Applicable to Entuity v19.0 upwards. If you are using an earlier version of ENA, please see this article.
Introduction to the Auto Discovery page
To create, edit, duplicate or delete a discovery profile
To start, stop or view the results of a discovery
Introduction to the Auto Discovery page:
From this page, you can set up and manage auto discovery profiles, and track their progress. You can also view the results of auto discovery profiles and see discoveries in progress. You can access functionality via the Overflow Menu, or by selecting one or more discovery profiles and then opening the right-click Context Menu.
The Auto Discovery page is divided into two sections:
- Auto Discovery summary bar at the top of the page.
- Auto Discovery table at the bottom of the page.
Summary bar:
The collapsible summary bar details the following:
- License Status:
Details how many licenses have been consumed from the available pool for the selected server. Each management level (Full, Basic, Associated, Config Management) has its own license pool. Please see this section for more help and information on licensing in Entuity. - Status Summary:
A pie chart displaying the status of discovery profiles, i.e. how many are In Progress, Complete, and Never Ran.
Auto Discovery table:
The auto discovery profiles and details thereof are listed in the table. You can configure the columns displayed in the table to best suit your preferences. The information displayed in the table is as follows:
Column Name | Column Description |
Status | icon representing the status of discovery - running or not running. |
Profile Name | name of the discovery profile. |
Progress | completion % of the latest discovery. Displays 0% if there is no latest discovery. |
Addresses | string representation of IP ranges. |
Schedule | schedule of the profile, e.g. Mondays at 5:00; Every day at 12:00. |
Next Run | date and time of the profile's next run, according to the schedule. |
Last Started | time and date that the discovery profile was last started. |
Last Finished | date and time at which this auto discovery last ran and finished successfully. |
Duration | length of time taken to run the profile. |
Last Run Status |
status of the previous profile run, one of:
Automatically Manage | whether the discovered devices are automatically taken under management. |
Last Run Results | click to view the results of a completed discovery, or see a live discovery in progress. It is also possible to click the progress bar of a discovery in progress, to view the live results of that discovery. |
Description | Description of the discovery profile. |
Exclusions | IP addresses excluded from the discovery. |
Zone | zone to which the device will be added. |
Default Management Level | default management level of the devices. |
Device Display Name |
device name displayed, one of:
Poll Using Hostname | if the devices will be polled using their hostname. |
Credentials Used | number of credentials used in the profile. |
Add to View | View to which the devices will be added. |
To create, edit, duplicate or delete a discovery profile:
You can use Auto Discovery to discover devices on your network and add them to management. Auto Discovery is most useful when you have many devices, or a potentially unknown set of devices, to manage.
This can be configured to continually scan your network, so that you always have an up-to-date, detailed inventory of network assets.
Individual discovery profiles allow you to specify the parameters of the Auto Discovery.
Please see this article for help and information on creating, editing, duplicating or deleting a discovery profile.
Note for users upgrading to Entuity v19.0: existing auto discovery profiles (from ENA v18.0 and below) currently do not migrate to Entuity v19.0 due to a known issue affecting IP addresses regarding masks and subnets (which will be fixed in Entuity v19.0 P02), which means that users will need to enter the IP address range of auto discovery profiles. Please see this note for further information on this issue. Due to the new method of credential management in Entuity v19.0, the credentials of existing auto discovery profiles will also need to be entered again.
To start, stop or view the results of a discovery:
Once you have created a discovery profile, the profile will appear in the table on the Auto Discovery page. Please see this article for help and information on starting, stopping or viewing the results of a discovery.
Please see the following articles for managing Auto Discovery via RESTful API functionality:
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