To suppress events on a device via its context menu
To suppress events via Event Administration
Event suppression enables you to prevent Entuity from raising events against managed objects. This would also impact on incidents associated with those events.
Event suppression can be useful when a device is down for maintenance, or when you already know about a problem and do not want further events raised relating to it.
There are two ways in which you can suppress events:
- Via an individual object's context menu.
- Via Event Administration. This is appropriate if you want to apply system-wide rules.
To suppress events on a device via its context menu:
- Navigate to the object against which you would like to apply event suppression. You can do this from anywhere in the UI (e.g. in the Explorer, breadcrumbs or via a dashlet).
- Right click the object to open its context menu and click Suppress Events.
- This will open the Event Suppression form.
- The Event Suppressions field allows you to select which event types you want to suppress. Click the field to open a list of the events that you can suppress. By default, Entuity creates a rule that suppresses all events on that device, and its sub-components (sub-components include objects such as CPUs, ports etc), with a start date of now and no end date. You can edit these fields, however.
- In Interval, configure the time period for which the event is suppressed, either After a specified date or In Between specified dates.
- Switch on the Scheduled Event Suppression to then specify a schedule against which the event suppression will be run.
- Switch on the Inverse Scheduled Rules to inverse the time specified in the Scheduled Event Suppression field. E.g., if you have set a rule to only be applied on a Sunday, when the Inverse Scheduled Rules is switched on, the rule would be applied to all days except for a Sunday.
- In the Reason field, enter a meaningful reason for why events are suppressed. Entuity recommend you enter full details of the reason to help others maintain the system at a later date.
- From ENA v17.0 P08 upwards, you can make it mandatory to complete the Reason field when creating a new event suppression. To do this, navigate to the dashboards section of entuity.cfg and set eventSuppressionFormReasonSectionMandatory to 1. When this is enabled and a user subsequently attempts to save an Event Suppression form without without completing the Reason field, an error will be raised on the form.
- Click DONE. Entuity displays a dialog indicating the success or failure of your attempt to suppress events. When successful you can view, edit and remove the suppression rules through the Suppression Rules page.
To suppress events via Event Administration:
You can manage event suppressions from the Administration page. For more information, see How do I manage Event Suppression rules?
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