Applicable to Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards
Example of using profiles with OS Services
To create, edit, delete and adjust the ranking of profiles
To specify profiles on OS Service rules
Profiles in multi-server configurations
From Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards, you can create View-based profiles by which you can group together specified behavior and functionality.
In Entuity v21.0 P03, the first use of profiles is for OS Services. In future Entuity releases, View-based profiles will also be applied to other functionality.
Example of using profiles with OS Services:
In this example, you have a network with 100 servers. 10 of these are internet-facing web servers running Entuity, and are therefore running OS services such as Tomcat etc. The other 90 servers do not have webservers running on them. If you create an OS Service to check for the running of Tomcat, incidents and events alerting to 'Tomcat is not running' will be raised on the 90 servers that do not have Tomcat.
From Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards, you can create a View-based profile that ensures specific OS Services will only run against the servers containing the relevant webservers:
- In this example, you have an OS Service called 'Tomcat'. Create two new Views, one called 'Servers' (containing all 100 servers) and the other called 'Webservers' (containing just the 10 webservers).
- Create a new profile, called 'Web'. Add the 'Webservers' View to this profile, and specify the 'Tomcat' OS Service. This effectively tags the 'Webservers' View with the features as specified by the 'Web' profile.
- Specify the 'Tomcat' OS Service to run only against Views that are tagged by the 'Web' profile. This means that the 'Tomcat' OS Service will not run against the other 90 non-webservers.
A device, such as a database webserver, can be in two or more different Views, and therefore be in two or more different profiles.
To view my profiles:
Your profiles are listed under the Profiles tab of the View Management page:
- Click the Main Menu and then Administration.
- From the Administration page, click View Management.
- On the View Management page, click the Profiles tab. This displays a table of the profiles you have created, and provides the options to create, edit, delete and adjust ranking of profiles. From the Server/Configuration Set dropdown box in the top left, select the server or configuration set on which you wish to view profiles.
This table displays the following information:
Function Name Description Rank ranking of this profile, ordered from N (most important) to 1 (least important). In instances where profiles might clash, the profile with the higher rank will be used.
When you create a new profile, it will automatically move to the highest rank. Profile ranks can be changed via the Adjust Ranking button.
If you delete a profile, there will be a gap in the ranking numbering - although this does not affect functionality, because functionality is based on the ordering. The numbering will be corrected when you adjust ranking again.
This column is sorted by descending order by default.
Profile ID ID assigned to this profile. This column is hidden by default. Name profile name. Views names of the Views associated with this profile. Number of Views number of Views associated with this profile. This column is hidden by default. OS Services names of the OS Services that utilize this profile. Number of OS Services number of OS Services that utilize this profile. This column is hidden by default.
Ranking profiles:
You can rank profiles, meaning that profiles with a higher rank can overrank profiles with a lower rank. As of Entuity v21.0 P03 this has no effect on profiles, because ranking does not apply to OS Service rules. However, ranking of profiles will be applicable to functionality that will be released in future Entuity versions and patches.
To create, edit, delete and adjust the ranking of profiles:
Please see this article for help and information on creating, editing, deleting, and adjusting the ranking of View-based profiles.
To specify profiles on OS Service rules:
Once you have created a profile, you can specify whether to enable profiles on OS Service rules. Please see this article for help and information on this.
Profiles in multi-server configurations:
In multi-server configurations, you can add profiles to servers or configuration sets. If added to a configuration set, profiles (their details and assigned Views) can be synced to all servers in the config set as part of the 'Sync Views' functionality.
Note, this does not sync OS Services associated with the profile. From Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards, syncing OS Services can be specified from the Add/Edit Configuration Set form under the Configuration Sets tab of the Multi-Server Configuration page.
Permission requirements:
To access and create profiles, you need to be an Administrator. You will also need access permission to the Views that you wish to assign to the profiles. Please see this article for further help and information on user group permissions in Entuity.
Incidents and events:
Incidents and events are raised in the context of the View level and the server (i.e. at the device level), not on the OS Service itself.
Audit logging:
An audit log entry will be made whenever you add, edit or delete a profile, and whenever adjustments are made to ranking of profile.
You can manage View-based profiles via the Entuity RESTful API functionality. Please see the following articles for further help and information:
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