Applicable to Entuity v21.0 upwards
To navigate to the Entuity homepage
From Entuity v21.0 upwards, you can use keyboard navigation to access various parts of the Entuity UI without needing to use a mouse. This functionality is compliant with WCAG guidelines.
To start keyboard navigation:
To start keyboard navigation, simply press tab and the dark blue keyboard navigation highlight will appear over the Main Menu.
General navigation:
The basic navigation uses Tab (to go forward a selection) and Shift-Tab (to go back). This enables you to move between buttons, text inputs, switches, menu buttons etc. A blue highlight shows which UI feature you have selected, e.g.:
Drop Box icon:
Contents dashboard link:
The 'Severe' category of an Open Incidents Pie Chart dashlet, which highlights the severe incidents out of the total. Use the Up and Down keys to switch between each severity type, and press Enter to remove the highlighted severity from the total in the pie chart:
When the selected feature has a scroll bar or extends beyond the browser windows size, e.g. for a dashlet containing a tall table, use Page Up and Page Down to scroll up and down:
To 'click' a button or action, press Enter or Space:
To navigate to the Entuity homepage:
You can quickly navigate to your designated Entuity homepage by using tab to select the Entuity logo. Once highlighted, press Enter.
You will then be taken to your homepage.
For help and information regarding setting your homepage in Entuity, please see this section.
Forms and dialog boxes:
When a form or dialog box is open, the keyboard navigation is restricted to the form or dialog. You can navigate the fields using Tab and Shift-Tab.
You can dismiss the form or dialog by pressing Escape, but to save your changes you will need to navigate to the Done/Create button on the form and press Enter/Space.
To drill down into a form option, navigate to the desired field and press Enter/Space to open it.
In this example, there are tickboxes available to select. You can navigate between the tickboxes using Up and Down, and tick/untick each using Enter/Space.
Context Menus:
To open the right-click context menu on a selection for which a context menu is applicable, press Shift-F10. Once the menu is open, use Up and Down to navigate through the options, and Enter/Space to select an option.
If there is a submenu for a context menu option, press Enter to open that submenu.
Note, other keyboard shortcuts might already use Shift-F10. In some cases, you might need to use Shift-Fn-Ctrl-F10 to open the context menu.
To navigate through each row in a table (e.g. in a dashlet), press Up and Down.
To scroll up and down without changing a row in a table that is tall enough for a vertical scroll bar, press Page Up and Page Down.
To drill down into a managed object in a table, open the Context Menu and navigate to Explore.
This will open the default top-level dashboard (usually the Summary dashboard) for the selected managed object:
To navigate through a list (e.g. in a form), press Up and Down. In some cases, a row in list might have an action. Press Space to trigger the selection and Enter to trigger a drilldown.
To scroll up and down the list, press Page Up and Page Down.
You can use Tab to navigate to a data point on the chart, and then press Left and Right to scroll through each data point on the chart. A tooltip will appear at each data point.
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