Device general attributes
Attribute | Description | Device Type |
BGP Identifier | each router running BGP must have a BGP identifier. This identifier is included in the BGP identifier field of open messages, which are sent between two BGP peers when establishing a BGP session. | all |
BGP Local AS | local AS of the device. | all |
Certified | Entuity certifies the device model used to manage this device type. | all |
Configuration Transfer Server | the IP address of the server to receive files is set in entuity.cfg (tftpServerIp) and shared by all transfer methods. Through this attribute, administrators can override this IP address on a per device basis, for example when the Entuity server has multiple IP addresses. |
Configuration Retrieval Number of Archives | number of archived configurations retained by Entuity. By default this is four, i.e. four startup and four running configurations, although it is configurable. These configurations are retrieved by Configuration Monitor. | all |
Description | manufacturers' device description. | all |
Device Type | Entuity manages devices through the Device Type, e.g. Router, Switch. Devices managed through the VM Platform device type require specific connection details. | all |
Location | text description of the physical location of the device that is contained on the device, e.g. Development Cabinet. | all |
Management Level | Full - Entuity fully manages the device and all of its interfaces. Full (Mgmt Port Only) - (ENA v17.0 P08 upwards) Entuity fully manages the device but only manages the management interface. Full Management (No Ports) - Entuity fully manages the device but does not maintain any port level information. Basic - Entuity collects only basic system information and the full IP address table via SNMP. This management level is used when Entuity does not have the appropriate vendor file, cannot generate an appropriate file or you only want the device placed under basic management. Ping Only - Entuity does not collect SNMP data for these devices, it only reports whether these devices respond to ICMP ping. |
all |
Management MAC Address | MAC address of this device. | all |
Manufacturer | manufacturer name and is derived by matching the manufacturer number against the first 2500 Private Enterprise Codes compiled by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( Where the manufacturer code is not matched then the first part of the device name is taken, usually this is the manufacturer’s name. | all |
Model | device model. | all |
Name | name of the device. | all |
OSPF Admin Status (AS) | the status of an OSPF interface defines whether routes and/or OSPF protocol packets are propagated over the interface. Status may be active, passive, or off. | all |
OSPF Area Border Router | identifies the router as one with interfaces in different areas but within the same autonomous system. By collecting mapping information from these area this router can calculate the shortest distances between points. | all |
OSPF Autonomous System Border Router | identifies the router as an Autonomous System Border Router, which acts as a gateway between OSPF and external routes. It is these routers that propagate routes to external networks. | all |
OSPF Router ID | the unique identifier for the router as defined by the OSPF router-id command or the address of the loopback 0 interface. | all |
OSPF TOS Support | indicates whether the router supports TOS. | all |
Poll Status | status of Entuity SNMP polling of the device, i.e. Polling, Non-Polling. | all |
Polled Device Name | name that Entuity uses to poll the device. | all |
Polled IP Address | management IP address of the device. | all |
Power Consumption | estimated power consumption of the device. | all |
Serial Number | device serial number. | all |
StormWorks ID | internal identifier of the object. | all |
System Capabilities | indicates the device capabilities, i.e. None, Unknown, Routing, Routing and Switching. | routers, switches, PoE |
System Description | textual description of the chassis hardware. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware and copyright information. | all |
System Name | administratively-assigned name for the chassis. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. | all |
System Object ID | manufacturer's authoritative identification of the chassis object identifier. | all |
System Services | set of services that the chassis primarily offers. | |
Version | device version number. | all |
Watts | status of the module, i.e. OK, Standby, Unknown, Other, Minor Alarm, Major Alarm, or Down. | all |
XML Data Collection | when set to True, XML Data Collection is enabled on the device. Entuity XML API currently retrieves the MAC addresses and interface names from the Nexus range of Cisco devices. Credential sets must also be defined for successful XML data collection. | all |
Device stream attributes
Stream Attribute | Description | Device Type |
Active Sessions | number of active sessions. | managed host |
Authenticated Response Time | managed host | |
Average CPU Utilization% | average CPU utilization across all CPUs on the device. | all |
Average SNMP Response | the average time over the reporting period between the SNMP request being sent by the Entuity server to a device and it receiving the response. | all |
Buffer Allocation Failure Rate | number of buffer allocation failures over the last hour. | router, port. |
Buffer No Memory Failure Rate | number of buffer No Memory failures caused over the last hour. | router, port. |
Chassis Description | chassis type, e.g. c2503. | all |
Chassis Fan Status | chassis fan status. | router, switch, load balancer |
Chassis Model Number | chassis model number. | all |
Chassis Serial Number | chassis serial number. | all |
Chassis Status | chassis status. | router, switch, load balancer |
Chassis Temperature | chassis temperature status. | router, switch, load balancer |
Current Cache Volume | current cache volume. | WAAS |
Device Reachable Status | Device Reachable Status without Root Cause Analysis. | all |
Device Reachable Time | Device Reachable Time without Root Cause Analysis. | all |
