This article has been superseded by Entuity v21.0. To view the latest information on this topic, please see this article.
To access the License Health page
Details of the License Health page
To install a new license from the License Health page
The License Health page displays a detailed breakdown of your current Entuity license.
To access the License Health page:
- In the Main Menu, click System Information.
- In the System Information table, click the icon in the License column.
- This will take you to the License Health page.
Details of the License Health page:
This page details the Entuity Core Expiry, which is the expiry date of the core Entuity product. For most installs, this would be the same as the expiry date for individual module and integration expiry dates.
It then details licenses by License Type and Module, in individual tables.
License Type:
This table displays information for the following license types:
- Associated Devices
- Basic Devices
- Config Management Devices
- Full Devices
- Objects
- Paths
Column Name | Column Description |
Resources | the resource type, e.g. Devices, Objects, Paths. |
License Usage - Total | total available license credits. From Entuity v19.0 P02 upwards, this will display 'Unlimited' if a license with an unlimited license key is installed. |
License Usage - Used | currently used license credits. |
License Usage - Available | remaining license credits available for allocation. |
Expiry | license expiry date. |
Source | indicates if license credits are allocated from a local license or a Central License Server. |
This table lists the activated modules:
Column Name | Column Description |
Name | name of the module or integration. |
Enabled | Yes indicates it is enabled through configure, No indicates it is not enabled. |
Expiry | expiry date of the module or integration. For most installs, this would be the same as the expiry date for the Entuity core product. |
To install a new license from the License Health page:
Please see this article for further help and information on installing new licenses in Entuity.
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