Requirements to launch a Groovy script in Entuity
How do I run a Groovy script from the Entuity server?
How do I run a Groovy script from another machine?
In Entuity, Groovy scripts use the Entuity RESTful API to perform certain administrative actions.
Requirements to launch a Groovy script in Entuity:
If you are running the script on a different, non-Entuity system, you must have the following installed:
- Java (at least Java 8 version).
- Groovy (at least Groovy 2.4 version).
These requirements are already met if the Groovy script is executed on an Entuity server.
Groovy scripts in Entuity can be authenticated using an API access key (e.g. if SAMLv2 authentication is enabled) or by username/password.
How do I run a Groovy script from the Entuity server?
- Navigate to the directory that contains the Groovy scripts. Groovy scripts are located in <ENTUITY_HOME>/lib/tools/restAPI, and all have .groovy extension.
- The next step depends on whether you are running Windows or Linux:
- if you are running Windows:
- execute <ENTUITY_HOME>\bin\egroovy.bat <script>.groovy <args>
- if you are running Linux:
- set ENTUITY_HOME environment variable, e.g. export ENTUITY_HOME=<path>
- execute <ENTUITY_HOME>/bin/egroovy <script>.groovy <args>
- if you are running Windows:
How do I run a Groovy script from another machine?
- Ensure you have the above requirements (at least Java 8 version and Groovy 2.4 version) installed, and ensure that the groovy executable is in your PATH environment variable.
- Copy the Groovy scripts that you will be running, plus the Tools.groovy script containing common utilities, from the Entuity installation to your machine.
- Navigate to the directory to which you have copied the Groovy scripts to.
- The next step depends on whether you are running Windows or Linux:
- if you are running Windows:
- execute groovy.bat <script>.groovy <args>
- if you are running Linux:
- execute <script>/groovy <args>
- if you are running Windows:
Default Groovy script arguments:
This table of Groovy script arguments represent a default set. Each script can have extra arguments beyond what is included here.
Argument | Description |
-h | show usage and exit. |
-E <hostname> | required if running the script remotely. <hostname> must point to the Entuity server. |
-I <user> | (From Entuity v21.0 upwards) specify the impersonated user. |
-S | use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Must be specified if Entuity was configured to use HTTPS. |
-U <username> | specify the Entuity username. All operations will be performed on the behalf of this user. Note, if the username and password (see below) are not provided, the admin:admin credentials will be used. |
-P <password> | password for the Entuity user. |
-s <server> | server ID or server name for which the script is to be executed. This is useful in multi-server Entuity installations. |
-X | API access key |
Example Groovy scripts:
- List users from the Entuity server configured with HTTPS running on myEntuityServer host:
groovy listUsers.groovy -E myEntuityServer -S
- List users from the myPollingEntuityServer which is configured as the remote server to the myCentralEntuityServer:
groovy listUsers.groovy -E myCentralEntuityServer -S -s myPollingEntuityServer
- List Views for the user identified by support/mysecret credentials:
groovy listViews.groovy -U support -P mysecret
- Add 3 devices to a View named "My Office":
groovy viewAddDevice.groovy -v "My Office" -d device1 -d dev2 -d anotherDevice
To add trusted certificates:
If the Entuity server is configured for HTTPS, then the issuing certificate authority must be trusted. Most well-known authorities are already trusted, but if you get errors related to certificate authority verification then you must add trust for the certificate authority. Self-signed certificates are inherently not trusted and so you will need to import them into the keystore.
To add a certificate to the list of trusted certificate authorities, enter the following command (Note, this command is on a single line. There are no line breaks within this command):
c:\Entuity\install\JRE\bin\keytool -importcert -keystore c:\Entuity\install\JRE\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit -alias <ALIAS> -file c:\certs\MyCA.cer
Note, the above command assumes that the Java Runtime Environment is isntalled at c:\Entuity\install\JRE and the CA certificate is stored as c:\certs\MyCA.cer. If this is not the case, please adjust the paths in the above command as appropriate to reflect your particular case.
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