To configure the columns in the system information table
To access specific system performance and health information
To view details of Entuity server health issues
To view details of a remote Entuity server's health issues
The System Information page displays details about the health and status of each Entuity server you are running. From here you can also access specific system performance and health information, audit logs and the Entuity data dictionary.
To view system information:
- In the Main Menu, click System Information.
- This will open the System Information page.
To configure the columns in the system information table:
- On the System Information page, go to the Overflow Menu and click Configure Columns.
- This will open the Configure Columns form. Select the columns you want to display, and drag them into the order that you want.
- Click Save in the top right of the form to save, otherwise click Cancel.
- You can sort the columns into ascending or descending order by clicking on the column heading. You can also change the width of each column by dragging left or right on the column dividers.
To access specific system performance and health information
- Click on the respective status icon of the following to access further information:
What is displayed in audit logs?
By default, Entuity maintains audit log entries for 60 days, after which entries are deleted. You can amend this time period through entuity.cfg and the variable auditLogKeepTime. Log files are by default saved to entuity_home\log.
Entuity Audit Log records actions performed on:
- events.
- additions to, modifications and deletions of event suppression definitions defined through the Event Suppressions page.
- threshold settings.
- modifications to event thresholds, amending threshold values, disabling a threshold.
- account management.
- creation and deletion of user accounts.
- changing of account passwords.
- changing of user group membership.
- creation and deletion of user groups.
- change in associated tool permissions.
- enabling of LDAP internal and external authentication.
- configuration management.
- changes to configuration management tasks.
- create, modify, delete task schedule.
- execute task actions.
- name of the user who made a manual configuration management retrieval request.
- device inventory.
- additions, deletions and modifications to managed inventory, .
- include zone management actions: zone creation, deletion and modification.
- context menu port object settings.
- fast utilization polling.
- fast status polling.
- status event.
- manage or unmanage ports.
- View management.
- View creation, deletion and modification.
- details include domain, event or incident filter, and group changes.
- report scheduling.
- creation, manual deletion, suspension and resumption of report scheduling.
To access log files:
Applicable to Entuity v21.0 upwards.
The Log Files page provides UI access to log files for Entuity servers and configuration sets without having to directly access the servers themselves. You can specify the log files that are displayed and can be downloaded in the [logFiles] section of entuity.cfg.
Please see this article for further help and information on log files.
- On the System Information page, click Show Log Files at the top of the browser or via the Overflow Menu.
- This will open the Log Files page.
To access the data dictionary:
The Entuity Data Dictionary provides descriptions for all StormWorks object types, streams and associations. Please see this article for further help and information on the Entuity Data Dictionary.
- On the System Information page, click Show Data Dictionary in the top right of the browser or via the Overflow Menu.
- This will open the Data Dictionary page.
To access audit logs:
The Audit Log provides a central point for viewing and analyzing actions performed on Entuity. You can access the Audit Log if you are an Administrator or have the View Audit Log tool permission.
For further help and information on audit logs in Entuity, please see this article.
- On the System Information page, click Show Audit Logs in the top right of the browser or via the Overflow Menu.
- The Audit Log page will open.
To view details of Entuity server health issues:
You can see incidents and events raised against an Entuity server via the Incidents dashboard and Events dashboard under the My Network context.
The following incidents and events are applicable to Entuity server health:
Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure incident, which is focused on component restarts, opened by the following contributing events:
- Entuity Server Critical Component Restarting After Failure event.
Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure event.
This incident has no closing event, and instead timeouts on its own after 24 hours. It is also updated by the Entuity Server Started event.
Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure incident, which is focused on components that are permanently down, containing the following contributing events:
- Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure event (opening event)
Entuity Server Started event (closing event)
The component will always be down if the server has not been restarted (because Entuity is no longer trying to restart it), so the incident will be relevant for however long the server stays up. When the server restarts, it is assumed that the component is functioning again. If not, these two incidents will start being raised again.
For both of these incidents, a separate incident will be raised for each component raising the event, i.e. if both tomcat and IPAM restart, then there will be two separate incidents raised: one for tomcat and one for IPAM.
Note, in Entuity v20.0 and below, the 'Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure' incident and 'Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure' incident were united in a single incident, Entuity Server Component Problem incident. As of Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards, this incident has been removed and split into the two abovementioned incidents.
To view details of a remote Entuity server's health issues:
From Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards, you can monitor system-level events on remote servers from the consolidation server using the following incident and events:
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident ('subsystem' refers to processes, e.g. tomcat, eyepoller etc), which contains the following events:
- Entuity Remote Subsystem Error event (opens incident).
- Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Updated event.
- Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Cleared event (closes the incident).
Note, from Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards, the Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident (and its constituent events) is disabled by default. You can enable this incident and its events via the 'discoverRemoteIncidents' parameter of the [events] section of entuity.cfg.
An Entuity Remote Subsystem Error event will be raised (and therefore with it an Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident opened) on the consolidation server if any of the following incidents are detected on a remote server that is currently being managed by the consolidation server:
- Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure incident.
- Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure incident.
- Entuity Server Component Problem incident (this incident is retained for backwards compatibility because a remote server might not have been upgraded to Entuity v21.0 (see note above).
In this circumstance, if the consolidation server sees that the remote incident has had a new event that does not close that incident, then an Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Updated event will be raised on the consolidation server.
If the consolidation server sees that the remote incident has been closed or has expired, an Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Cleared event will be raised on the consolidation server and therefore the Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident will be closed.
The Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident does not time out, but can expire if the remote server is removed from the consolidation and is therefore no longer being managed.
Note, Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incidents will be raised for each individual component issue per server, e.g. a tomcat failure on server X, an eyepoller failure on server Y, and a tomcat failure on server Y will cause three separate Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incidents to be raised, one for each individual component issue. The Details field for each incident will contain information regarding the server and process name.
Please see this article for help and information on listing information about the installed version of Entuity via Entuity RESTful API.
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