This article lists the events in the latest version of Entuity (v22.0).
Please see the following for help and information on event functionality in Entuity RESTful API:
Access Point Came Up
Access Point Went Down
ACI Cluster Event
ACI Cluster Fault
ACI Cluster Fault Cleared
ACI Event
ACI Fault
ACI Fault Cleared
Action Required: Upcoming Firewall Information Change
Air Marshal - Rogue AP Detected
AP Active Controller Change
AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency High
AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency High Cleared
AP Antenna Host Count High
AP Antenna Host Count High Cleared
AP Antenna Host Count Low
AP Antenna Host Count Low Cleared
AP Antenna Offline
AP Antenna Online
AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High
AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High Cleared
AP Associated With Controller
AP Association With Controllers Degraded
AP Host Count High
AP Host Count High Cleared
AP Host Count Low
AP Host Count Low Cleared
AP Not Associated With Controller
AP Reachable (ICMP)
AP Standby Controller Change
AP Unreachable (ICMP)
APIC Cluster ID Changed
ATM VCC High Inbound Utilization
ATM VCC High Inbound Utilization Cleared
ATM VCC High Outbound Utilization
ATM VCC High Outbound Utilization Cleared
ATM VCC Link Down
ATM VCC Low Inbound Utilization
ATM VCC Low Inbound Utilization Cleared
ATM VCC Low Outbound Utilization
ATM VCC Low Outbound Utilization Cleared
AvailMonitor Application Available
AvailMonitor Application Unavailable
AvailMonitor Falling Average Latency
AvailMonitor High Latency
AvailMonitor High Latency (95th Percentile)
AvailMonitor High Latency Reaching Application
AvailMonitor High Latency Reaching Application Cleared
AvailMonitor Low View Device Reachability
AvailMonitor Normal Latency
AvailMonitor Normal Latency (95th Percentile)
AvailMonitor Normal View Device Reachability
AvailMonitor Rising Average Latency
AvailMonitor Rising Trend in Average Latency
AWAP Host Count High
AWAP Host Count High Cleared
AWAP Host Count Low
AWAP Host Count Low Cleared
Background Reachability Check Failed
Background Reachability Check Succeeded
Backplane Bus A High Utilization
Backplane Bus A High Utilization Cleared
Backplane Bus B High Utilization
Backplane Bus B High Utilization Cleared
Backplane Bus C High Utilization
Backplane Bus C High Utilization Cleared
Backplane System Bus High Utilization
Backplane System Bus High Utilization Cleared
Battery High Temperature
Battery High Temperature Cleared
Battery Low Reading
Battery Low Reading Cleared
Battery Low Voltage
Battery Low Voltage Cleared
BGP Peer Briefly Established
BGP Peer Briefly Not Established
BGP Peer Disappeared
BGP Peer Established
BGP Peer Newly Discovered
BGP Peer Not Established
Blacklisted Application Detected
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Blade Powered Off
BladeCenter Blade Powered On
BladeCenter Blower Failed
BladeCenter Blower Ok
BladeCenter Blower Slow
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5 Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail High Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Low Voltage
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature
BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature Cleared
BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature
BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature Cleared
BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature
BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature Cleared
BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature
BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature Cleared
BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature
BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature Cleared
Bluetooth Clients Have Become Visible
Bluetooth Clients Have Gone Out Of Range
Cable Error Detected
Cellular Came Up
Cellular Went Down
Chassis Fan Major Fault
Chassis Fan Minor Fault
Chassis Fan OK
Chassis Fan Status Unknown
Chassis Major Alarm
Chassis Major Alarm Cleared
Chassis Minor Alarm
Chassis Minor Alarm Cleared
Chassis Temperature Alarm
Chassis Temperature Alarm Cleared
Chassis Temperature Critical Alarm
Cisco DNA Center Webhook Alert Received
Cisco DNA Center Webhook Alert Cleared
Client Connected To Another Network
Client Connectivity Changed
Client IP Conflict Detected
Clients Are Compliant With Their Security Policy
Clients Are Violating Their Security Policy
Clients Came Up
Clients Failing To Connect
Clients Have Enrolled In One Of Your Networks
Clients Have Re-entered Their Geofenced Area
Clients Have Violated Their Geofencing Policy
Clients Went Down
Cloud Controller Connection Failed
Cloud Controller Connection Failure Cleared
Cluster High CPU Usage
Cluster High CPU Usage Cleared
Cluster High Memory Usage
Cluster High Memory Usage Cleared
Cluster State Alarm
Cluster State OK
Cluster State Unknown
Cluster State Warn
CM Configuration Includes Policy Exclusion
CM Configuration Missing Policy Mandated Statement
CM Firmware Version Changed
CM Previously Unsaved Configuration Saved
CM Running Configuration Changed
CM Running Configuration Retrieval Failed
CM Startup Configuration Changed
