Please find below details of the entuity.cfg system file used in the Entuity environment. As with the other Entuity system files, this file should not be moved, deleted or modified unless otherwise stated.
Directory names are given in the Linux\Unix format. The names still apply if you are a Windows user - reverse the slashes to enter them in DOS format.
Text file containing lines in the format: systemVariable=value, under headings denoted by square brackets [].
This file holds the key information about the Entuity configuration. You must only use the configuration procedure described in the Operating system and hardware requirements article to reconfigure the software.
Note, do not directly modify the parameters in entuity.cfg, Entuity cannot be held responsible for the consequences. If you want to further amend these settings contact your Entuity Support representative.
Maintained by the System Administrator.
entuity.cfg Sections
Within entuity.cfg, related parameters are grouped together within sections, for example:
[autodiscovery] config=${ENTUITY_HOME}${FPS}etc${FPS}autodisc.cfg automatic=1
- [autodiscovery] is the section header for autoDiscovery, identified as it is placed between square brackets.
- config and automatic are autoDiscovery parameters.
Parameters must follow the correct section headings to have the required effect. Therefore variable names must only be unique within a section, e.g. config is used in a number of different sections.
Following is a list of some of the sections and parameters available within entuity.cfg. If you require changes to the default settings please contact your Entuity representative.
Most parameters are held within sections that relate to particular Entuity functionality. These parameters are of a more general application and are in the first section of entuity.cfg (it has the square brackets that denote a section, but no section name):
- activeUser - user login used to start Entuity.
- alternateLicenseFile - location and name of alternate Entuity license files. You can specify a comma delimited list of license files.
- auditLogKeepTime - keep time for audit log entries, by default set to 60 days.
- compatibility - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) applicable when configure is run with the 'defaults' option, e.g. 'configure text defaults'. It determines if symbolic links are created, 0 = do not create symbolic links (this is the default), 1 = create symbolic links.
- configured - indicates whether Entuity is configured, 1, or not 0.
- dbConfigured - indicates whether the Entuity database is configured, 1, or not 0.
- dbDir - directory containing the database (typically, entuity_home/database).
- dbPortNum - port number used by the database server (typically, 3306).
- destination - directory into which the software was copied (i.e. entuity_home).
- deviceFile - master device file used by Entuity, by default dev.txt.
- eosRetrySnmp - number of times Entuity attempts to make an SNMP connection, by default 5. Each retry timeout value is the same, derived from eosTimeoutSnmp.
- eosTimeoutSnmp - time in milliseconds Entuity waits for a response from a device before considering it a timeout, by default 1500.
- etcDir - location of the directory which contains the active configuration files, by default entuity_home\etc.
- fps - holds the correct slash, (forward or backward) for your operating system and is placed into default file paths given entuity.cfg.
- hostname - must be the valid hostname of the Entuity server. If wrongly set then enter the correct value here, or if appropriate reset the value in the server host file.
- installed - indicates whether Entuity install successfully completed, 1, or not, 0.
- installTime - time the Entuity server was installed.
- installId - unique Entuity server identifier. In multi Entuity server environments it is used to distinguish one Entuity server from another. Also third party integrations may use it as part of the URL to access an Entuity server.
- licenseFile - location of the Entuity license file.
- logDir - directory containing the log files (typically, /log).
- macttl - time to live of a MAC address discovered by the provost scheduled macman. By default set to 7, i.e. seven days after last polled on the device Entuity removes it.
- mallocArenaMax - is a Linux specific configuration setting. It sets the maximum number of arenas available for allocation to Entuity threads. By default Entuity limits the number of arenas to 16:
In multi-core environments with appropriate memory resources you can increase the number of arenas and improve Entuity performance. Linux arenas are allocated memory in, as a minimum, 64mb chunks. - snmpMaxPduSize - limits the length of SNMP request packets, by default PDU length is set to 1408:
You can configure Entuity so it does not limit PDU size, however some devices may report over length packets as too big or silently ignore them. To set PDU size to unrestricted set:
snmpMaxPduSize=0 - snmpMaxPduSizeOverridesfile - sets the name of the file, by default snmpMaxPduOverrides.cfg, containing sysoids with the maximum PDU size for devices with that sysoid.(See snmpMaxPduOverrides.cfg.)
You can amend the name of the PDU override configuration file, useful when a customer wants to add their own override values and preserve them during upgrades:
- snmpVlanContextPrefix - for use with SNMPv3 devices configured to provide VLAN information using an SNMPv3 context. When you have configured these devices, Entuity can convert any characters in the SNMP v1/v2c community string into SNMPv3 context by comparing the community string provided in the SNMP request with the stored community string. Any difference, excluding a leading @, is appended to a string, by default vlan-. You can change the vlan- prefix by setting
- source - directory from which the software was copied (i.e. the CD-ROM directory).
- startupProperties=-Djava.rmi.dummy=dummy
- trapPortNum - port used for receiving SNMP traps, by default port 162.
- trendConfigured=0
- version - Entuity software version number.
- webPortNum - port number used by the web server (typically, 80).
Applicable to Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards.
Parameters in this section set details for access tokens used for granting public access to dashboards.
- allowAdminAccounts - when set to 0, this disallows the creation of an access token for an admin user. When set to 1, an access token can be created for an admin user. The default is 1.
- allowNonExpiring - when set to 0, this disallows the creation of access tokens that do not expire. When set to 1, access tokens can be created that have no expiry date. The default is 1.
- defaultExpiryTimeSecs - the default length of time after which an access token will expire. The default is 604800, which is 7 days.
Applicable to Entuity v19.0 P03 upwards.
As part of its periodic polling (by default every 5 minutes), the Entuity virtualization process polls APICs for events and raises them as the event type 'ACI Event'. The source of the event is the APIC device itself, and the identity of the event includes the distinguished name of the source in the APIC plus the event code.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the polling of APICs, and the ACI Event that is subsequently raised. The below values are the default values.
- pollEventCodes - comma-separated list of event codes to query the ACI. If empty, then no polling is done. Event codes are listed on the following page: Cisco System Model: syslog event messages ( The default values are: E4208055,E4208056,E4208093,E4208094
- pollEventMaxCount - maximum number of events to retrieve during a single poll cycle. If there are more events provided by ACI, they will be retrieved during the next poll cycle. The default value is 100000.
- pollEventPageSize - number of events to be returned in a single response. The default value is 100.
- pollEventDiscardedEventSec - specifies the age (in seconds) after which Entuity will discard (ignore) events. This is to protect Entuity from raising obsolete events during a first startup or after prolonged downtime. The default value is 7200.
- raiseSeparateClusterEvents - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) specifies the manner by which events are raised against APIC clusters. Please see this article for further help and information on this.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the audit log. The default is:
- rowLimit - determines the maximum number of log entries displayed through the Audit Log
page, by default set to 1000.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the login authorization log file. The default is:
- failureOnly is set to:
- 0, all login events are recorded in auth.log.
- 1, only when login fails are events recorded in auth.log.
Parameters in this section are applicable to autoDiscovery:
- automatic - when set to:
- 0, autoDiscovery is not automatically started. When it is already running manually then this value is ignored. When it is already running automatically then autoDiscovery is stopped.
- 1, autoDiscovery runs each Sunday at 01:00 hours. autoDiscovery uses the specified configuration file. Where the file does not exist, autoDiscovery searches for devices on the network(s) to which the current host is attached.
- config - holds the path and name of the default autoDiscovery configuration file, entuity_home/etc/autodisc.cfg.
- duplicateIpCheck - when set to:
- 1, autoDiscovery checks that discovered devices do not have the same IP address as devices already under management. Entuity hides devices with duplicate IP addresses from the list of candidate devices, you can view them by selecting show devices already in inventory.
- 0 (default), autoDiscovery displays in the Inventory Candidates page devices with
duplicate IP addresses to those already under management. When you attempt to
add them to Entuity, Entuity reports them as already under management and does
not add then again.
- suppressNotRecognized - controls how autoDiscovery handles unrecognized device
types. When suppressNotRecognized is set to:- 0 (default), autoDiscovery adds unrecognized device types to Entuity as nonclassified devices.
