To run a Branch Office Perspective report
The Branch Office Perspective report provides a summary of both the last sample and recent health of the network equipment at the selected branch office, so you can quickly disciminate between current and longer-term issues.
This report covers:
- WAN connectivity, including:
- redundancy.
- load balancing.
- dial-backup configuration.
- reachability of all devices monitored as part of the branch office View.
This report only includes an SLA quality section when the View includes Cisco IP SLA operations. Where multiple operations are configured for a branch office, their results are listed separately, with drill downs to the IP SLA Details report available for each IP SLA operation.
The Spare Switch Port Summary section covers all the devices in the branch office View that are classified as switches. Here, you can also access the Spare Ports report. A spare port is defined as a physical port that has been continuously operationally down for at least 40 days.
To run a Branch Office Perspective report:
- In the Main Menu, click Reports.
- This will open the Reports page. Click Branch Office Perspective.
- This will open the Branch Office Perspective page. Click Branch Office Perspective.
- This will open the Branch Office Perspective Options page.
- If you want to reuse previously saved report values, select it in the Use saved values dropdown field.
- Specify the format of the report in the Report format field.
- Specify in the Please select a branch office view dropdown field which View that has a Branch Office service in against which you want to run the report.
- Specify if you want the Report Period to be a Recent period or across a Range.
- ENA v17.0 P08 upwards: Specify the time zone to which you want the reporting period to apply. By default, this is set to None, which means that the time zone of the host/consolidation server is used.
- Click Save to save your report values, Run to run immediately, or click Cancel.
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