CM Startup Configuration Retrieval Failed
CM Unsaved Configuration
Component Error
Component No Predicted Failure
Component Not Present
Component OK
Component Predicted Failure Error
Component Predicted Failure State Unknown
Component Predicted Failure Warning
Component State Unknown
Component Warning
Config Mgmt Job Failed
Config Mgmt Job Succeeded
CUCM CPU High Utilization
CUCM CPU High Utilization Cleared
CUCM CTI Device Not Registered
CUCM CTI Device Registered
CUCM Gatekeeper Not Registered
CUCM Gatekeeper Registered
CUCM Gateway Not Registered
CUCM Gateway Registered
CUCM H.323 Device Not Registered
CUCM H.323 Device Registered
CUCM Media Device Not Registered
CUCM Media Device Registered
CUCM Phone Not Registered
CUCM Phone Registered
CUCM Process Memory High Utilization
CUCM Process Memory High Utilization Cleared
CUCM Voicemail Device Not Registered
CUCM Voicemail Device Registered
Datastore Accessible
Datastore High Usage
Datastore High Usage Cleared
Datastore Inaccessible
Device Average CPU Utilization Critical
Device Average CPU Utilization High
Device Average CPU Utilization Cleared
Device Average Memory Usage Critical
Device Average Memory Usage High
Device Average Memory Usage Cleared
Device Clock Inconsistency
Device Cold Reboot
Device Error
Device Fan Failure
Device Fan Failure Cleared
Device High Active Sessions
Device High Active Sessions Cleared
Device High Authenticated Response Time
Device High Authenticated Response Time Cleared
Device High External URL Response Time
Device High External URL Response Time Cleared
Device High Messages Received
Device High Messages Received Cleared
Device Low Disk Space
Device Low Disk Space Cleared
Device Name Resolution Failure
Device Name Resolution Failure Cleared
Device OK
Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Lost
Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy at Risk
Device Port(s) Utilization Missed Due to Slow Response
Device Reachability Degraded
Device Reboot Detected
Device Sensor Non-Operational
Device Sensor Non-Operational Cleared
Device Sensor Warning Value
Device Sensor Value Cleared
Device State Unknown
Device Unreachable
Device Unreachable Cleared
Device Warm Reboot
Device Warning
Devices Operating At Critical Temperature
DHCP Leases Exhausted
DNAC Backup Failure
DNAC Backup Success
DNAC Connection Failed
DNAC Connection Failure Cleared
DNAC Poller Overrun
DNAC Poller Overrun Cleared
EGP Neighbor Loss
EIGRP Peer Briefly Not Established
EIGRP Peer Disappeared
EIGRP Peer Newly Discovered
Entuity License Expired and This Entuity Server is No Longer Operational
Entuity License Not Updated by License Server and Will Expire
Entuity License on Remote Server Could Not be Updated
Entuity License on Remote Server Expired
Entuity License on Remote Server Successfully Updated
Entuity License Successfully Updated by License Server
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Cleared
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Updated
Entuity Server Automated Shutdown
Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure
Entuity Server Critical Component Restarting After Failure
Entuity Server Database Backup Failure
Entuity Server Disk Space Alert
Entuity Server Explicit Shutdown Initiated
Entuity Server Internal Event
Entuity Server License Alert
Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure
Entuity Server Shutdown Forced By Critical Failure To Restart
Entuity Server Started
Excessive SNMP Trap Rate
Excessive Syslog Message Rate
Failover Event Detected
Firewall Access Control Violations High
Firewall Access Control Violations High Cleared
Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate
Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate Cleared
Firewall High Availability State Changed
Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Compliant
Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Non Compliant
Firewall High Current Connections
Firewall High Current Connections Cleared
Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate
Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate Cleared
Firewall High Logged Packet Rate
Firewall High Logged Packet Rate Cleared
Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate
Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate Cleared
Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High
Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High Cleared
Firewall URL Alerts High
Firewall URL Alerts High Cleared
Firmware Task Failed
Firmware Task Succeeded
Firmware Task Warning
FR DLCI High BECN Cleared
FR DLCI High DE Cleared
FR DLCI High FECN Cleared
FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization
FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization Cleared
FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization
FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization Cleared
FR DLCI Link Down
Gateway To Repeater
HBA Offline
HBA Online
HBA Status Unknown
HBA Unbound
(ACI) High APIC CPU Cleared
(ACI) High APIC Memory
(ACI) High APIC Memory Cleared
HSRP Port Group Activated
HSRP Port Group Deactivated
Hypervisor Connected
Hypervisor High CPU Usage
Hypervisor High CPU Usage Cleared
