To access the Event Health page
To investigate incident resource usage
The Events Health page displays details about the performance of the event system, its event handling, resource usage and rule application performance.
To access the Event Health page:
- In the Main Menu, click System Information.
- In the System Information table, click the icon (either a green tick or a red cross) in the Events column.
This will take you to the Events Health page.
The information shown on this page is as follows, across three tables:
Metrics since the latest of the last event project deployment, or the last restart of the event system.
Row Name | Row Description |
Total number of events | total number of events received, broken down by those received into the event system and those derived from within it. |
Rejected | events not accepted into the event system. If EMS buffers are full, it would reject any additional incoming events. Buffers will fill in if the rate of incomming events is higher than the rate of event processing, or if there is a large burst of events. |
Discarded | events tested and then discarded by event rules, e.g. during the Port Status Events rule test. It is incremented for each event discarded by EMS rules. |
Suppressed | events suppressed, e.g. through N of M rules. It is incremented each time an EMS smart rule (N of M, flapping detection, etc) decides to withhold an event for a time. The rule may then decide to later discard the event, or release it for further processing. |
Failed | events that failed to be correctly processed. |
Processing time (per event) Avg | average time taken to process an event. |
Processing time (per event) Max | maximum time taken to process an event. |
Total time spent on deployment | time taken to deploy an event project. |
Records dropped on storage | event records that could not be saved. |
Resource Usage:
Current usage values.
Row Name | Row Description |
Incidents | total number of incidents, maximum supported number of incidents permitted, and the current usage percentage. |
Rule states | number of rules events generated through rules. |
Event Queues | |
Max individual queue | maximum size of event queues. |
Total events in queues | total number of events in queues. |
Row Name | Row Description |
Number of rules with failed exec | number of rules with a failed executable. |
Number of rules with failed test | number of rules with a failed test. Rules can have conditions that test whether that rule is appropriate to the current event, and therefore whether the actions within the rule should be applied. |
Number of processing stages with failed test | number of processing stages with a failed test. You can specify tests against processing stages before the rules in those processing stages can be run. |
To investigate incident resource usage:
By default, the Entuity event management system can support 50,000 incidents. Entuity alerts you as usage hits 80% of this, and when it passes 98% an Entuity Server Component Problem incident is raised.
You should investigate whether the current incident limit is appropriate to your installation. It might be that an anomaly has created a spike of incidents, or that the limit is too low. To amend the limit, use maxSituationCount in entuity_home\etc\
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