- 1, autoDiscovery does not add unrecognized device types to Entuity.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the process applicationMonitor, and all Entuity functions that use ping.
- maxReportedEffectedItems - restricts the total number of impacted items that can be displayed for an event to, by default, 32. On Network Outage events calling from the context menu Impacted Items, Entuity can only display Nodes, Applications and Servers up to this maximum.
- maxThreads - maximum number of concurrent traceroute threads, default 256.
- pingMaxTTL - maximum ICMP TTL to use, default 32.
- pingTimeout - maximum number of pings to a device that Entuity sends before timing out, default 5.0.
- ignoreIfType - instructs Availability Monitor to ignore interfaces of the specified type. These are detailed in Appendix C - Port Interface Types.
- ignoreVirtualAddress - when set to:
- 0, applicationMonitor would ping HSRP virtual IP addresses. These pinged addresses would be included when Entuity is determining the state of a device, or performing root cause analysis, with potentially misleading consequences.
- 1 (default), applicationMonitor does not ping HSRP virtual addresses. For newly added devices there would be a short period between a port being taken under management and its IP address being recognized as an HSRP virtual IP address.
- logLevel - level of error reporting written to the log file, i.e. error, warning, info, debug and all.
- resetStatsInterval - sets the reporting period of availability statistics used for, for example, SLA reporting. By default this is hourly, i.e. 3600 seconds.
- traceCoreInterval - (default 120 seconds) controls how frequently Availability Monitor attempts to do full traceroutes to non-edge ip addresses and shortcut traceroutes to edge ip addresses.
- noTraceroute - (Entuity v19.0 P02 upwards) when set to:
- 0, traceroute will be run. This is the default setting.
- 1, no traceroute will be run. Instead, only a ping will be performed. By setting this parameter, the ICMP Root Cause Analysis will be disabled along with Traceroute topology discovery. You might want to use this setting when the monitoring network disallows ICMP TTL expired events from reaching the Entuity server - this setting prevents Entuity from generating excessive numbers of IMCP retries due to the server not receiving the TTL expired responses.
Parameters in this section are applicable to forwarding events and incidents to BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server:
connection_view=All Objects
- connection_username - Entuity user account used to access the Entuity server from the associated event or incident URL available from the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server.
- connection_view - Entuity Vview used to access the Entuity server from the associated event or incident URL available from the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server.
- consolidation_server_name - resolved name of the Entuity consolidation server that you want to use to access the event or incident data. This replaces the name of the Entuity server that actually raised the event or incident.
- consolidation_server_web_port - port number of the Entuity consolidation server that you want to use to access the event or incident data. By default it is port 80.
Parameters in this section are applicable to forwarding events and incidents to BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server:
- maxSendingThreads - should not be amended. It is set to meet the BMC Impact Manager multi-threading requirements.
- eventQueueSize - sets the maximum size of the sending tasks queue waiting to be processed by the BMC TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server sender. The default value is 10000.
Parameters in this section are applicable to Meraki device support. The default parameter values are:
- connectTimeout - http connection timeout, in milliseconds.
- discoveryRate - discovery period for getting all data, in seconds.
- partDiscoveryrate - discovery period for getting device status data, in seconds.
- readTimeout - http connection's read timeout, in milliseconds.
- retryCount - number of times a request will be tried. Meraki limits the number of simultaneous requests and so we may fail first time.
- retrySleep - length of time in milliseconds that we wait before making another attempt of the same request (goes with retrycount)
- threadCount - number of threads used for parallel data requests (note that each device is polled by a separate thread anyway).
- ignoreVlanTypes - comma-separated list of vlan types for which data will not be requested to avoid consuming a suboptimal amount of time and poll requests. An example is 'wireless'.
- retrievePorts - true/false, the default being false.
- restApiLogInterval - integer value of seconds that represents the interval of time between logging of successful and unsuccessful API calls during Meraki polling.
- requestDelay - length of time in milliseconds that Entuity holds off making an https request.
- retrieveVlans - used to stop Entuity asking for vlans. The default is to collect the vlans, but can be turned off with the value=0.
- pollingOffset - specifies the number of seconds offset to add to the computed poll start boundary, after which polling will commence.
- pollingOffsetBoundary - specifies the number of seconds used to chunk current time, and create poll start boundary to which is also added the pollingOffset, e.g. if set to 300 seconds, polling will commence on the next 5 minute boundary + the pollingOffset value. Please see this section for further help and information on offsetting the polling of Meraki Cloud Controllers.
Applicable to Entuity v19.0 P03 upwards.
Parameters in this section are applicable to batches of Viptela alarms sent to the Event Management System. The default parameters are:
- maxConsumedEvents - maximum number of consumed events reported in the event details.
- eventBatchSize - number of Viptela alarms sent per batch.
- pollRateAlarms - time in seconds after which Entuity will poll Viptela, to get the alarms that will be raised against the device. By default, this value is 300 (i.e., Entuity will poll every 5 minutes).
- retryCount (from Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) is the number of times that Entuity will make another request for events to the Viptela device after receiving a 429 (Too Many Requestes) code. By default, this value is 2.
- retrySleepSecs (from Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) is the number of seconds after receiving a 429 (Too Many Requests) code from the Viptela device that Entuity will wait before making another request for events. By default, this value is 60.
Parameters in this section are applicable to configuration sets as introduced in Entuity v21.0. The default parameter values are:
- syncHistoryKeepTimeSecs - determines the amount of time (in seconds) for which configuration set sync history is retained, by default 2592000 (which is 30 days). If set to 0, sync history will be kept forever.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the Entuity Configuration Management module. The default parameter values are:
- historyRowLimit - determines the maximum number of entries displayed through the Job History page, by default set to 1000.
- jobHistoryKeepTime - sets the number of days to retain the history of a job, by default 30 days. jobmonitor runs each day at 00:10 and deletes the history of jobs that ran more than the set number of days ago.
- jobHistoryUpdateInterval - sets the number of seconds between updates of an open Job History page, by default 10 seconds.
- jobMonitorFlushTime - sets the number of seconds since the last response from a designated Script Engine after which Entuity, will stop requesting a job update from that Script Engine. By default this is 10 hours. Entuity does not update the state of a job that was in progress, although through the log file the Script Engine will be marked as ignored.
- jobMonitorSleepInterval - sets the number of seconds between jobmonitor queries of the Scrip Engine for the states of sub-jobs, by default 10 seconds.
- jobMonitorSleepStartup - sets a delay in the startup of jobmonitor subsequent to the startup of TomCat. By default this delay is 5 seconds and should not be amended.
- subJobHistoryUpdateInterval - sets the number of seconds between updates of an open sub job history dialog, by default every 10 seconds.
Parameters in this section are used when configuring Entuity’s database. This is the default setting:
- key_buffer - defines the size of the buffer that holds details of recently used keys. On large sites, and where the Entuity server machine has available resources, performance can be improved by increasing the size of the key buffer.
- system_restart_limit - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) defines the number of times that the database can exit (either stop or kill) in a period (defined by restartReset, see ----->[system_control]<----- section below) before the system restarts.
Parameters in this section are used when configuring StormWorks. These are the default settings and must not be amended:
connection=HOST=;UID=root;PWD=;DB=DSALPHA; PORT=${dbportnum}
- connection - defines the link to the StormWorks database and
- HOST is the IP address of the machine holding the database.
- UID is the database login.
- PWD is the database password.
- DB is the database.
- PORT is the default database port, usually 3306.
devDefunct removes devices from Entuity that have aged out. devDefunct is configured through:
- ageout - the number of days after which a device is deemed to be defunct and can be removed via the daily run devDefunct. When a value is not entered, devDefunct does not delete any devices. This is the default state.
By default the details of newly added devices and ports are given priority in the discovery
queue. When you do not want to interrupt Entuity’s normal discovery cycle, you can turn off the priority setting through:
- noPrioritiseNewInProliferate - when set to 1 does not move devices and ports newly added using autodiscovery, to the top of the discovery queue.