Hypervisor High Memory Usage
Hypervisor High Memory Usage Cleared
Hypervisor Not Connected
Hypervisor Not Respnding
Hypervisor Overall State Alarm
Hypervisor Overall State OK
Hypervisor Overall State Unknown
Hypervisor Overall State Warn
Hypervisor Power Standby
Hypervisor Power State Unknown
Hypervisor Powered Off
Hypervisor Powered On
IO Module High Temperature
IO Module High Temperature Cleared
IPAM Conflict Found
IPAM Conflict Resolved
IPAM IP Usage Over Threshold
IP SLA Creation Failure
IP SLA Creation Failure Cleared
IP SLA High ICPIF Cleared
IP SLA Low MOS Cleared
IP SLA Test Failed
IP SLA Test High Latency
IP SLA Test High Latency Cleared
IP SLA Test Succeeded
IS-IS Peer Disappeared
IS-IS Peer Established
IS-IS Peer Newly Discovered
IS-IS Peer Not Established
LAP Antenna Host Count High
LAP Antenna Host Count High Cleared
LAP Antenna Host Count Low
LAP Antenna Host Count Low Cleared
Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate
Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High Current Sessions
Load Balancer High Current Sessions Cleared
Load Balancer High Error Count
Load Balancer High Error Count Cleared
Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate
Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate
Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions
Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions Cleared
Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate
Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate
Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate
Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate
Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate
Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate Cleared
Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions
Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions Cleared
Load Balancer Pool Critical Member Availability
Load Balancer Pool Critical Member Availability Cleared
Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability
Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Cleared
Load Balancer Pool Low Member Availability
Load Balancer Pool Low Member Availability Cleared
Load Balancer Pool Low Services Availability
Load Balancer Pool Low Services Availability Cleared
Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions
Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions Cleared
Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate
Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate Cleared
Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions
Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions Cleared
Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate
Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate Cleared
Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate
Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate Cleared
Logical Disk High Used Capacity %
Logical Disk High Used Capacity Cleared
Logical Volume High Disk Queue
Logical Volume High Disk Queue Warning
Logical Volume High Disk Queue Cleared
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High Warning
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High Cleared
Logical Volume Low Free Space
Logical Volume Low Free Space Warning
Logical Volume Low Free Space Cleared
Logical Volume Space % Used High
Logical Volume Space % Used High Warning
Logical Volume Space % Used High Cleared
(ACI) Low EPG Health
(ACI) Low EPG Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Fabric Node Health
(ACI) Low Fabric Node Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Fan Tray Health
(ACI) Low Fan Tray Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Line Card Health
(ACI) Low Line Card Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Pod Health
(ACI) Low Pod Health Cleared
(ACI) Low PSU Health
(ACI) Low PSU Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Supervisor Card Health
(ACI) Low Supervisor Card Health Cleared
(ACI) Low Tenant Health
(ACI) Low Tenant Health Cleared
LUN High Latency
LUN High Latency Cleared
LUN High Used Provisioned
LUN High Used Provisioned Cleared
MAC Address High Port Count
MAC Address High Port Count Cleared
MAC Address New
MAC Address Port Change
Malware Download Blocked
Malware Download Detected
Matching Software Installations Found
MDM Certificate Will Expire Soon
Memory Low
Memory Low Cleared
Memory Module High Temperature
Memory Module High Temperature Cleared
Memory Module Low Voltage
Memory Module Low Voltage Cleared
Memory Used High
Memory Used High Cleared
Meraki Device Status Healthy
Meraki Device Status Impaired
Meraki Management Profile Removed
Meraki Uplink Status Active
Meraki Uplink Status Inactive
Meraki: Appliances Came Up
Meraki: Appliances Went Down
Missing Events Module Disappeared
Module Discovered
Module Down
Module Major Fault
Module Minor Fault
Module Status OK
Module Status Unknown
Motion Detected
MPLS LDP Entity Errors
MPLS LDP Entity Errors Cleared
MPLS LDP Entity Non-operational
MPLS LDP Entity Operational
MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions
MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions Cleared
