Static dashboards vs Dynamic dashboards
System dashboards vs Custom dashboards
How does Entuity determine which dashboard to display?
Using and accessing Dashboard Configuration
To change dashboard order and set favourite dashboards
Entuity uses dashboards to display information about each part of your network. Every managed object in your network - Views, Subviews, devices, services, VM platforms, components etc - has its data displayed in dashboards.
The information in every dashboard is displayed in dashlets. Please see the below section for further information.
Static dashboards vs Dynamic dashboards:
Static dashboards and Dynamic dashboards refer to the way in which information is displayed.
Static dashboards - These dashboards do not have a specific context. The types of information that they display will always stay the same. This means that the content will always stay the same, regardless of the context. Static dashboards are only displayed in the My Network view.
Dynamic dashboards - these dashboards are context-specific, meaning that they have a context in which they are accessed. For example, when you create a dynamic dashboard with a router context, then this dashboard will only be displayed when navigating to a router on your network. This means that you can create a single dynamic dashboard that will be displayed whenever you navigate to a particular context.
Multiple dashboards can share the same name. Entuity chooses which dashboard to display depending on the context. For example, there is a different Summary dashboard for a View, for a device and for a service (and other objects), each containing different dashlets. In this case, when you click on the Summary dashboard for a View, Entuity will display the Summary dashboard specific to the View context. The data in the dashlets in the Summary dashboard will change dynamically, depending on which context they are displayed.
System dashboards vs Custom dashboards:
System dashboards and Custom dashboards refer to the editing that you can make to the dashboards.
System dashboards - these are out-of-the-box dashboards. These dashboards are usually dynamic. These cannot be edited, but can be duplicated and that duplicate can then be edited.
Custom dashboards - these are dashboards created by users, and can be edited at any time by users with the appropriate permissions.
How does Entuity determine which dashboard to display?
There can be many dashboards that have the same name, so which one is chosen to display in which context?
Entuity determines which dashboard to display based on the:
- current context (the currently selected type of object).
- order in which dashboards are arranged in Dashboard Configuration.
- user access.
- enabled status.
Current context:
Entuity will choose which dashboard to display depending on the context. For example, there is a different Summary dashboard for a View, for a device and for a service (and other objects), each containing different dashlets. In this case, when you click on the Summary dashboard for a View, Entuity will display the Summary dashboard specific to the View context. The data in the dashlets in the Summary dashboard will change dynamically, depending on which context they are displayed.
Dashboard order:
You can specify dashboards to be your 'favorites', which means that they will always be accessible from the breadcrumbs in the top right of the browser. All other dashboards will be accessible from the All Dashboards dropdown menu in the top right of the window.
The default dashboard that is displayed when you navigate to an object is the dashboard on the furthest left of the favourites breadcrumbs. By default, out of the box, this is the Summary dashboard. Please see the below section for help and further information on how to set favourite dashboards.
User access:
You can specify user access to custom dashboards. If a user is a member of a user group that does not have access to a dashboard, then that dashboard will not display for that user. Please see this article for help and further information on how to set user access for dashboards.
Enabled status:
If a dashboard is disabled, then it will not be displayed. The only place to access a disabled dashboard is on the Dashboard Configuration page. Please see this article for help and further information on how to enable or disable a dashboard.
Using and accessing Dashboard Configuration:
Dashboard Configuration is where you can manage your dashboards. There are two ways to access Dashboard Configuration:
- via Main Menu > Administration > Dashboard Configuration.
- via All Dashboards > Dashboard Configuration.
The Dashboard Configuration page displays a table of all system and custom dashboards. In the Showing Dashboards Applicable To dropdown field at the top of the browser, you can filter the system and custom dashboards that are displayed in the table according to the dashboards' context. These contexts are as follows:
- Views.
- devices.
- ports.
- other.
You can configure the columns in the table by clicking Configure Columns via the Overflow Menu. This will open the Configure Columns form. Select which columns you want to display, and drag them into the order you want. Click Save in the top right of the form, otherwise click Cancel.
You can order the columns into ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headings.
Column Name | Column Description |
Icon | dashboard icon. |
Name | dashboard name. |
Applicable To | context to which the dashboard is applicable, e.g. View, device, specific managed object. |
Description | description of the dashboard. |
Enabled | if the dashboard is enabled or disabled. |
Group Access | groups that have access to the dashboard. |
Created | time and date the dashboard was created. |
Created By | user who created the dashboard. |
Last Updated | time and date the dashboard was last updated. |
Last Updated By | user who last updated the dashboard. |
Favourites | user groups for whom the dashboard is a favourite. |
To change dashboard order and set favourite dashboards:
You can change the order in which your favourite dashboards appear along the dashboard breadcrumbs in the top right of the browser, and also the order in which they appear in the All Dashboards dropdown menu.
The order in which the favourite dashboards appear in the dashboard breadcrumbs determines which dashboard is loaded up when you move from object to object and context to context.
- Navigate to the Dashboard Configuration page via:
- Main Menu > Administration, or
- All Dashboards menu.
- Set the context for which you want to change the order.
- Click Change Dashboard Order in the top right of the browser, or via the Overflow Menu.
- This opens the Change Dashboard Order form. Drag the dashboards into the order that you want. The dashboard at the top of the list will be the one that is first opened when you click onto a managed object in that context.
Understanding dashlets:
The information in every dashboard is displayed in dashlets. There are many types of dashlet, and each displays customizable data in a specific way. This variety adds to the flexibility of Entuity dashboarding.
The data that is displayed depends on the choices made in the Dashlet Source field when creating or editing the dashlet. Please see our articles on how to add each type of dashlet for further information on the Dashlet Source field.
Please see these sections for further help and information on each type of dashlet and how to add them. Please also refer to the variable parameters article for help on how to further customize dashlets.
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