If you are upgrading to ENA v17.0, please refer to the ENA v17.0 Migration Guide.
Entuity multi-server environments
System requirements and shipped software
Third-party software versions
JRE Upgrade Overrides SSL/TLS Certificates in the Default Keystore
ENA web UI system requirements
Welcome to ENA v18.0. This migration guide covers important changes that should be considered by users migrating from earlier versions of the Entuity software to ENA v18.0.
For further help on starting up ENA, please also see these other sections in our guide:
- Installation Guide
- Licensing
- Data Backup
- Starting Entuity
- Discovering my network
- Navigating and viewing my network
Entuity multi-server environments:
If you use multiple Entuity servers to manage your network, and you group these together using a consolidation server, you must upgrade all servers in the group to the same version of ENA.
If you use multiple Entuity servers to manage your network, independently of each other, then you may continue to operate these servers using different versions of the software.
System requirements and shipped software:
ENA is only certified for use with the 64-bit English edition variants of:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 7.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 8.
- Oracle Linux 7.
- Oracle Linux 8.
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019.
Minimum server specifications:
- Low: 400 devices and 25,000 ports.
- Intermediate: 800 devices and 50,000 ports.
- High: 1,000 devices and 70,000 ports.
Server Component | Low | Intermediate | High |
Minimum CPU Clock Speed | 2.5GHz | 2.5GHz | 2.5GHz |
Minimum Number of Cores | 6 | 8 | 16 |
Windows Minimum Physical Memory | 6GB | 12GB | 24GB |
Linux Minimum Physical Memory | 8GB | 16GB | 32GB |
Disk Capacity | 60GB | 90GB | 120GB |
Third-party software versions:
For information regarding third-party software versions used in Entuity, please see this article.
Note, for information regarding third-party software vulnerabilties (published CVEs), please see this article.
JRE Upgrade Overrides SSL/TLS Certificates in the Default Keystore:
This section is only applicable if users have implemented the ENA external authentication using secure LDAPs.
The default keystore file entuity_home\install\JRE\lib\security\cacerts is overwritten during the JRE upgrade, which means that security certificates imported into that keystore are now lost.
To preserve your certificate setup, you can export them before migrating to ENA, and import them after completing the migration. It is important to export and then import all security certificates in a certificate chain.
To retain imported SSL/TLS certificates:
- Before starting migration, export the security certificate chains using entuity_home\install\JRE\bin\keytool.
- Enter the keystore password. The default keystore password is changeit, although it may have been amended by a system administrator.
- After installing ENA, re-import the security certificates. ENA provides a tool for this purpose, certtool. It is located in entuity_home\bin\certtool.bat (on windows) and entuity_home/bin/certtool (on Linux). An example would be certtool works by storing keys in a secondary keystore which persists across JRE upgrades. In the future, running configure will merge keys in the secondary keystore with the default JRE keystore.
- After you have imported all of the security certificates, you must ensure they are picked up by Apache Tomcat on the Entuity server. When Tomcat starts, it updates its security certificates. You do not need to stop ENA, you only need to stop Tomcat (which will automatically restart). For example, from entuity_home\bin, enter: stop tomcat
Note: when configured for external authentication via LDAPs, ENA v18.0 upwards enforces hostname verification between certificates and the LDAP server. If your LDAP TLS certificates are non-compliant with hostname verification, then the LDAPs intgrations will stop working after installing ENA v18.0.
Entuity recommend that users plan for new certificates before upgrading to ENA v18.0. If you are unable to rebuild certificates, Entuity recommend that you contact Entuity Support for details of how to handle non-compliant certifications.
ENA web UI system requirements:
The ENA web UI is certified for use with:
- Internet Explorer 11.0 or later.
- Microsoft Edge v44.
- Firefox 68 or later.
- Google Chrome 79 or later.
Users must enable their web browsers for both JavaScript (e.g. to enable the ENA menu structures) and cookies (e.g. to maintain login status).