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received Cleared
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent Cleared
MPLS LDP Peer Disappeared
MPLS LDP Peer Newly Discovered
MPLS LDP Peer Non-operational
MPLS LDP Peer Operational
MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors
MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors Cleared
MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types
MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure)
MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX)
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX)
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate
MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth
MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space
MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure)
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX)
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX)
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) Cleared
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate Cleared
MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate
MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate Cleared
MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Disappeared
MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Newly Discovered
MPLS VRF Non-operational
MPLS VRF Operational
Network Outage
Network Outage Cleared
Network Usage Alert
New DHCP Server Detected
New Splash User Registered
Optical Output Power High
Optical Output Power High Cleared
Optical Output Power Low
Optical Output Power Low Cleared
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High Warning
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High Cleared
OS Committed Bytes % Used High
OS Committed Bytes % Used High Warning
OS Committed Bytes % Used High Cleared
OS High Pages
OS High Pages Warning
OS High Pages Cleared
OS High Pages Output
OS High Pages Output Warning
OS High Pages Output Cleared
OS Low Free Physical Memory
OS Low Free Physical Memory Warning
OS Low Free Physical Memory Cleared
OS Low Free Swap Memory
OS Low Free Swap Memory Warning
OS Low Free Swap Memory Cleared
OS Low Free Virtual Memory
OS Low Free Virtual Memory Warning
OS Low Free Virtual Memory Cleared
OS Physical Memory % Used High
OS Physical Memory % Used High Warning
OS Physical Memory % Used High Cleared
OS Polling Error
OS Polling Warning
OS Polling OK
OS Processor Time High
OS Processor Time High Warning
OS Processor Time High Cleared
OS Service State Started
OS Service State Stopped
OS Service Status Error
OS Service Status OK
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High Warning
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High Cleared
OSPF Peer Briefly Not Established
OSPF Peer Disappeared
OSPF Peer Established
OSPF Peer Newly Discovered
OSPF Peer Not Established
Other Component High Temperature
Other Component High Temperature Cleared
Path Deviated
Path Deviation Cleared
Path High Latency
Path High Latency Cleared
Path Unreachable
Path Unreachable Cleared
Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate
Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate Cleared
Physical Disk High Latency
Physical Disk High Latency Cleared
Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate
Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate Cleared
Physical Disk High Temperature
Physical Disk High Temperature Cleared
Polling Error
Polling OK
Polling Warning
Port Down
Port Duplex Change
Port Error Disable Alarm
Port Error Disable Alarm Cleared
Port Flapping
Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic)
Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic) Cleared
Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic)
Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic) Cleared
Port High Inbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Port High Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Port High Optical Input Power
Port High Optical Input Power Cleared
Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic)
Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic) Cleared
Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic)
Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic) Cleared
Port High Outbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Port High Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Port Inbound Discards High (Device Congestion)
Port Inbound Discards High Cleared (No Device Congestion)
Port Inbound Fault High (Packet Corruption)
Port Inbound Fault High (No Packet Corruption) Cleared
Port Link Down
Port Link Up
Port Low Inbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Port Low Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Port Low Optical Input Power
Port Low Optical Input Power Cleared
Port Low Outbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Port Low Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Port Operationally Down
Port Operationally Down Cleared
Port Outbound Discards High (Port Congestion)
Port Outbound Discards High (No Port Congestion) Cleared
Port Outbound Fault High (Transmit Errors)
Port Outbound Fault High Cleared (No Transmit Errors)
Port Speed Change
Port Up