Device Reachable Time Unknown | Device Reachable Time without Root Cause Analysis. | all |
Device Status | device status. | all |
Device SysUpTimeb Counter Wraps | all | |
Device UpTime Known | length of time the device has been up. You can also run inventory reports on Device Uptime. | all |
Device UpTime Known% | time the device was up as a percentage of the reporting period. | all |
Device UpTime Unknown | all | |
Device UpTime Unknown% | all | |
Event Description | events. | all |
Events Summary | daily event rollup. | all |
External URL Response Time | managed host | |
Firmware Version | ROM system software version. | all |
Hardware Version | chassis hardware revision level. | all |
ICMP Redirect Rate | rate of packets redirected in percentages. | router |
ICMP Redirects% | number of packets redirected in percentages. | router |
ICPM Reachable Known% | Device Reachable Time without Root Cause Analysis. | all |
ICPM Reachable Unknown% | Device Reachable Time without Root Cause Analysis. | all |
IP Discard Rate (no route) | rate of IP packets discarded by the device. | router |
IP Discards (no route)% | rate of IP packets discarded by the device in percentages. | router |
IP Packet Forward Rate | rate of IP packets forwarded by the device. | router |
IP Packet Forwards% | rate of IP packets forwarded by the device in percentages. | router |
IP Packet Received Rate | rate of IP packets received by the device. | router |
Label Retention Mod |
when set to:
router |
Last Reboot Time | time of the last device reboot. | all |
Last SNMP Restart Time | last time the SNMP agent restarted. This also indicates when SNMP counters were reset, which is useful when identifying the reasons behind data spikes. | managed host |
LDP Session Traps Enabled |
when set to:
router |
Loop Detection Capability |
indicates the LSR loop detection capability, and not necessarily its current state. Loop detection is determined during session initialization. Individual sessions may not run with loop detection. Loop detection can be:
router |
LSR Cross Connect Traps Enabled |
traps indicating changes to the cross-connect table, e.g. the association between incoming and outgoing segments (labels). | router |
LSR ID | the Label Switching Router (LSR) identifier is the first 4 bytes of the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) identifier. | router |
LSR In Segment Traps Enabled |
traps indicating incoming MPLS segments (labels). If administrative and operational status objects are down, the LSR does not forward packets. If these status objects are up, the LSR forwards packets. | router |
LSR Out Segment Traps Enabled | traps indicating outgoing MPLS segments (labels). | router |
Max Label Stack Depth | maximum stack depth supported by this LSR. | router |
Messages Received | status messages received in the last five minutes. | managed host |
Name Resolution State | SNMP Responding State. | all |
Newly Disappeared Modules |
Module Change History. | all |
Newly Discovered Modules |
Module Change History. | all |
Number of Active VRFs | number of configured VRFs currently in use. | router |
Number of Configured VRFs |
number of VRFs configured on the router. | router |
Number of Interfaces Connected to VRFs |
number of interfaces connected to all VRFs on the router. | router |
Number of LSR Ports | number of ports. | router |
OSPF Peer Remote IP Addresses |
remote IP address of this entry's OSPF peer. | router |
Processes | number of processes. | managed host |
Running Configuration Files |
archived Running Configuration Files. | all |
SNMP Failure Rate | rate of failed SNMP requests to the device over the reporting period. | all |
SNMP Percent Waiting | average time Entuity spent waiting for a response to its SNMP requests to a device, expressed as a percentage of the total report period. A higher percentage may indicate a higher load on the device. | all |
SNMP Response State | SNMP Responding State. | all |
SNMP Success Rate | rate of successful SNMP requests to the device over the reporting period. | all |
Software Version | chassis software revision level. | all |
Startup Configuration Files | archived Startup Configuration Files. | all |
System Contact | textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. | all |
System Description | textual description of the chassis hardware. This value should include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware and copyright information. | all |
System Location | physical location of this chassis, e.g. room 3, 2nd floor. | all |
System Name | administratively-assigned name for the chassis. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. | all |
User | number of users. | managed host |
VPN Global Route Limit | number of routes allowed on the router, which is only limited by the amount available for the router. | router |
VPN Notifications Enabled | must be set to Enable for the router to send MPLS VPN SNMP notifications. | router |
Device Topology Node
Attribute | Description |
Node Key | |
Node State | |
Root Cause Node | |
StormWorks ID | Entuity internal object identifier. |
StormWorks Type | StormWorks object type, DeviceTopoNode. |
Device Associations
Attribute | Description |
Node Key | |
Node State | |
Root Cause Node | |
StormWorks ID | Entuity internal object identifier |
StormWorks Type | StormWorks object type, PortTopoNode. |
Association | Device Type |
Blades | BladeCenter |
Blowers | BladeCenter |
Fans | Router |
Hypervisors | VM Platform |
IP Addresses | All |
Local Pools | Load Balancer |
Management Modules | BladeCenter |
Memory | All |
Modules | Router |
Monitored Device | All |
OSPF Peers | Router |
PoE Injector Ports | PoE Injector |
Ports | All |
Power Supplies | BladeCenter, Router |
Processors | All |
Real Servers | Load Balancer |
Router Buffers | Router, WAAS |
Services | Router, Load Balancer |
SSL Certificates | SSL Proxy |
SSL Proxy Services | SSL Proxy |
Switch Bays | BladeCenter |
Virtual Servers | Load Balancer |
VLANs | Switch |
Volumes | Firewall, Managed Host, WAAS |
vSwitches | VM Platform |
WAAS Connection | WAAS |
Wireless Ports | Autonomous WAP |
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