- noPrioritiseNewInGUI - when set to 1 does not move devices and ports newly added through the web interface, to the top of the discovery queue.
- noRefreshViewMapInProliferate - when set to:
- 0 (default), changes made from the web UI to the devices Entuity manages trigger a refresh of the underlying object map used by the Entuity web interface.
- 1, changes made from the web UI to the devices Entuity manages do not trigger a refresh of the underlying object map used by the Entuity web interface. The changes are only visible after the next refresh.
- hostNameFormat - determines the device name used by Entuity when adding a device through auto discovery. When it is set to:
- Mixed (default), discovery uses the qualified DNS name when possible. When the name is too long, over 59 characters, then Entuity uses the unqualified name, and when that is not available Entuity uses the device IP address.
- Qualified, discovery uses the qualified DNS name when possible. When the name is too long, over 59 characters, then Entuity uses the unqualified name and if that is not available Entuity uses the device IP address.
- Unqualified, discovery uses the unqualified DNS name and when that is not available the device IP address.
- IpAddress, Entuity uses the device IP address.
Parameters in this section configure diskMonitor, which monitors the available disk space on the Entuity server. This is an example section:
- sample_period - period in seconds between monitoring of the disk space. From Entuity v21.0 P01 and v20.0 P06 upwards, the default is 10 (in earlier versions the default was 60, i.e. disk space was measured every minute).
- message_period - interval, in seconds, between diskMonitor generating disk space low warning events that appear on Event Viewer. The default is 600, i.e. an event is generated every ten minutes when disk space reaches the messagethreshold.
- message_threshold - compared to the available disk space. When that value falls below the messagethreshold, diskMonitor generates a disk space warning event. From Entuity v21.0 P01 and v20.0 P06 upwards, the default value is 1000Mb (in earlier versions it was 200Mb). Setting it to 0 turns off this feature.
- shutdown_threshold - compared to the available disk space. When that value falls below the shutdown_threshold, diskMonitor initiates Entuity shutdown. The default value is 100Mb, setting it to 0 turns off this feature.
The parameter in this section configures frequency of hostname resolution.
- positiveStaleTime - determines how long Entuity retains resolved IP address and hostname information in both memory and the database, by default 86400 seconds (twenty-four hours). It therefore also determines how quickly Entuity identifies a change in hostname resolution.
Parameters in this section configure dnsProxy.
- maxCacheSize - number of entries in the DNS cache for each zone.
Parameters in this section extend Entuity functionality.
# RPC timeout for calls into DsKernel
# Maximum number of threads executing external processes
# Number of threads processing events in parallel
# Number of times event can be derived or forwarded between event engines
# Number of seconds between e-mails to the same address
# For how long to store events
# Receiver settings
# Request listener settings
# Delete expired event suppression rules
- engineIdOverwrite - hexadecimal string that when defined would override the default engine ID used by the Entuity server when forwarding SNMPv3 traps. The default engine ID is derived from the Entuity You may want to override the default string when there is a conflict with another device's engine id.
Engine ID is represented by a hexadecimal string including just 0-9 and A-F. It must be at least 5 bytes long but no more than 32 bytes. If you enter a string with an invalid length or one that contains invalid characters Entuity records the error in entuity_home\log\groovyEvents.log.
engineIdOverwrite can have one of these formats:
- xxxxxxxxxx, no separator.
- xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, separated by colon.
- xx xx xx xx xx, separated by space.
- portEventsForDevices - when set to:
- true, events raised against a port contribute to the event status of its device.
- false (default), events raised against a port do not contribute to the event status of its device.
- excludeGiants - when set to:
- 1 (default) excludes giants from error calculations, therefore Packet Corruption events cannot be raised by giants. When excluded Entuity writes to prodigy.log Excluding Giants, (prodigy calculates packet corruption errors).
- 0, giants are included as part of error calculations.
- enableDeviceUnreachableEvents - controls when Entuity raises the Device Reachability Degraded, Device Unreachable and Device Unreachable Cleared events and the Device Reachability incident. The Network Outage event is independent of this parameter.
When set to:
- 1 Entuity raises the Device Reachability Degraded event when the device is the root cause of the network outage, and Device Unreachable when the device is unavailable but not the root cause.
- 0 (default) the device unreachable events and incident are not configured.
- discoverRemoteIncidents - (from Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) whether to enable Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident. Either true or false, by default, set to 'false'.
- licenseLowWarningThreshold - sets the threshold for the number Entuity Server License Alert event. By default when there are fewer than 100 device or object credits available Entuity raises the event.
- snmpTimeoutFilterByReachability - controls how Entuity manages SNMP Agent Not
Responding events. When set to:
- 1 (default), SNMP Agent Not Responding events are only generated when the device is reachable.
- 0, SNMP Agent Not Responding events are generated regardless of whether Entuity can reach the device. With this setting Entuity does not generate the clearing SNMP
Agent Responding events. - mix, allows generation of SNMP Agent Not Responding events regardless of whether the device is reachable by Entuity. It also raises the clearing SNMP Agent Responding
events. This setting is for test purposes only.
- deleteExpiredEventSuppressionsPeriodSeconds - when set to:
- 0 (default), Entuity does not automatically delete expired event suppression rules.
- 1 or greater, Entuity does delete expired event suppression rules.
Entuity does not delete a rule as it expires but instead regularly checks for expired event suppression rules. This value sets, in seconds, the period between those checks.
Entuity does enforce a lower boundary of one hour (3600 seconds) between checks for expired events which guards against this action becoming too resource intensive. For example if you enter a value of 2 Entuity checks every hour and not every 2 seconds. Entuity takes the server start time as the starting point of its event suppression period.
Entuity records as a separate entry in the audit log each deleted expired event suppression rule with User set to System.
- includeImpactedRootCause - (from Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards) specifies whether corresponding Network Outage incidents and events will be viewable from all impacted devices, and not just the originating device. By default, this is set to 'false'.
E.g., Chicago Router 1 goes down. This impacts Chicago Switch and Chicago Switch 2. If includeImpactedRootCause is set to 'true', then you will be able to view the corresponding Network Outage incident and event from the Incident dashboards for all three of these devices.
These parameters control configuration of eyepoller. Misconfiguration of some eyepoller parameters can result in poor Entuity performance, including missing polling of data. Always consult with Entuity Support before amending the eyepoller configuration.
- pollerEventsEnable - controls whether these events which report on the efficacy of eyepoller, are enabled or disabled:
- Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Lost
- Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy At Risk
- Device Clock Inconsistency
- Device Port(s) Utilization Missed Due to Slow Response.
When set to: - 1, (default), Entuity can raise events that indicate problems with eyepoller.
- 0, Entuity cannot raise events that indicate problems with eyepoller. The only indication of problems with eyepoller would be when data is missing from the managed object’s history.
- workers - the maximum number of working threads eyepoller can use. Too few threads and eyepoller may not have enough time to complete all of its polling, too many and resources on the server may not be sufficient.
By default workers is set to 25, valid values range from 1 to 500.
Do not amend this setting unless specifically advised to do so by your Entuity Support contact. - backlog - influences creation of additional eyepoller work threads. By default set to 2, while valid values range from 1 to 5.
Do not amend this setting unless specifically advised to do so by your Entuity Support contact. - timeSkewTolPercent - the proportional setting for the tolerated difference between the poll interval as measured by device sysUpTime and poll interval as measured by the Entuity server system clock. When the clocks differ by a proportion greater than timeSkewTolPercent plus timeSkewTolAbsSecs, Entuity raises a Device Clock Inconsistency (when it is enabled) and discards the polled sample.
By default timeSkewTolPercent is set to 2.0, while valid values range from 0.0 to 20.0. - timeSkewTolAbsSecs - the fixed value, in seconds, for the tolerated difference between the poll interval as measured by device sysUpTime and poll interval as measured by the Entuity server system clock. When the clocks differ by a proportion greater than timeSkewTolPercent plus timeSkewTolAbsSecs, Entuity raises a Device Clock Inconsistency (when it is enabled) and discards the polled sample.
