Please find below a groovy script enabling the 'Send to Teams' action type. This is required to enable forwarding of incidents from Entuity to Microsoft Teams.
// forward a payload to Teams
def getContainingDeviceNameAndIp = { sourceDescriptor ->
if (!sourceDescriptor) {
logger.warn("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Could no obtain source descriptor")
return ["", ""]
def classicType = sourceDescriptor.classicType
* If the currently processed object is an event or and incident comes from a device then
* return the device's name and polling IP address
if (classicType == OBJ_DEVICE) {
def proxy = createInventoryProxy(sourceDescriptor)
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Getting data for a device: ${} cont")
logger.trace("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Getting data for a device ip address: ${proxy?.devPolledIpAddr}")
return [, proxy.devPolledIpAddr]
* If the currently processed object is an event or and incident comes from an IPv4/6 address
* than return that address as a name as well
else if (classicType == OBJ_IPV4ADDRESS || classicType == OBJ_IPV6ADDRESS) {
return [sourceDescriptor.externalId, sourceDescriptor.externalId]
* If the currently processed object is something else e.g. a port on a device then
* obtain a container device id from the source descriptor and look up a containing
* device object using specially prepared comp id.
else {
def deviceId = sourceDescriptor.containerDeviceId
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Getting container device id: ${deviceId}")
if (!deviceId) {
logger.warn("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Could not obtain containerDeviceId")
return ["", ""]
int[] compId = new int[4];
compId[0] = OBJ_DEVICE
compId[1] = deviceId
compId[2] = 0
compId[3] = 0
def device = lookupObject(compId)
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Getting container device: ${device?.name} for compId ${compId} continue...")
logger.trace("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Getting container device ip addr: ${device?.devPolledIpAddr}")
if (!device) {
logger.warn("getContainingDeviceNameAndIp: Could no obtain containing device")
return ["", ""]
return [, device.devPolledIpAddr]
* Returns serverName:port
def constructLocalHostName = {
def serverWebPort = getConfigProperty("webportnum")
def serverName = shortHostname
return "${serverName}:${serverWebPort}"
* Returns the name of the ena host or central server
* that is forwarding this event
def constructHostName = { ms ->
if(ms) {
def consolidationServerName = getConfigProperty("consolidation_server_name")
def consolidationServerWebPort = getConfigProperty("consolidation_server_web_port")
if (consolidationServerName) {
if (consolidationServerWebPort) {
return "${consolidationServerName}:${consolidationServerWebPort}"
} else {
return "${consolidationServerName}"
} else {
return constructLocalHostName()
} else {
return constructLocalHostName()
* Returns a webUI or component viewer URL to
* the object that the event or incident is comming from.
def constructUrl = { sd ->
def url = "";
def classicType = sd?.classicType
if(classicType != OBJ_TYPE_VIEW) {
def ssl = getConfigProperty("consolidation_server_web_ssl")
if(ssl == null)
ssl = getConfigProperty("server.ssl_enabled")
def proto = ssl == "true" ? "https" : "http";
def swId = sd.swId;
if (swId != null) {
url = "${proto}://"
//def serverName = constructHostName(true)
def serverName = getConfigProperty("reverseconn.server_hostname")
url += "${serverName}"
if (classicType != OBJ_TYPE_SYSTEM) {
url += "/webUI/${sourceDescriptor?.eyeServerId}%26id%3D${swId}"
} else {
url += "/webUI/${sourceDescriptor?.eyeServerId}%26view%3DMy%20Network"
return url.toString()
* Get string version of incident state
def getStateString = { state ->
switch(state) {
case 1 : return "Open"
case 2 : return "Closed"
case 4 : return "Expired"
case 8 : return "PreOpen"
// map Entuity to Agent severity levels
def getSeverity = { level ->
if(level == 10)
else if (level == 8)
else if (level == 6)
else if (level == 4)
else if (level ==2)
else if (level == 0)
if(incident) {
def sd = sourceDescriptor;
* Enrich the sourceDesriptor with more event data
def iUrl = constructUrl(sd);
def node =
def severity = getSeverity(severity)
def eClass = "Entuity from Incident"
def fullTitle = "${severity} ${eClass}"
def iStatus = getStateString(state)
def titleDevice = "${name} on ${node} is ${iStatus}"
Date latestdate = new Date()
def time = latestdate.toString()
def jsonBody = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
def devNameAndIp = getContainingDeviceNameAndIp(sd)
jsonBody {
type "message"
attachments( [ {
contentType "application/"
contentUrl null
content {
type "AdaptiveCard"
$schema ""
version "1.4"
body {
type "TextBlock"
text titleDevice
wrap true
size "Large"
fontType "Default"
weight "Bolder"
color "Warning"
horizontalAlignment "center"
type "TextBlock"
text "Created Date ${time}"
isSubtle true
wrap true
type "Container"
items {
type "TextBlock"
text "Device Information"
wrap true
size "Large"
weight "Bolder"
type "FactSet"
facts {
title "Device Name"
value "${node}"
title "IP"
value "${devNameAndIp[1]}"
type "Container"
items {
type "TextBlock"
text "Incident Information"
wrap true
size "Large"
weight "Bolder"
type "FactSet"
facts ([ {
title "Incident Type"
value reason
spacing "Small"
type "ActionSet"
actions([ {
type "Action.OpenUrl"
title "View Incident"
url "${iUrl}"
// Create JSON Payload
/*def jsonBody = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(
def jsonLog = jsonBody.toPrettyString()
if(state != PREOPEN) {
nbsp; try {
def teamsUrl = param("path")"Forwarding incident to Teams ${jsonLog}");
def post = new URL("${teamsUrl}").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
post.requestMethod = "POST"
post.doOutput = true
post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
post.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json")
def out = new OutputStreamWriter(post.outputStream)
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {"Not Forwarding incident to Teams ${jsonBody}");
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