CUCM as part of the network infrastructure
Activating Entuity CUCM module
The Entuity Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) module manages CUCM and generates, where appropriate, both performance and availability events. All CUCM information is available for reporting.
The CUCM module can also be implemented as part of a VoIP solution.
CUCM as part of the network infrastructure:
CUCM is an IP telephony system, placing calls over the IT network. The phones that CUCM manages use the same IP network as other network services. The Entuity CUCM module allows you to manage CUCM as part of the network infrastructure.
CUCM is the controlling software for a Cisco VoIP deployment. It manages and/or monitors:
- range of devices and device types.
- users.
- phone directory (i.e. phone MAC:extension:user:IP).
- call placement.
- other CUCMs.
- time zones.
- redundancy.
Activating Entuity CUCM module:
Activating the Entuity CUCM module does not require additional software installation. You must have an appropriate license, include its configuration and then run Entuity configure.
Managing and monitoring CUCMs:
Entuity manages CUCMs as an application on a managed host device. These devices are not automatically discovered - you have to manually add them. Once under management, Entuity can then discover further CUCM details. Entuity polls CUCMs using SNMP. All CUCM metrics for which a historical record is kept have their polled values retained (and available for reporting on) for 28 days.
Entuity displays all data in the CUCM MIB, including:
- Device pools, e.g. time zones, TFTP servers, regions and inter-region bandwidths.
- Configuration and status (history) for IP phones, Gateways, Gatekeepers, Voice-Mail devices, Media devices, CTI devices, H.323 devices.
- CUCM status, e.g. number of each device type (registered, rejected, active), memory and CPU usage, uptime, process count.
You can report on CUCM through the following reports:
- CUCM Inventory report.
- all CUCM data is available through Flex Reports.
EMS raises the following CUCM incidents and events:
- CUCM CPU High Utilization Incident
- CUCM CTI Device Not Registered Incident
- CUCM Gatekeeper Not Registered Incident
- CUCM Gateway Not Registered Incident
- CUCM H.323 Device Not Registered Incident
- CUCM Media Device Not Registered Incident
- CUCM Phone Not Registered Incident
- CUCM Process Memory High Utilization Incident
- CUCM Voicemail Device Not Registered Incident
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