Port Utilization Decreased
Port Utilization High
Port Utilization High Cleared
Port Utilization Increased
Port Utilization Low
Port Utilization Low Cleared
Potential Vulnerability
Potential Vulnerability Cleared
Potential Vulnerability Patched
Power Supply Came Up
Power Supply Major Fault
Power Supply Minor Fault
Power Supply OK
Power Supply Unknown State
Power Supply Went Down
Processor Utilization High
Processor Utilization High Cleared
QoS Above Bandwidth Limit
QoS At Bandwidth Limit
QoS Class Bit Rate High
QoS Class Bit Rate High Cleared
QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High
QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High Cleared
QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High
QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High Cleared
QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High
QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High Cleared QoS Under Bandwidth Limit
RADIUS Authentication Server Unreachable
Returned To Using Primary Power
Rogue AP Detected
Rogue DHCP Server Detected
Routing Broadcast Traffic High
Routing Broadcast Traffic High Cleared
Routing High No Routes to IP Destination
Routing High No Routes to IP Destination Cleared
Routing ICMP High Redirects
Routing ICMP High Redirects Cleared
Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds
Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds Cleared
Running On Backup Power
SDN Controller Connection Failed
SDN Controller Connection Failure Cleared
Sensor Error
Sensor Not Present
Sensor OK
Sensor State Unknown
Sensor Warning
Service Down
Service State Degraded
Service State Unknown
Service Status Off
Service Traffic High
Service Traffic High Cleared
Service Traffic Low
Service Traffic Low Cleared
Service Up
Settings Changed
SNMP Agent Not Responding
SNMP Agent Responding
SNMP Agent Restart Detected
SNMP Authentication Failure
SNMP Response Time High
SNMP Response Time High Cleared
SNMPv3 Duplicate Engine ID
SSL Certificate Expiration Cleared
SSL Certificate Expiration Critical
SSL Certificate Expiration Warning
SSL Certificate Expired
SSL Certificate Expiring SSL Proxy Service Administrative Available to SNMP Poll
SSL Proxy Service Administrative Unavailable to SNMP Poll
SSL Proxy Service Operational Available to SNMP Poll
SSL Proxy Service Operational Unavailable to SNMP Poll Storage Device High CPU Usage
Storage Device High CPU Usage Cleared
Storage Device High Memory Usage
Storage Device High Memory Usage Cleared
Storage Device High Power Consumption
Storage Device High Power Consumption Cleared
Storage Device Low Usable Capacity
Storage Device Low Usable Capacity Cleared
Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate
Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate Cleared
Storage Pool High Latency
Storage Pool High Latency Cleared
Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate
Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate Cleared
Storage Pool High Used Capacity
Storage Pool High Used Capacity Cleared
STP New Root Device
STP VLAN Topology Change
Switch Port Connected
Switch Port Disconnected
Syslog Alert Events
Syslog Critical Events
Syslog Debug Events
Syslog Emergency Events
Syslog Error Events
Syslog Information Events
Syslog Notice Events
Syslog Warning Events
UCS Blade Down
UCS Blade Major Fault
UCS Blade Minor Fault
UCS Blade OK
UCS Blade Status Unknown
UCS Chassis Down
UCS Chassis Major Fault
UCS Chassis Minor Fault
UCS Chassis Status OK
UCS Chassis Status Unknown
UCS Fabric Extender Down
UCS Fabric Extender Major Fault
UCS Fabric Extender Minor Fault
UCS Fabric Extender Status OK
UCS Fabric Extender Status Unknown
UCS Fan Down
UCS Fan Major Fault
UCS Fan Minor Fault
UCS Fan Module Down
UCS Fan Module Major Fault
UCS Fan Module Minor Fault
UCS Fan Module Status OK
UCS Fan Module Status Unknown
UCS Fan Status OK
UCS Fan Status Unknown
UCS Local Disk Down
UCS Local Disk Major Fault
UCS Local Disk Minor Fault
UCS Local Disk Status OK
UCS Local Disk Status Unknown
UCS PSU Major Fault
UCS PSU Minor Fault
UCS PSU Unknown
UCS Switch Card Down
UCS Switch Card Major Fault
UCS Switch Card Minor Fault
UCS Switch Card Status OK
UCS Switch Card Status Unknown
UDLD Error
Unknown Trap
Unreachable Devices Detected
Uplink Status Changed
User Defined Attribute State Disabled
User Defined Attribute State Down
User Defined Attribute State Other
User Defined Attribute State Up
User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality Cleared
User Defined Attribute Value Critical
User Defined Attribute Value High
User Defined Attribute Value Low
User Defined Attribute Value Warning
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Alarm
Virtual Machine Heartbeat OK
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Unknown
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Warn
Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High
Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High Cleared
Virtual Machine Moved
Virtual Machine Powered Off
Virtual Machine Powered On
Virtualization Connection Failed
Virtualization Connection Success
VM CPU High Cleared
VM Guest Memory High
VM Guest Memory High Cleared
vManage Device Alarm
