Applicable to ENA v18.0 P06 upwards. If you are using an earlier version of Entuity, please see this article.
To add a Key Info dashlet to a custom dashboard
To edit the parameters of the information that is displayed on the Key Info dashlet
The Key Info dashlet displays information about and the status of a managed object. You can choose the attributes that are displayed in the dashlet. The time period of the status can be edited, and you can also add an annotation to the dashlet.
The Key Info dashlet is applicable to devices, components, services and VM platforms. It is not applicable to Views or Subviews.
Note for server devices:
From Entuity v19.0 upwards, when a Key Info dashlet has an in-band server device as the context, you can click either Show OS or Show HW in the top right of the dashlet to access the Summary dashboard for that particular server's OS or hardware monitoring. Please see this article for further help and information on viewing server monitoring data in Entuity.
In the following example, we have the Summary dashboard for the server device 'wintest09'. In the Key Info dashlet, you can see the option Show OS:
This takes you through to the Summary dashboard for the operating system running on the server device, from where you can quickly navigate back to the server hardware monitoring for the same device:
To add a Key Info dashlet to a custom dashboard:
- When adding a dashlet to a new custom dashboard or editing an existing custom dashboard, follow the instructions for adding a dashlet, select Key Info in the Select Dashlet Type, and click Next.
- The Create Dashlet form will slide in on the right.
Dashlet Settings:
- Enter a name for your dashlet in the Name field.
- You can then choose the source of the data to be displayed in the dashlet.
The Key Info dashlet cannot have a View or Subview as its data source.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from the context of its parent dashboard, select Dashboard. You can see the context of the parent dashboard in the Dashboard Context field at the top of the form.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from another dashlet in this current dashboard, select Dashlet.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from a specific managed object on your network, select Fixed Object. You can then click Browse to an object to search for the managed object in Explorer, or drag into the box your desired managed object in from another browser window.
Attributes Selection:
- In the Attributes Selection section, you can specify the attributes to display in the dashlet.
Click the Attributes Selection field to open the Attributes Selection form.
This form is split between the attributes you can select to be displayed in the top section of the dashlet (Top Attributes) and the bottom section (Bottom Attributes).- Each section lists the attributes currently displayed in the dashlet. Click on each attribute to open a new form wherein you can change the attribute's display name in the dashlet, or delete it from the dashlet.
- You can add other attributes to be displayed by clicking + Add Attribute.
- Choose whether you want the dashlet to display empty values in the Hide Empty Values field. This option can also be accessed via the dashlet's Overflow Menu. An empty value can indicate a number of states:
- the attribute is not applicable to the current managed object.
- data has not yet been collected for it.
- the data collection has failed.
- the attribute's value is an empty string.
You can also override the display name of attributes and (from Entuity v20.0 P04 upwards) the display type shown in the Key Info dashlet. This can be useful if, for example, you want to show 'Reboot Time' as 'Uptime' instead. To do this:
- Click the attribute from the list of attributes included in the dashlet:
- Switch the Label field from 'Automatic' to 'Custom', and then enter your desired new custom attribute name in the field that appears below.
- Switch the Format field from 'Automatic' to 'Custom', and then select your desired display type from the dropdown field that appears below.
- Click Done in the top right to save your changes, otherwise click Cancel.
- Specify if you want to use the Dashboard Timeframe. If turned off, you will be prompted to specify the timeframe to use. The timeframe, existing or changed, will be displayed in the top right of the dashlet.
Advanced Settings:
- Click the Advanced Settings field to open the Advanced Settings form.
- Choose whether you want to hide the title of the dashlet in the Hide Title Bar field. If selected, the dashlet's Overflow Menu will also be hidden, but in the Promote Menu Options field you can then choose if you want to display the options in the dashlet's Overflow Menu in the overall dashboard's Overflow Menu.
- Choose whether you want the dashlet to automatically refresh in the Auto Refresh field. By default this is set to On.
- Click Done in the top right of the form to save and return to the Create Dashlet form, otherwise click Cancel.
- Click Done in the top right of the dashlet to save, otherwise click Cancel.
To edit the parameters of the information that is displayed on the Key Info dashlet:
To edit the parameters of the information that is displayed, click on the dashlet's Overflow Menu.
- Click Change Time Frame to open the Set Time Frame form on the right of the browser. Specify whether to use the Dashboard Time Frame, or click the Time Period dropdown field to select a time period for the status history summary, ranging from the previous 1 hour to the previous 52 weeks. Click Done in the top right of the form to save your change, otherwise click Cancel.
- Click Edit Annotation to open the Annotation form on the right of the browser. This enables you to add a text annotation that is displayed in the dashlet. Enter the text as you want, and then click Done in the top right of the form to save your annotation, otherwise click Cancel. If you have added an annotation, you can edit it via the same method. To delete an annotation, either click the X to the right of the annotation in the dashlet itself, or navigate to the Annotation form and delete the text there.
- Tick the Hide Empty Values box to hide empty values from being displayed. By default, this is not ticked.
- Tick the Show Current Status box to display the current status of the managed object. By default, this is ticked.
- Tick the Show Server Name box to display the server that this device is on.
- Tick the Show Status History Summary to display a status history over a specified time period. By default, this is ticked. The time period can be changed in the Change Time Period field below.
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