If you are using Entuity v22.0 upwards, please see this article.
If you are using Entuity v20.0 or v21.0, please see this article.
For further help and information on Configuration Monitoring and Configuration Management in Entuity, please see this category.
To download running configuration startup configuration for a device
To edit configuration monitor credentials
To edit configuration monitor settings
The Configuration Monitoring dashboard allows you to monitor the status of your configurations and their retrieval from the devices and VM platforms on your network.
This is a dynamic dashboard, which means that the types of information displayed will change depending on the selected object type.
- For example, the Configuration Monitoring dashboard will display different types of information depending on if you have selected a View or a device.
- The types of information displayed will be the same across all Views, however.
The Configuration Monitoring dashboard is only applicable to Views, Subviews, devices and VM platforms. It is not applicable to any other data source (e.g. services, components etc).
Depending on the object you have selected, the dashlets in the Configuration Monitoring are as follows:
For a View or Subview:
- Configuration Monitor Summary - this is a Pie Chart dashlet. It shows the numbers of devices on the View that are monitored, not monitored, or unknown.
- Running vs Startup Config Deviations - this is a Pie Chart dashlet. It shows the numbers of instances with matching configuration files, deviations in configuration files, and unknowns.
- Config Changes Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. It shows a count of the number of times in (in each time period) that the configuration on your monitored devices has changed.
- Policy Violations Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. It shows how many policy violation events and how many policy inclusion events have occurred on your monitored devices over time.
- Monitored Devices - this is a Table dashlet. From Entuity v19.0 upwards, this table shows details of each device that has been allocated a license enabling configuration management, including details of each device, including the device type, manufacturer, version, success of the last retrieval and the maximum number of archives. You can edit the columns that are included to the table. Please see this section for further help and information on licensing in Entuity.
For a device or VM platform:
- Configuration Monitor Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This displays displays the configuration monitor status for the selected device or VM platform, along with other details of the configuration such as the last successful running and startup configurations archives and retrievals, transfer method, policy rules and numbers of archives.
- Device Configuration - this is a Device Configurations dashlet. This dashlet displays a history of configurations downloaded from devices and details about them.
- Configuration Changes Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. It shows a count of the number of times in (in each time period) that the configuration on the selected device has changed.
- Policy Violations Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. It shows how many policy violation events and how many policy inclusion events have occurred on the selected device over time.
To download running configuration and download startup configuration for a device:
Please see this article for help and information on downloading running configurations and startup configurations for a device.
To edit configuration management credentials:
Configuration Management credentials are needed in order to retrieve and compare runnings and startup configuration files from devices. Please see this article for help and information on editing configuration management credentials.
To edit configuration monitor settings:
Please see this article for help and information on editing configuration monitor settings.
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