A lower tolerance level implies more sensitive checking, which could also lead to a greater number of Device Clock Inconsistency events (when enabled).
By default, timeSkewTolAbsSecs is set to 5.0, while valid values range from 0.0 to 30.0. - wrapDetectionMarginSecsCrit - sets the margin, in seconds, for Entuity to identify potential undetected 32 bit counter wraps as the interval between pollings is too great. When the margin threshold is crossed Entuity:
- Discards the polled data, resulting in a gap in the history data for the managed object
- Raises a Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Lost event (when it is enabled).
By default wrapDetectionMarginSecsCrit is set to 2.0, while valid values range from 0.0 to 10.0. A larger margin implies more sensitive checking, and potentially more discarded samples and more Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Lost events (when enabled).
- wrapDetectionMarginSecsWarn - sets the margin, in seconds, for Entuity to identify potential undetected 32 bit counter wraps as the interval between pollings is too great. When the margin threshold is crossed, Entuity raises a Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy At Risk event (when it is enabled).
By default, wrapDetectionMarginSecsWarn is set to 5.0, while valid values range from 0.0 to 10.0. A larger margin implies more sensitive checking, and potentially the raising of more Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy At Risk events (when enabled). - disableEventGrouping - controls whether polling problem events are raised against the device or the port. When set to:
- 0 (default), events associated with eyepoller are raised against the device.
- 1, polling problem events are raised at the port level. Only use this setting under guidance from Entuity Support as the consequences are likely to be a great increase in events.
- fetchUpdatesRetryLimit - controls the number of attempts eyepoller makes to obtain
polling duty updates from dskernel, before abandoning the attempt.- By default, fetchUpdatesRetryLimit is set to 5, while valid values range from 0 to 20.
Do not amend this setting unless specifically advised to do so by your Entuity Support contact.
- By default, fetchUpdatesRetryLimit is set to 5, while valid values range from 0 to 20.
- fetchUpdatesItemsPerReq - determines the maximum amount of data per response when
eyepoller is requesting polling duty updates from dskernel. By default, fetchUpdatesItemsPerReq is set to 100, while valid values range from 10 to 1000. - useCounter32_ifTypeList - identifies the interface type as using 32 bit counters, the default is ifType 24 (loopback).
- useCounter64_ifTypeList - identifies interface types for which Entuity performs 64 bitcounter polling. By default this list is empty.
Do not amend the useCounter settings unless specifically advised to do so by your Entuity Support contact.
Parameters in this section enable additional Flex Report functionality.
- EnableExpressionBuilder - when set to 1 switches on, and when set to 0 switches off, Expression Builder. This example section switches on Expression Builder:
Parameters in this section configure Integrated Flow Analyzer (IFA) ports and data rollups.
# rollup0 is an IFA Premium setting, inactive by default
- port - port on which the Entuity server receives NetFlow, Netstream and JFlow data, by default 9996. Entuity IFA requires the exporting router to be configured with the IP address of the target Entuity server and a port number.
You can set Flow Port during configure and through, where you can set multiple receiving ports.
Entuity IFA receives sFlow and IPFIX packets through 2 non-configurable ports, for:- IPFIX you must set your router to export IPFIX to port 2055 of the Entuity server.
- sFlow you must set your router to export sFlow to port 6343 of the Entuity server.
- managementport, the port Entuity uses to manage, e.g. stop, the flow collector process. You can set Flow Management Port during configure, by default to 12121.
- compression - sets how Entuity stores flow data. When set to:
- 0, Entuity retains the raw flow data, which implicitly increases the size of its database.
- 1 (default), Entuity compresses the flow data.
- maxCountValue - sets the count limit, by default 10000, a value over 10000 and Entuity displays in the Count column 10k>. Count is an option available through Custom Breakdowns, an IFA Premium feature.
- defaultQueryResultLimit - sets the maximum number of results that can be returned to a Flow Analysis table.
- collectorWindSec - sets how Entuity handles flow records to account for differences in flow receipt and collection intervals creating spurious data spikes.
For example, assume flow records are sent every two minutes for a continuous data transfer of 1k per second. You would expect a five minute sample to show 300k total. However since five is not a multiple of two the collector would alternate between two and three records per sample causing the displayed data to flip between 240k and 360k. Even if the flow records were sent every one minute there would still occasionally be a spike when the receipt of the flow records coincided with the collection boundaries.
To overcome this incoming records are apportioned into multiple buckets using the concept of a collection window which defaults to five minutes (300 seconds).
- rollupN - Entuity rolls up data to extract the most meaningful information and save it in a form that can be efficiently used to graph and report on over a longer period. For flow data there are five levels of rollup, with three attributes:
- frequency - frequency of flow collection in seconds. When set to 0 Entuity does not collect flow data.
- keeptime - length of time measured in seconds Entuity retains the rolled up data.
- directory - name of the directory holding the rolled up data, for example 5minute. You should only amend the name when you amend the rollup frequency.
Through the rollup1 definition IFA supports a maximum flow collection frequency of five minutes. However through the rollup0 definition IFA Premium can support a one minute flow collection frequency and retain that data for 30 minutes (1800 seconds), although by default it is not activated. To activate one minute flow collection amend the rollup0 frequency from 0 to 60 seconds:
Parameters in this section apply to images used to represent services.
- user_defined_directory - location of the custom images used in services. You must create
this folder on the Entuity server. - service_image - display size in pixels of the service image, by default 64x64.
Parameters in this section are installation settings for Entuity, for example:
- dir - Entuity installation directory.
- java - Java Runtime Environment.
- jre - Java Runtime Environment used for the server installation.
In this example, the java and jre paths are built using dir (i.e. INSTALL.DIR), where INSTALL refers to the section and DIR the variable name. - platformFile - installation configuration file for the current installation.
Applicable to Entuity v21.0 upwards.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the IP Address Management module:
- port - defines the port of the IPAM service. Change this if this port is already being used.
- total_address_limit - defines the limit of all IP ranges in all scannable networks, minimum of 1000 and maximum of 2^31 (values exceeding will be reduced to this).
- rpc_server_thread_count - defines the maximum number of threads allowd to be created by the IPAM service.
These parameters control configuration of ipman.
- deviceFile - defines the location and name of a user defined file containing router hostname or IP address, and community string details for ipman to use to pull for ARP cache information.
A device file is only required when an Entuity server does not manage a router containing ARP cache information it requires to populate connected end host IP addresses. (See ipman.)
Parameters in this section are applicable to the Entuity Cisco IP SLA module:
- minDiscoverableIndex - defines the start of the range that Entuity checks for operator indices.
- maxDiscoverableIndex - defines the end of the range that Entuity checks for operator indices.
Entuity checks for operations, with an owner of Entuity, on a device. If it finds an operation that it does not manage then it deletes the operation. When you have more than one Entuity server managing your network you should define a different range of operator indices for each server. This prevents two servers managing the same device destroying each others IP SLA operations, i.e. each server only checks operations that have an owner of Entuity and have an index within their discoverable range.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the main Entuity reporting function. For example:
- concurrentReportLimit - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) sets the maximum number of times that a report can be run concurrently, e.g. running the same report in multiple tabs. If set to 1, then attempting to run the report in a second tab would cause an error message to appear indicating that the limit of 1 was exceeded.
- maxCachedReportsPerSession - sets the number of reports Entuity caches for each user’s session. By default Entuity maintains 10 reports.
You may want to increase this value, for example when using custom dashboards that include more than one report. However the greater the value the potentially greater increase in Apache Tomcat’s memory footprint, and this greater load can slow performance. - embedHTMLImages - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) specifies whether to embed images in HTML reports, either true (yes) or false (no), by default false. Note that this will increase the size of files.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the Entuity Configuration Monitor module. For example:
- scriptDir - location of script files, by default entuity_home/integ/SCRAPE. Entuity Configuration Monitor includes these example scripts:
- start_run_cisco.expect, for Cisco devices
- start_run_hp.expect, for HP devices
- start_run_juniper.expect, for Juniper devices.
