In Entuity, port utilization is expressed as a % of actual traffic volume against the maximum volume that can be handled by the port. Because a port can return an inaccurate maximum speed, Entuity allows you to modify its interface speed for use in this calculation.
You can monitor a port’s utilization performance through the following:
- chart dashlets, reporting inbound and outbound utilization. These can easily be accessed for a port from its Summary dashboard, or as individual charts via the context menu.
- utilization reports:
- thresholds that alert users when a port's utilization value crosses one of the thresholds.
Utilization thresholds
You can set utilization thresholds that, when crossed, raise events in Entuity. There are high and low utilization events on both inbound and outbound utilization, and events are also raised once the value has returned either below the high utilization threshold or above the low utilization threshold. You can set thresholds at the following levels:
- port level - just for the selected port.
- device level - for all the ports on the selected device.
- View level - for all the ports on the selected View.
Please see these sections for help on how to enable static and dynamic thresholds. When you navigate to the Thresholds dashboard for your selected managed object/device, ensure that the Thresholds Related To field is set to Port:
To set port interface speeds:
Utilization is expressed as a % of actual traffic volume against the maximum volume that can be handled by the port. Occasionally, ports are set to a misleading interface speed, which if left unchecked might distort the port's utilization value. To handle this possibility, you can amend port interface speed values in Entuity via the Attributes dashboard of a port:
- Navigate to the port for which you want to amend port interface speeds, and access its Attributes dashboard.
- In the table list of attributes, navigate to and select the Inbound Speed or Outbound Speed attribute, and click the edit icon, or click Edit Attribute at the top of the table.
- This will open the Editing Attribute "[Inbound/Outbound] Speed" form on the right.
- By default, the speed is set to 100mpbs (100000000 bps). To change this, turn off the Use discovered switch and then enter your preferred speed in the New value field. Please note, the value will always be bits per second (bps).
- Click OK in the top right to save your change, otherwise click Cancel.
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