you must include the quotation marks in the Default Value field.
- Click OK to save the parameter.
- In the Action Steps section, click Add. This will open the Add Action window.
- In the Type dropdown field, select Groovy Script.
- In the Script field, enter the following:
def getEventOrIncidentPrefix = {
return (incident ? "i" : "e")
def constructUrl = { sourceDescriptor ->
def url = "";
def classicType = sourceDescriptor?.classicType
if(classicType != OBJ_TYPE_VIEW) {
def proto = getConfigProperty("server.ssl_enabled") == "true" ? "https" : "http"
def swId = sourceDescriptor.swId;
if (swId != null) {
url = "${proto}://"
def consolidationServerName = getConfigProperty("consolidation_server_name")
def consolidationServerWebPort = getConfigProperty("consolidation_server_web_port")
if (consolidationServerName) {
if (consolidationServerWebPort) {
url += "${consolidationServerName}:${consolidationServerWebPort}"
} else {
url += consolidationServerName
} else {
url += shortHostname
if (classicType != OBJ_TYPE_SYSTEM) {
url += "/webUI/${sourceDescriptor?.eyeServerId}%26id%3D${swId}"
} else {
url += "/webUI/${sourceDescriptor?.eyeServerId}%26view%3DMy%20Network"
return url.toString()
def getType = { sd ->
def type = sd.classicType
switch (type) {
case 1 : return "Port"
case 4 : return "Device"
case 8 : return "VLAN"
case 512 : return "Domain"
case 1024 : return "Application"
case 2048 : return "IP Address"
case 4096 : return "System"
case 8192 : return "View"
case 2147483648 :
case -2147483648 : return "StormWorks"
default : return ""
def sendRequest = { data ->"Forwarding event data to Big Panda");"Data to be sent: " + data);
def urlString = ""
def url = new URL(urlString);
def connection = url.openConnection();
connection.doOutput = true;
def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.outputStream);
connection.connect();"Forward to Big Panda response code: " + connection.getResponseCode());
def getSeverity = { sev, state ->
if(incident && !state) //if incident closed
else if(sev == 10 || sev == 8)
else if (sev == 6 || sev == 4 || sev == 2)
else if (sev == 0)
def sourceDescriptor = sourceDescriptor
def data = [
app_key : param("app_key"),
status : getSeverity(severity, stateOpen),
host : sourceName,
check : name,
description : reason,
object_type : getType(sourceDescriptor),
entuity_url : constructUrl(sourceDescriptor),
incident_id : getEventOrIncidentPrefix() + id,
timestamp : lastUpdatedMs
def jsonBody = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(data);
sendRequest(jsonBody); - Click OK to save the Action.
- Your action will now look like the following:
- Click OK.
To forward incidents to BigPanda:
- In the Main Menu, click Administration.
- On the Administration page, click Events Administration.
- On the Events Administration page, click the Incidents tab.
- Click Edit Global Triggers at the bottom of the browser.
- In the Edit Global Triggers window, click Add. This will open the Create Trigger window.
- Enter the following details in the fields:
- Name: Forward incident to BigPanda
- Description: Trigger to forward incidents to BigPanda
- On transition to: Any Change
- Condition: None
- Delay: None
- Action Steps: click Add to open the Add Action window. Enter the following details in the fields:
- Type: Send to Big Panda
- Parameters: select 'app_key' and click Set to open the Parameter Value window. Enter the app_key you configured in BigPanda. This must be contained in quotes.
- Click OK to save the action step.
- Tick the enabled box in the top right of the Create Trigger window.
- Click OK to save the Trigger.
- Save and deploy the Event Project.
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