- expectProg - full path to the Expect program, by default entuity_home/integ/SCRAPE/expect.
- tftpServerIp - Entuity server IP address provided to the device. It is used by all Entuity Configuration Management transfer servers, i.e.TFTP, FTP, RCP and SCP and is set during configure.
- FTPUsername - username for access to devices where the FTP credentials are set on the command line, by default anonymous.
- FTPPassword - password for access to devices where the FTP credentials are set on the command line, by default EYE.
FTPUsername and FTPPassword are not used with Cisco devices. - TFTPUsername - username for access to devices where the TFTP credentials are set on the command line, by default anonymous.
- TFTPPassword - password for access to devices where the TFTP credentials are set on the command line, by default EYE.
- SCPUsername - username for access to devices where the SCP credentials are set on the command line, by default anonymous.
- SCPPassword - password for access to devices where the SCP credentials are set on the command line, by default EYE.
- diffDir - location of differencing exclusions file by default entuity_home/integ/etc.
- tftpHome - directory where retrieved configurations are first stored by the transfer server (TFTP or FTP). It is set during configure.
- archivedir - location of the retrieved configuration archive. It is set during configure.
- snmpTriggerHoldOffTime - applies to change-based configuration retrieval, and is the period of time Entuity Configuration Monitor waits until making its final timestamp check before stating device configuration retrieval.
When Entuity Configuration Monitor identifies a timestamp change, it does not immediately initiate device configuration retrieval but continues to monitor configuration timestamps on the device. When it identifies two consecutive polls with unchanged timestamps, Entuity Configuration Monitor then waits the set hold time, by default 5 minutes. After the hold time elapses, Entuity again checks that the timestamp remains unchanged, and if it remains unchanged initiates configuration retrieval. - defaultAdminUser - needed to resolve the error 'No permission to execute this task' when running Config Mgmt and Entuity is configured for external authentication. The specified user must be a member of the local admins group.
- firmwareFilepath - (Entuity v20.0 upwards) filepath of the folder in which target firmware images are to be scanned.
- firmwareSubfolder - (Entuity v20.0 upwards) whether subfolders of target folders should also be scanned, either 'true' or 'false'.
- firmwareUploadMaxSizeMB - (Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards) maximum size of file permitted to be uploaded via Upload Image, in MB.
- firmwareAllowedFileExtensions - (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) specifies the file extension types permissible for the firmware repository. This is a comma-separated list (without spaces) that you would like to permit. By default, this parameter is not included in [lcm], which means that any file extension types are permissible except properties files. To add this parameter, you need to stop the server first and then add it to [lcm]. Once configure is run, only the types specified in this parameter can be used for firmware, and you will no longer be able to add files with disallowed file extension types. Note, when a restricted list of file extensions is defined in entuity.cfg, any uploads of files with a non-supported extension will be blocked. The file picker window does not currently limit which files are listed, meaning that files with unsupported extensions will still be listed.
Applicable to Entuity v21.0 upwards.
Parameters in this section are applicable to the Entuity log files. The default is:
- allowed_names - determines the list of log files that are permitted to be displayed in the Log Files page and permitted to be downloaded from that page.
- extensions should not be used, and the log file should be in the folder /log/.
- list requires comma-separated strings.
- names are case-insensitive.
- asterisk * can be used to indicate wildcards (e.g. EYEConfigure* will allow EYEConfigure.1669723455707.log). If a * is used without a prefix, all logs will be allowed.
- if you want to force a *, you can remove one letter to use it, e.g. tomcat --> tomca*
- if no logs are specified, then no logs will be shown (this is the default).
Parameters in this section are applicable to macman, for example:
- excludedMacs - defines MAC addresses for ipman and macman to ignore, in addition to the default range of 00:00:0C:07:AC:00 to 00:00:0C:07:AC:FF, which are reserved for ethernet and FFDI HSRP group virtual mac addresses.
- trunkDeviceCount - threshold level of MAC addresses associated with a port, above which Entuity considers it a trunk port. When absent, or set to 0, the default value 10 is used.
When trunk ports do not have encapsulation, or it has not been detected in the MIB, the MAC address count could become very large. This could lead to the database running slowly or memory exceptions. Limiting the MAC count using trunkdevicecount prevents this. - recallQueueTime - interval between the reading of requests to run macman against devices. By default it is set to 300 seconds, with a maximum value of 3600 seconds. After this delay, macScheduler may run all pending requests.
- macHistoryLimit - sets the limit on the retained history of MAC addresses. Entuity maintains two histories, for each:
- Port that Entuity retains, by default, the last fifty MAC addresses discovered on that port, when this threshold is passed Entuity discards the oldest MAC address.
- MAC address that Entuity retains, by default, the last fifty ports discovered for the MAC address. When this threshold is passed Entuity discards the oldest port.
You should take care when amending machistorylimit: - Setting very large values increases the amount of data stored and can impact database performance.
- The MAC Address New event is triggered when a MAC address is not listed in the retained history of MAC addresses for that port. Amending this variable changes when the event is triggered.
- The MAC Address Port Change event is raised when a port is not listed in the history of that MAC address.
- queueMaxItems - maximum number of items in the macScheduler queue. By default the queue size is 64, with a maximum of 512.
- queueMaxThreads - determines the maximum number of macman’s that macScheduler can run at any one time. For example when set to 1, only one macman can run. By default set to 1, with a maximum of 16. macman run by provost is not included in these restrictions.
Parameters in this section are applicable to how Entuity manages the MIB files it uses when managing the network.
mibDir = =${ENTUITY_HOME}${FPS}lib${FPS}mibs
parsedLimit = 50
parseMibDir = =${ENTUITY_HOME}${FPS}lib${FPS}mibs
- mibDir - location of the directory holding the MIBs.
- parsedLimit - sets the maximum number of MIB files that can be included to a batch. When you open the MIB Manager it loads the MIB file in batches.
- parseMibDir - location of the directory holding the parsed MIBs.
together with the MIBs and parsed mibs directories must be identical across the servers.
Parameters in this section are applicable to StormWorks SNMP collection.
Note, the setting of MibServ parameters requires an understanding of the Entuity SNMP request architecture, therefore you should only amend the default settings with the guidance of Entuity Support. Incorrect configuration of these parameters can seriously impact Entuity performance.
- backlog - controls how readily StormWorks increases the number of concurrent SNMP operations (but the concurrency will never go beyond the level set by workers). The higher the value the longer StormWorks will delay before increasing the concurrency level.
The default value is 2, minimum value 0, maximum value 100.
Note, it can be very hard to predict long term effects of changes here. Effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpAgentPort - default port used by StormWorks for SNMP access to devices.
The default is 161. - snmpBadGraceCount - number of consecutive failures to communicate with a given device which StormWorks will tolerate before marking the device in question as bad. (A failed operation is counted once only, regardless of the number of retries involved.) While a device is marked as bad, all further requests to that device will be treated as though they had failed, without even attempting communication with the device. A device remains marked as bad for snmpBadHoldSecs(qv), after which time StormWorks will try to resume normal communication with the device.
- snmpBadGraceCount=0 means StormWorks will consider a device to be bad after first error
- snmpBadGraceCount=1 means StormWorks will consider a device to be bad after two consecutive errors
The default value is 1, minimum 0, maximum 10. It is a single setting applied to all devices
accessed via StormWorks.
Adjusting this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed.
- snmpBadHoldSecs - time StormWorks keeps a device marked as bad. During this period all requests to that device will be treated as though they had failed, without even attempting communication with the device. At the end of that period StormWorks will try to resume normal communication with the device.
The default value is 30, minimum 5, maximum 120. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
Adjusting this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpGatherMaxMsecs - as described for SNMPgatherMinMsecs, if fresh requests for the same target keep arriving, the hold back time may accumulate. The value here serves as an upper bound on worst case cumulative hold back time for any request. Single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
The default value is 5000, minimum snmpGatherMinMsecs, maximum 15000.
