Applicable to ENA v18.0 upwards
Recommended server requirements
Number of paths per agent and per server
Please see below for information regarding the recommended requirements to run SurePath.
Recommended OS requirements
Entuity is only certified for use with the 64-bit English edition variants of:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 7.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 8.
- Oracle Linux 7.
- Oracle Linux 8.
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019.
Recommended server requirements
Entuity recommends the following server specification to run SurePath (for a non-Entuity server):
Server Component | |
Minimum CPU Clock Speed | 2.5GHz |
Intel Processor Family (or equivalent) | Xeon 5000 Sequence |
Minimum Number of Cores | 2 |
Windows Minimum Physical Memory | 2GB |
Linux Minimum Physical Memory | 2GB |
Disk Capacity | 2GB |
Please see this article for further help and information about OS and hardware requirements for Entuity.
Number of paths per agent and per server
Based on the above recommended server requirements, agent-based SurePath can handle the following:
- 100 paths per agent. The overall number of paths you can create is determined by your license.
- 250 paths per server.
For further help and information on licensing for SurePath in Entuity, please see this article.
TTL propagation
For agent-based SurePath (tcp) to work on MPLS, TTL needs to be enabled on routers on the MPLS network.
Firewall port requirements
When you trace a path from an internal source (node) to an internet node, you do not need open firewall ports.
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