To run a Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map report
The Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map report provides insight into inbound and outbound utilization and throughput rate over the reporting period.
Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map report details:
The Heat Map displays the days in rows, the number of which is determined by the duration of the report period. The hours are displayed in columns, the number of which is definable by creating the Prime Time configuration. Each cell within the table contains the average utilization value for that hour, with a color coded background indicating its level of utilization.
Name | Description |
Device Name | resolved name or the IP address of the device. |
Capacity Score | a derived value that represents the current level of capacity usage for the object. Entuity sorts the table on this column. |
Category | capacity category derived from Capacity Score. |
Mean Util | mean utilization over the reporting period for the object. |
Peak Util | peak utilization over the reporting period for the object. |
To run a Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map report:
- In the Main Menu, click Reports.
- This will open the Reports page. Click Planning Reports.
- This will open the Planning Reports page. Click Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map.
- This will open the Port Bandwidth Capacity Planning Heat Map Options page.
- If you want to reuse previously saved report values, select it in the Use saved values dropdown field.
- Specify the format of the report in the Report format field.
- Specify the View against which the report is to be run in the Please select a View dropdown field. From ENA v18.0 P06 upwards, you can drag Views into this field from the Drop Box.
- Specify the threshold above which average hourly device port utilization is considered red in the Heat map threshold - Red (%) dropdown. The default value is 70.
- Specify the threshold above which average hourly device port utilization is considered amber in the Heat map threshold - Amber (%) dropdown. The default value is 50.
- Specify the threshold above which average hourly device port utilization is considered green in the Heat map threshold - Green (%) dropdown. The default value is 20.
- Specify the threshold equal to/above which device port utilization must have been in the red zone (as a % of time) for it to be considered in a critical state, in the Critical State when in Red for (%) of time or more dropdown field. The default value is 10%. E.g., device port utilization must have been in the red zone for 10% or more of the reporting period.
- Specify the threshold equal to/above which device port utilization must have been in the amber zone (as a % of time) for it to be considered in a critical state, in the Critical State when in Amber for (%) of time or more dropdown field. There is no default value.
- Specify the threshold equal to/above which device port utilization must have been in the green zone (as a % of time) for it to be considered in a critical state, in the Critical State when in Green for (%) of time or more dropdown field. There is no default value.
- Tick the Only list devices in a Critical State box if you only want to include devices in a critical state to the report.
- Specify the number of ports to be included to the report (sorted by those with the highest mean average device port utilization) in the Draw Heat Maps for TopN field.
- Specify which discards you want to display in heat maps in the Display utilizationin Heat Maps dropdown field, one of Inbound, Outbound or Combined.
- Tick the Exclude ports that are Admin Down box if you wish to do so.
- Tick the Exclude Virtual Ports box if you wish to do so.
- From Entuity v20.0 P02 upwards: Tick the Exclude Ports with No Data if you wish to do so. If you leave this box unticked, then the report will display all ports.
- Specify if you want the Report Period to be a Recent period or across a Range.
- Specify the time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable in the Prime Time fields, e.g. between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
- ENA v17.0 P08 upwards: Specify the time zone to which you want the reporting period to apply. By default, this is set to None, which means that the time zone of the host/consolidation server is used.
- Click Save to save your report values, Run to run immediately, or click Cancel.
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