Adjusting this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpGatherMinMsecs - StormWorks normally holds back SNMP requests for a short time to take advantage of the efficiency benefit from combining them with other requests to the same device. If a request is held back and a further request on the same device arrives within the time specified here, those requests will continue to be held. If no further requests for some device arrive within the time specified here, all held back requests for that device will then be actioned. Single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
The default value is 500, minimum 100, maximum 5000.
Adjusting this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpOidsPerPdu - maximum number of oids which to be passed in a single pdu. The default value is 30, minimum 0, maximum 50. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
Note, StormWorks recognizes device responses caused by oversize pdus, and transparently reissues the pdu with successively smaller numbers of oids until it succeeds. This mechanism is independent of the value set in snmpRetryLimit. - snmpReadCommunity - default community string. The default value is public. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
- snmpRedAlertSecs - If an StormWorks SNMP operation remains internally queued for longer than this time, a red alert error message will be logged in DsKernelStatic.log, and the operation will
be treated as though it failed. The default value is 120, minimum snmpYellowAlertSecs,
maximum 3600. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
Note, red alert messages indicate serious problems internal to StormWorks which may need involvement from Entuity Support. The solution will involve adjustments elsewhere, changing the value here could make it harder to solve any resulting problems. - snmpRetryLimit - number of retries if an initial attempt fails. It is a single setting
affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
snmpRetryLimit=0 means that if initial attempt fails, StormWorks will not retry. The
default value is 3, minimum 0, maximum 20.
Increasing this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpRetryMillisecs - time allowed before attempting to retry. Values must allow for worst case round trip times, with particular attention to any devices accessed via slow or
high-latency links.
The default value is 3000, minimum 0, maximum 30000. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
Increasing this value may degrade performance, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - snmpVersion - default SNMP version.
This does not impact functionality implemented via the StormWorks language, as this always requires a parameter explicitly specifying the SNMP version for each operation. The default is V1, alternative V2c. - snmpYellowAlertSecs - If an StormWorks SNMP operation remains internally queued for longer than this time, a yellow alert warning message will be logged in DsKernelStatic.log but without any other effect.
The default value is 30, minimum 10, maximum 3600. It is a single setting affecting all devices accessed via StormWorks.
Note, yellow alert messages indicate problems internal to StormWorks which may need involvement from Entuity Support. - workers - maximum number of SNMP operations that can be concurrently active. When the limit is reached operations are queued until a worker is available. The default value is 15, minimum 1, maximum 500.
Excessive values can cause serious performance degradation, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed. - udpWorkers - maximum number of SNMP operations that can be concurrently active with user defined polling. When the limit is reached operations are queued until a worker is available. The default value is 10, minimum 1, maximum 500.
Excessive values can cause serious performance degradation, but effects may only come to light long after the value was last changed.
Parameters in this section are applicable to Entuity trap management and how prologV2 handles traps from unmanaged devices and interfaces.
- suppressUnmanagedDevices - controls how Entuity handles unmanaged devices. When set to:
- false (default) Entuity handles traps from unmanaged devices.
- true, Entuity suppresses traps from unmanaged devices.
- suppressUnmanagedInterfaces - controls how Entuity handles unmanaged interfaces.
When set to:
- false (default) Entuity handles traps from unmanaged interfaces.
- true, Entuity suppresses traps from unmanaged interfaces.
Entuity constructs port descriptions by placing within square brackets the port’s index value, using either its enterprise MIB index (entIndex) when available, or interface index (ifIndex). The index value is followed by the port description. Parameters in this prole section allow you to control exactly how Entuity constructs the displayed interface descriptions.
There will be a delay between activating these settings and the changes becoming apparent in Entuity. One cause of delay is prole, or on a large site a number of instances of prole, only running every twenty minutes. Another is the Entuity UI refresh rate. There may also be occasions when some ports show the description in the old format, and some in the new format, this is because prole cannot read all ports at exactly the same time.
You can configure interface descriptions through this section:
- pollIfName - controls the port description square bracket population. When set to:
- 1 (default), Entuity populates the interface name from the ifName mib variable
- 0, Entuity derives the interface name entIndex or ifIndex.
- ifDescrUseAlias - sets the port description used by Entuity when set to:
- true (default) Entuity uses the port’s interface alias
- false Entuity uses the port’s MIB2 description.
- ifDescrAppendAlias - customises the port description used by Entuity when set to:
- true Entuity appends to the ifDescr the port’s alias within round brackets, e.g. ATM0/
IMA0 (*** IMU to Chandler via ATT ***). This setting can only be used when
ifDescrUseAlias is set to true. - false (default) Entuity replaces the port’s ifDescr with its alias, when an alias is set.
- true Entuity appends to the ifDescr the port’s alias within round brackets, e.g. ATM0/
- ifDescrSortableIndex - sets the format of the port index within square brackets, when set
- true presents a ports index in a format suitable for an alphanumeric sort. For example
using these formats [ 99/999 ], [ 99/999/999 ] and [ 9999 ] for two part entIndex, 3 part
entIndex and If Index respectively. - false (default) Entuity displays port indices as discovered without adding leading
zeroes to improve the sort order. For example [ #9/##9 ], [ #9/##9/##9 ] and [
###9 ] for two part entIndex, 3 part entIndex and If Index respectively, where #
indicates low values will not be right side zero filled, e.g. [1] rather than the zero filled
- true presents a ports index in a format suitable for an alphanumeric sort. For example
ifDescrSortableIndex = true | ifDescrSortableIndex = false |
[0001] | [1] |
[0002] | [108] |
[0108] | [109] |
Table 4 Different Sort Orders of the Interface Description Formats
ifDescrSortableIndex = true | ifDescrSortableIndex = false |
[0109] | [110] |
[0110] | [2] |
[02/001] | [2/1] |
[02/010] | [2/10] |
[02/020] | [2/1] |
Table 4 Different Sort Orders of the Interface Description Formats
- ifDescrLabelIfIndex - prefixes the interface description with if:, to indicate the value is an interface index (and so should only be used when port data is accessed using its interface index). When set to:
- true, Entuity applies the if: prefix, e.g. [if:0001]
- false (default), Entuity does not apply the if: prefix, e.g. [0001].
Parameters in this section are used with proliferate:
- maxPollTime - sets the maximum time, in seconds, for a device to respond to an SNMP poll after which Entuity considers it a slow device.
Parameters in this section are used when generating Flex Reports and standard reports:
generateReportcommand lineRPCTimeout=86400
foCommand=java -cp
pdfCommand=java -cp
- spareporttime - sets the threshold number of days a port is unused, used in spare port
calculations. The default is 40. - ViewReportsDefault:showFlex - when set to:
- 1 automatically displays Flex Reports in the Report Center’s View Reports page.
- 0 (default) does not automatically display Flex Reports in the Report Center’s View
Reports page.
- generateReportUseRedirect - when set to:
- 1 (default), a redirect page is used with reports generated from Report Center.
- 0, a redirect page is not used.
- regenerateReportUseRedirect - when set to:
- 1 (default), a redirect page is used with reports regenerated from Report Center.
- 0, a redirect page is not used.
- generateReportRPCTimeout - period of time, in seconds, before Flex Report generation times out (by default one minute). In the browser Entuity displays an information message that the report is still being generated.
When running Flex Reports using URLs and setting noCreate=1 increase the timeout parameter. This prevents the CGI timing out during report generation and the report object not being deleted. This can be set as a runtime parameter in the URL. - regenerateReportRPCTimeout - period of time, in seconds, before Flex Report regeneration is considered to have timed out.
- deleteFlexReportRPCTimeout - queues Flex Reports for deletion. When dsKernelStatic is very busy and not responding this default may be increased.
- generateReportcommand lineRPCTimeout - sets the RPC timeout for GenerateReport when Flex Reports are run from the command line, by default one day.
- javaMemory - size of memory available to the java process when running Flex Reports.
When reports fail due to java memory problems the reason is detailed in Report Manager, if extra memory is available increase this setting. The default is 128000000. - viewReportOnScreenMessageSize - sets number of characters available to display Flex Report error messages. The default is 200 characters.
