Applicable for ENA v17.0 P06 upwards
To retrieve the status of a port or ports
In Entuity, you can retrieve the operational status and time of the last change of a selected port or number of ports. Entuity achieves this through SNMP polling.
To retrieve the status of a port or ports:
- Navigate to a dashboard that displays the port or ports for which you want to gauge status, or find the port in the Explorer or Breadcrumbs menu. Select the port(s) for which you want to retrieve status and right click to open the Context Menu.
- Click Port Status.
- This will open the Port Status dialog box, which consists of a simple table displaying the Name of the port(s) and the Status, e.g.
- "OK for 4 weeks, 2 days"
- "Unavailable for 3 days"
- If you want to retrieve the port status(es) again, click the Get Status again button in the bottom right of the dialog box. The status(es) in the table will be refreshed.
- Click the cross in the top right of the dialog box to close it.
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