This article has been superseded by Entuity v21.0.
- For the latest introduction to View filters, please see this article.
- For the latest information on managing content filters, please see this article.
- For the latest information on managing incident filters and event filters, please see this article.
Introduction to View content filters
Introduction to event filters and incident filters
Types and rules of content filters
To see which content filters are associated with a View
To add a new content filter to a View
To edit a content filter in a View
To delete a rule from a content filter
To delete a content filter from a View
To add an event filter or incident filter to a View
To delete an event filter or incident filter
Introduction to View content filters:
You can use View content filters to determine what a View can contain. A View content filter is a defined set of rules that determine which of the network objects potentially available in a View are actually displayed, in order to present only the information a user needs to see, e.g. you can restrict a View to show only the particular components of the network that you are interested in. Filters help you automate the process of creating and maintaining View contents, and allow the content of a View to change as the objects that meet its criteria change.
There are three types of View content filters:
- Content filters, which when applied determine the objects that are displayed in a View.
- Event filters, which when applied determine the events that are displayed in a View in the Events dashboard.
- Incident filters, which when applied determine the incidents that are displayed in a View in the Events dashboard.
You can use the same filter against a number of Views.
Introduction to event filters and incident filters:
Event filters and incident filters can restrict the events and incidents that appear against objects in the View. By default, a View's event and incident filters allow Entuity to potentially raise any event or incident. An event or incident filter allows you to include only the event or incident types you want to be available in a View, and exclude those that you do not.
Types and rules of View content filters:
There are 3 types of content filter that can be associated with a View:
- All Objects - includes all objects within the content scope. This is the filter used by My Network and All Objects Views.
- This is a system content filter, and contains 1 rule:
- All
- This is a system content filter, and contains 1 rule:
- Infrastructure Only - includes only the infrastructure ports and their associated devices, VLANs and applications within the content scope. Infrastructure ports are either uplinks (i.e. ports connecting routers with switches), trunk ports (i.e. ports connecting switches together), or router ports.
- This is a system content filter, and contains 6 rules:
- Source=Device AND Zone=all
- Source=Port AND Port Type=Trunk AND Device Type=Ethernet Switch AND Zone=all
- Source=Port AND Port Type=Uplink AND Device Type=Ethernet Switch AND Zone=all
- Source=Application AND Zone=all
- Source=Port AND Device Type=Router AND Zone=all
- Source=Vlan
- This is a system content filter, and contains 6 rules:
- user defined rules-based content filter.
The rules of a content filter, filter required components into a View, rather than filter them out. Therefore, when creating your own filter (see below), you will need to add as many rules as are needed to display the components you want to see in the View.
To see which content filters are associated with a View:
To see which content filters are associated with a View:
- Find the View you would like to look at either via the Explorer or the breadcrumbs.
- Right click the desired View and click Edit View.
- The Edit View form will slide in on the right of the browser. Click the Content Filter field.
- This will open the Content Filters form, which lists each content filter for that View. You can see the rules of a content filter by clicking on its name.
To add a new content filter to a View:
- Navigate to the Content Filters form of your desired View, as described above.
- Click + to open the New Content Filter form.
- Enter a name for the content filter in the Name field.
- Under the Rules field, click + to create a new rule for the content filter. This will open the New Content Rule form.
- Specify the source of the content rule in the Source dropdown field, one of Application, Device, Port, Service, VLAN.
- If you select Port, further fields will appear below wherein you can specify the port criteria, all of which are dropdown fields except for Port Name:
- Port Name - enter the name of the port or leave it blank (equivalent to 'all'). This field supports filtering using regular expressions.
- Port Type.
- IF Type.
- Duplex.
- Speed.
- If you select Service or VLAN, there are no further fields to complete.
- Service - permits into the View all services that are defined on that server. When not specified, Entuity restricts the services in a View to those explicitly added to that View.
- VLAN - permits into the View objects and events related to VLANs.
- If you select Port, further fields will appear below wherein you can specify the port criteria, all of which are dropdown fields except for Port Name:
- If you select Application or Device, the following fields will appear:
- Specify the zone you want to include in the rule in the Zone dropdown field.
- Specify the device type you want to include in the rule in the Device Type dropdown field.
- Enter the name of the device you want to include in the rule in the Device Name field.
- Enter the device's location in the Location field
- Enter the description of the device in the System Description field.
- Enter the administrator-assigned name of the device in the System Name field.
- Enter the starting and ending IPv4 addresses in the From and To fields respectively.
- Specify if you want to only consider the device's management IP address by turning on the Management IP Only switch. If switched off, all IPs on the device will be considered.
- Define the new content filter rule and click Done to return to the New Content Filter form.
- Repeat from Step 4. until you have added all of the required rules. You can add as many rules as you like to the filter.
- Click Done in the top right of the New Content Filter form to save the new content filter.
- Find the content filter in the list and tick its box to add it as a filter.
To edit a content filter in a View:
- Navigate to the Content Filters form of your desired view, as described above.
- Select the desired content filter to open the Edit Content Filter form.
- Either select the rule you would like to make a change to, or click + to add a new rule.
- Once you have edited an existing rule or created a new rule, click Done to return to the Edit Content Filter form.
- Click Done to return to the Content Filters form.
To delete a rule from a content filter:
- Navigate to the Content Filters form of your desired View, as described above.
- Select the desired content filter to open the Edit Content Filter form.
- Select the rule you would like to delete to open the Edit Content Rule form.
- Click Delete Content Rule.
- This will take you back to the Edit Content Filter form. Click Done in the top right.
To delete a content filter from a View:
- Navigate to the Content Filters form of your desired View, as described above.
- Select the desired content filter to open the Edit Content Filter form.
- At the bottom of the form, click Delete Content Filter.
To add an event filter or incident filter to a View:
- Find the View to which you would like to add an incident or event filter, via the Explorer or the breadcrumbs.
- Right click the desired View and click Edit View.
- The Edit View form will slide in on the right of the browser. Click Event Filter or Incident Filter, depending on which type of filter you want to create.
- This will open the Event Filter or Incident Filter form, which lists each event filter or incident filter respectively for that View. You can see the rules of a filter by clicking on its name.
- Click + Create Event Filter or + Create Incident Filter at the top of the respective form.
- This will open the New Event Filter / New Incident Filter form.
- Enter a name for the filter in the Name field.
- Specify whether to include events or incidents from unmanaged devices in the Include Events from Unmanaged Devices / Include Incidents from Unmanaged Devices field.
- Scroll through the list of events under the Included Events field, or the list of incidents under the Included Incidents field, and select which events / incidents you want to include in the your filter. Use ctrl or shift to select multiple events / incidents at the same time.
- When you have made your selections, click Done in the top right to save the selections, otherwise click Cancel.
- Click Done to save the filter, or click Cancel.
- Find the new filter in the list and tick its box to add it as a filter.
To delete an event filter or incident filter:
- Navigate to the Event Filter or Incident Filter form of your desired View, as described above.
- Select the desired filter to open the Edit Event Filter or Edit Incident Filter form.
- At the bottom of the form, click Delete Event Filter or Delete Incident Filter as appropriate.
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