- foCommand - generates the report object file (FO file) which is used to generate the end report. The parameter are built from values defined through the xml section of entuity.cfg.
- pdfCommand - generates the pdf format report in report from the object file (FO file). The parameter are built from values defined through the xml section of entuity.cfg.
- jasperChangeDataKeepTime - the data keep time for reports that include a compare function, i.e. the Data Integrity report. The default is two years, entered as seconds, i.e. 63072000.
This section configures the Search tool.
- rpcServerPort - specifies the RPC port used by Tomcat to communicate with the Search tool.
- maxResultSize - sets the options available to the user when selecting how many search results to return from Entuity servers.
Parameters in this section are set during configure and relate to the Entuity server:
- proxy_timeout - overrides the ProxyTimeout directive set in httpd_eye.conf. This directive allows you to set a timeout on proxy requests, which is useful when you have a slow server response. By default set to 300 seconds.
- ssl_enabled - when set to true the server uses SSL, when set to false it doe not.
- id - is the unique Entuity server identifier. It is used internally by different components of the server and externally by other Entuity servers.
When using Entuity to send SNMPv3 traps, Entuity derives the engineID from the Entuity server id but also removes the underscores, for example:
becomes the engineID:
Through the entuity.cfg setting events.engineidoverwrite - you can override this default and enter your own value. It must be a hex string including only the characters 0-9 and AF, at least 5 bytes and no more than 32 bytes long.
Parameters in this section set the monitoring of remote Entuity servers by the central server:
- contentChangeRegistryMaxStaleTime specifies .
- remoteComponentListUpdateFrequency specifies .
- remoteComponentRegistryMaxStaleTime specifies .
- staleRemoteServerKeepTime specifies .
Parameters in this section configure slalogger and the roll up of its data. This example uses the default values:
- rollUp - specifies how the data collected by Availability Monitor is retained. This has the format:
<no of retained samples>@<interval length><unit of time>
where:- <no of retained samples> is how many samples to keep
- <interval length> is how the original data should be rolled up.
- <unit of time> is the original sample interval, i.e. h for hour, d for day, w for week, m for month and y for year.
Hourly samples start on the hour, daily at midnight, weekly start time is set through startDayOfWeek, monthly at midnight on the first day of the month and yearly samples start at midnight on the first of January.For example:
This example uses the default values and means: - Polled hourly data is kept for one hundred and ninety-two hours, equivalent to eight days.
- Rolled-up daily data is kept for one hundred days.
- Rolled-up weekly data is kept for thirteen weeks.
- Rolled-up monthly data is kept for twenty-four months.
- Rolled-up yearly data is kept for 5 years.
If you amend these defaults you must ensure you enter valid values, i.e. do not define strings that request too little data. For example:
This requests twelve one hour data samples, which is less than the twenty four one hour samples required to make one day. Therefore, Entuity overrides the entered value and takes twenty four one hour samples.
Note, if you amend rollUp you must stop and then restart the Entuity server for the changes to take effect.
- startDayOfWeek - used in SLA reports to specify the first day of the reporting week. 0 =
Sunday, 1 = Monday, through to 6 = Saturday. The default is 0.
Parameters in this section are applicable to Device News module:
- maxSamples - sets the number of days Device News configuration details should be held (i.e. device and VLAN switch details). The default value is 7, for 7 days.
The parameters within this section are used by the SNMP Server:
- checkWalkOrder - used when determining whether Entuity performs lexicographic checking on data returned by a MIB agent.
This is useful when an agent returns data out of sequence as part of a SNMP GetNext request. For example, with many lower end Cisco devices (e.g. 1900, 2820 and 2900XL’s) the section that contains mac address information is unordered. Without the lexicographic checking this data can cause the GetNext request to form a recursive loop, with checking this can be avoided.
When checkWalkOrder is set to:
- 0, Entuity does not check that the returned data is in the correct order. This is the default state.
- 1, Entuity performs lexicographic checking. If returned data fails the checking Entuity writes an error message to the calling process’ log file and discards the data. For example, if macman is run and the data fails the checking, error messages are written to macman.log and in the web UI you would notice mac addresses are missing.
SNMP operations controlled through StormWorks are separate from SNMP Server.
Lexicographic setting is always enabled.
Configuration section for the System Logger process (sysLogger). It determines the port the System Logger process listens for syslog messages on and the level of urgency and facility (message type) that then lead to alarms being generated in Event Viewer.
For further help and information on the Entuity syslogger, please see this section. There you will find information regarding monitored syslog messages and how they are processed and displayed.
This example section configures syslogger to only accept messages that are: from Entuity managed devices; received on port 514; either of message type mail with a log level of debug or higher, or kern with a log level of notice or higher.
replaceEventDetailsAction=s/\n/ /g s/\^//g
- logLevel - message urgency level. It sets the urgency level of syslog messages for which Entuity generates events. This level can used/overridden through acceptfacs. The following options levels are available:
- emerg, level 0, emergencies - system is unusable.
- alert, level 1, alerts - immediate action is needed.
- crit, level 2, critical - critical conditions exist.
- err, level 3, errors - error conditions exist.
- warning, level 4, warnings - warning conditions exist.
- notifice, level 5, notification - normal but significant conditions exist. This is the default.
- info, level 6, informational - informational messages.
- debug, level 7 - debugging messages.
- portNum - port that System Logger process listens on, the default is 514.
- openReceiver when set to:
- 0, limits System Logger process so it only handles messages from devices managed by Entuity.
- 1, the default, System Logger process handles messages from all devices.
- acceptFacs - allows you to specify which facilities are accepted by Entuity and at what urgency level. These are the acceptable formats:
- facilityName.logLevel, for example mail.debug. syslogger accepts mail syslog messages of debug level and above.
- facilityName., for example kern. Only messages that are both kern message type and have an urgency level of loglevel or above are accepted.
- All, the default, accepts all message types. The urgency level is taken from loglevel.
When acceptFacs is: - Not specified all messages that meet the log level result in Entuity events.
- Specified only messages of that type and log level result in Entuity events.
- replaceEventDetailsAction - takes regular expressions through which you can define replacement of characters before information is displayed in Event Details, for example you can replace each line break with a space, remove a carat ^:
replaceEventDetailsAction=s/\n/ /g s/\^//g
replaceEventDetailsAction has the format:
- /s identifies a substitution command.
- /searchString is the string in the trap text to be replaced.
- /replacementString is the replacement string which can include a space, or nothing.
- /g identifies it as a global command.
When the syslogger section is not included in entuity.cfg, then System Logger process is set to its default state. It accepts messages from the notice urgency level, listens on port 514 and accepts all facilities from all devices.
Parameters in this section define Entuity system control. This example section starts Entuity in maintenance mode:
Available parameters are:
- config - holds the path and name of the Entuity startup file, entuity_home/etc/startup_O/S.cfg, where O/S is an abbreviation that identifies the operating system.
- defaultState - sets the type functionality when Entuity is started. The default is normal. This starts every module in Entuity that has normal associated with it in the startup configuration file (see startup_o/s.cfg).
- delay - sets the time between each failed start attempt. The default is 5 seconds.
- retry - sets the number of attempts at starting Entuity. The default is 3.
- restartReset - (from Entuity v21.0 upwards) duration after which the counter for the system_restart_limit (see [database] section above) is reset. The default is 86400 seconds (24 hours).
Note, Entuity recommend you do not adjust the default system control settings.
Parameters in this section are applicable to Ticker:
- maxClients - maximum number of Ticker clients the server can monitor. The default is 256.
- port - port the Ticker server monitors its client ports’ activity. The default is 20202, set during Entuity configuration.
Parameters in this section configure Apache Tomcat application server:
- adminPort - is the Tomcat administration port, by default 8005.
- port - Tomcat port, by default 8080.
- javaMemory - amount of memory assigned to the tomcat java process, by default 512M.
Parameters in this section control the display of topology information in maps.
pingStateExcludedInterfaceTypes=24, 28, 33, 34, 48
- pingStateIncludedDeviceTypes - allows you to override the default device types included to Trace Route - Ping State maps. This list replaces the default list so you must include all device types you want included to the map, not only the additional device types.