ENA migration path:
The certified migration paths to ENA are from the latest two patches of Entuity 16.5 and ENA v17.0. The current latest patches for these versions are as follows:
- Entuity 16.5 P10 and P11.
- ENA v17.0 P07 and P08.
Click here for help on how to check the current version and patch level of an Entuity server.
Migrating to ENA:
Migrating to and installing ENA is the same process whether migrating from Entuity 16.5 P10/P11 or ENA v17.0 P07/P08. If you are upgrading from Entuity 16.5 on Windows Server 2012, you can upgrade the OS and then ENA in the same migration.
- Stop the Entuity server and take a backup.
- (if you are running your original install on Windows Server 2012, upgrade the server from 2012 to Windows Server 2016 or 2019.)
- Run install to install ENA and install it on top of the existing install.
- Run configure and update the license file to point at the new install.
- Restart the Entuity server.
- Deploy the updated Event Management System (EMS) event project, or apply the changes within it to your current project.
For every possible migration path to ENA v18.0 from Entuity 16.5 or ENA v17.0, please see this article.
Configuration files:
When upgrading to ENA v18.0 from Entuity 16.5, please check whether the server's sw_site_specific.cfg file refers to any configuration files that were provided by Entuity. If so, please contact Entuity Support, who will ensure the compatibility of any such files and, if necessary, provide new files to be applied before upgrading to ENA.
Note, this is not necessary when upgrading to ENA v18.0 from ENA v17.0.
ENA v18.0 key changes:
Please find below the key changes you will find in ENA v18.0.
Geographical Map
A new Google Maps integration allows for users to set geographical locations to Views, which will then be automatically plotted onto a Google Map. Users can switch between Geographical and Topological Modes as they want.
In Geographical Mode, each View marker will display customizable levels of incident information, and users can hover over the View marker for further at-a-glance details about the View.
Please see this section for full details of and help for the Geographical Map functionality in ENA v18.0.
Topological Map
Addition of new customizable map labels on the Topological Map that can display any static attribute. Users can display up to 3 fields of information on the Map itself (under the object/device), and up to 10 fields of information on a tooltip that is displayed when hovering over the object/device.
Please see this section for full details of and help for the Topological Map functionality in ENA v18.0.
A complete revision of ENA SurePath with the introduction of agent-based path discovery that allows for troubleshooting of public as well as private networks.
ENA v18.0 uses Entuity's proprietary SurePath technology, which now employs tcptraceroute. tcptraceroute creates a tcp connection to the endpoint destination and sends packets over that connection to mimic how applications send data over a network.
Users can use Required and Blacklist functionality to specify which nodes must and must not appear in a path, with events raised for non-compliance.
Please see this section for further help and information on SurePath in ENA v18.0.
Maintenance Mode
Set maintenance schedules for Views and devices that so that maintenance periods are reflected in reports. Users can suppress events on devices under maintenance - data is still collected under maintenance mode, but the maintenance section of time is simply ignored for reporting purposes.
Please see this section for further help and information on Maintenance Mode in ENA v18.0.
Update to ENA trends to extend the original design time functionality and allow users to add trends at run time to any chart across ENA.
Users can set a 4 week trend on any chart dashlet (both system and custom chart dashlets), which uses the last 4 weeks' worth of data to calculate the trend. This setting is persistent on that chart dashlet until the user removes it.
The original trend functionality specified in the Create/Edit Chart dashlet form has also been extended, so that the user can set a trend based on 2, 4, 8 or 16 weeks' worth of data.
Please see this article for further help and information on settings trends in ENA v18.0.
Cisco Viptela
Addition of support for alarms and events for Cisco Viptela SD-WAN. ENA v18.0 introduces the following:
- new device type - vManage Cloud Controller.
- new Summary dashboards for vManage Cloud Controller and vEdge.
- new ENA events onto which Viptela alarms are mapped - vManage Alarm and vManage Alarm Closed.
Please see this article for further help and information on support for Cisco Viptela in ENA v18.0.
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