This article has been superseded by ENA v18.0. Please see this article for the latest information on this topic.
To check potential capacity bottlenecks on links between devices
To view a history of path capacity
To check potential capacity bottlenecks on links between devices:
- Create a path.
- Select the path and click View Details to view the map of its path.
- Click on the link between two devices to view details about its spare capacity.
- A link with this symbol: [symbol] is the link with the lowest spare capacity on the path.
By default, SurePath displays information about the spare capacity of a link. However, you can change this so that it instead displays information about a link's utilization:
- Go to the Path Discovery dashlet's Overflow Menu.
- Tick the Show Utilization box.
- Now when you click a link, it will display utilization information as a % of total capacity.
- Each device will have a color-coded circle for its utilization status.
In the Path Discovery dashlet, you can also click on a device to view further information about it. When you have ticked the Show Utilization box, the device details will include the device's utilization status as a % of total capacity.
To view a history of path capacity:
- Navigate to the Path tab on the Application Path Discovery page.
- Select the path for which you want to view the capacity history and click View Capacity History at the bottom of the browser.
- This will open the Spare Capacity window, showing the actual spare capacity and reference spare capacity for the path, if applicable.
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