- pingStateExcludedInterfaceTypes - sets the port types Entuity excludes from the displayed Trace Route - Ping State in maps. This list replaces the default list so you must include all interface types you want excluded from the map, not only the additional interface types.
- enableSpanningTree - sets whether spanning tree is enabled. When set to:
- 1 (default), maps can display spanning tree information.
- 0, maps cannot display spanning tree information.
- enableUplinkDetection - sets whether uplink detection is enabled. When set to:
- 1 (default), maps can display uplink details.
- 0, maps cannot display spanning uplink details.
Parameters in this section are applicable to prologV2. You should only adjust these settings when you suspect that the rate at which traps are being received is faster than they can be handled by prologV2 and traps are being lost. This example section details the default configuration:
- useTrapQueue - when set to
- F, a queue is not used.
- T, a queue is created by prologV2 to supplement the system cache.
- queueMaxItems - maximum number of items in the queue, by default 512 traps.
- queueResumeThreshold - causes the queue to stop receiving traps.
updateNames compares the device Display Name in Entuity against the value on the device. If there is a difference updateNames updates the Display Name. updateNames is scheduled, by default, to run at 03:00 every day. It can be disabled through a setting in entuity.cfg:
Applicable to Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards.
This section configures the Notification functionality.
- keepTimeSeconds - length of time notifications (both read and unread) are stored in the Notification form, by default 604800 seconds (1 week).
By default the event engine process uses the internal Entuity mechanism, viewserver for View membership checks.
- refreshInterval - viewserver checks object-view and content filter settings, by default every twenty minutes (1200 seconds). This coincides, but is not synchronised, with the default interval for the running of prole. Valid values are in the range of 60 to 86400 seconds, i.e. one minute to one day.
Configurable settings applicable to vulnerability monitoring.
- connect_timeout - connect timeout (in seconds) for API calls for auto sync, default is 60 seconds.
- cpe_max_results - maximum results per API call when downloading NIST CPE API data via auto sync. The default is 10000, minimum value is 1, and maximum value is 10000. Entuity recommends to lower this value when memory is limited, to reduce the size of individual files.
- cve_data_directory - folder in the vulnmon_directory where the CPE Data is stored, by default 'cpeData' (in which case, the CPE Data files would be found in vulnmon_directory/cpe_data_directory).
- cve_max_max_results - maximum results per API call when downloading NIST CVE API data via auto sync. The default is 2000, minimum value is 1, and maximum value is 2000. Entuity recommends to lower this value when memory is limited, to reduce the size of individual data files.
- match_criteria_max_results - maximum results per API call when downloading NIST Match Criteria API data via auto sync. The default is 500, minimum value is 1, and maximum value is 500. Entuity recommends to lower this value when memory is limited, to reduce the size of individual data files.
- match_data_directory - folder in the vulnmon_directory where the Match Criteria Data is stored, by default 'matchData' (in which case, the Match Criteria Data files would be found in vulnmon_directory/match_data_directory).
- msrc_data_directory - folder in the vulnmon_directory where the MSRC CVRF Data is stored, by default 'msrcData' (in which case, the MSRC CVRF Data files would be found in vulnmon_directory/msrc_data_directory).
- preferred_language - preferred language for NIST CPE data. The value must be a valid RFC 5646 language tag, e.g 'en'. If the preferred language option is not found for a specific CPE, it will fallback to the first read language.
- read_timeout - read timeout (in seconds) for API calls for auto sync, default is 60 seconds.
- vulnmon_directory - where the vulnerability monitoring data files are stored. The cve_data_directory, cpe_data_directory, match_data_directory and msrc_data_directory are created here. The default is ENTUITY_HOME/etc/vulnMon.
Parameters in this section configure Event Viewer. This is an example configuration:
eventViewerSeveritySound=info:chimes.wav, minor:chord.wav,
major:ding.wav, severe:notify.wav, critical:ringin.wav
- eventViewerMaxEvents - sets the maximum number of events that can be held by Event Viewer, by default 1000.
- eventViewer.BatchSize - sets the maximum number of events that can be displayed by Event Viewer, by default 1000.
- eventViewerShowServerColumn - when set to:
- 0 (default) the server column is hidden in Event Viewer.
- 1, Event Viewer displays the server column which identifies the Entuity server that raised the event, which you may require in multi Entuity server environments.
Changes to this setting are only applied after a restart of tomcat. The setting is only retrieved from the server you are logged into. Setting this option on a remote server has no effect unless you directly login to the remote server.
- eventViewerSeveritySound - allows you to set a sound for each event severity level. You
must install your own sound files (WAV or MIDI) to entuity_home/lib/TomCat/webapps/
webUI/sounds. For changes to this setting to be applied you must restart Apache Tomcat. - customDashboardMaxCount - sets the upper limit to the number of custom dashboards a user can potentially have available from the Dashboards > Custom Dashboards menu. The user configures the maximum custom dashboards available to them through the Preferences page and the Dashboard Count, which by default has an upper limit of 20.
From the Preferences page the user can amend the Dashboard Count from 5 up to 20.
By adjusting the value of customDashboardMaxCount, up to a maximum value of 50, you can allow the user to potentially set a higher number of custom dashboard menu items. If you set a value greater than 50 Entuity sets the number of dashboards to 50. - customDashboardMaxUrlCount - sets the upper limit to the number of URLs in a custom dashboard. By default the maximum number of URLs per dashboard is 20, you can amend this to an upper limit of 50. If you set a value greater than 50 Entuity sets the number of URLs per dashboard to 50.
- activeChartDefaultGroupApproximation - sets how Entuity displays a large amount of data on a chart. When set to:
- average (default), Entuity uses a grouping algorithm to prevent the chart from becoming crowded with overlapping data points. This algorithm can lead to the loss of peak information.
- High, Entuity retains peak data points where high resolution data is available.
You can modify this setting for individual charts through the Customize Chart dialog and setting Group Approximation to Preserve Peak (High) or Average (average).
- defaultTheme - sets the default web UI theme. It is not case sensitive:
- light (default) or any combination of letters will set the default theme to the light theme.
- dark will set the default theme to the dark theme.
- high-contrast will set the default theme to the high contrast theme (Entuity v20.0 P02 upwards)
- defaultVirtualPortsVisibility - specifies whether to display virtual ports in the Explorer:
- false (default), virtual ports are hidden.
- true, both physical and virtual ports are displayed.
- defaultUnmanagedPortsVisibility - specifies whether to display unmanaged ports in dashboards.
- false (default), unmanaged ports are hidden.
- true, both managed and unmanaged ports are displayed.
- defaultSeverityColorHighlighting - specifies whether the whole line of the event/incident is to be highlighted with its severity color where displayed in the Events List or Incidents List dashlet. Either false (default) or true.
- defaultSeveritySoundEffects - specifies whether Entuity plays a sound for each event and incident raised when on the Events dashboard or Incidents dashboard. Either false (default) or true.
- defaultAccessGraphs - specifies whether the charts and graphs are displayed with a pattern fill (Entuity v20.0 P04 upwards). Either false (default) or true.
Parameters in this section are used by the reporting section in entuity.cfg when generating Flex Reports. They must not be amended from the default settings:
transformCommand=java -cp
- xmlDir - folder under which are the folders holding the xml library files.
- xerces - references the java XML parser Xerces.
- xalan - references the java XSLT stylesheet processor Xalan.
- transformCommand - generates the report object file (FO file) which is used when displaying report data to screen.
- fop - references the java XSL Formatting Object processor FOP.
- batik - references the java based toolkit for Scalable Vector Graphics.
- fopXalan - references a version of Xalan compatible with FOP.
- fopXerces - references a version of Xerces compatible with FOP.
- jimi - references a version of jimi compatible with FOP.
- IllegalCharacters - identifies unprintable control characters that when encountered when generating the XML would otherwise cause the report to fail. Each unprintable character is replaced with a question mark. Characters are referenced using ISO-8859-1 encoding, but by default are not spelcified in the configuration.
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