vManage Device Alarm Cleared
vManage Poller Failed
vManage Poller Overrun
vManage Poller Overrun Cleared
vManage Poller Success
Volume High Latency
Volume High Latency Cleared
Volume High Used Provisioned
Volume High Used Provisioned Cleared
VPN Connectivity Changed
VPN High Active Tunnels
VPN High Active Tunnels Cleared
VPN High Cluster Current Users
VPN High Cluster Current Users Cleared
VPN High Current Users
VPN High Current Users Cleared
VPN High Initiation Failure Rate
VPN High Initiation Failure Rate Cleared
VPN High Initiation Response Failure Rate
VPN High Initiation Response Failure Rate Cleared
VPN High System Capacity Failure Rate
VPN High System Capacity Failure Rate Cleared
VPN High Total Hits Rate
VPN High Total Hits Rate Cleared
VPN Load Average High
VPN Load Average High Cleared
VPN Network Port Utilization High
VPN Network Port Utilization High Cleared
VPN Tunnel Disappeared
VPN Tunnel Discovered
VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss
VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss Cleared
VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss
VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss Cleared
VPN Tunnel Usage High
VPN Tunnel Usage High Cleared
VSwitch State Alarm
VSwitch State OK
VSwitch State Unknown
VSwitch State Warn
Vulnerability Monitoring Fail
Vulnerability Monitoring Success
WAN Port High Inbound Discards
WAN Port High Inbound Discards Cleared
WAN Port High Inbound Errors
WAN Port High Inbound Errors Cleared
WAN Port High Inbound Utilization
WAN Port High Inbound Utilization Cleared
WAN Port High Outbound Discards
WAN Port High Outbound Discards Cleared
WAN Port High Outbound Errors Cleared
WAN Port High Outbound Errors Cleared
WAN Port High Outbound Utilization
WAN Port High Outbound Utilization Cleared
WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization
WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared
WAN Port Low Outbound Utilization
WAN Port Low Outbound Utilization Cleared
Webhook Alert Received
Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs
Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs Cleared
Access Point Came Up
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1102
Default severity level: information
Access Point Went Down
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1103
Default severity level: major
ACI Cluster Event
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1296
Default severity level: severe
ACI Cluster Fault
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1297
Default severity level: severe
ACI Cluster Fault Cleared
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1298
Default severity level: information
ACI Event
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1221
Default severity level: severe
ACI Fault
Parent incident: ACI Fault incident
Event ID: 1151
Default severity level: severe
ACI Fault Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Fault incident
Event ID: 1152
Default severity level: information
Action Required: Upcoming Firewall Information Change
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1150
Default severity level: minor
Air Marshal - Rogue AP Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1104
Default severity level: major
AP Active Controller Change
Parent incident: AP Controller Change incident
Event ID: 825
Default severity level: information
AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency High
Parent incident: AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency Hight incident
Event ID: 842
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
automatic configuration change volatility indicates a trouble spot location. |
minor |
a high frequency of channel change indicates a transmission problem. A change in the antenna's local environment impacts its effectiveness on the current channel, causing it to switch to another channel. Practically, any appliance that operates on the same frequency level (2.4GHz) as 802.11b or 802.11g can cause interference with your wireless network. | keep cordless phones and other electrical equipment at least one meter away from the access point. You can check the AP Advanced tab to review the antenna's current physical channel number and its history. |
AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency High Cleared
Parent incident: AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency Hight incident
Event ID: 843
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the clearing correlation event for AP's AP Antenna Channel Change Frequency High event. |
information |
automatic configuration change volatility that indicated a trouble spot location has been resolved. | none. |
AP Antenna Host Count High
Parent incident: AP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 804
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
for each AWAP antenna, you can set the number of hosts that would impact performance when attached to an antenna. Threshold hierarchy can be set at global, AWAP and antenna levels. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | through the AWAP Advanced tab, you can review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a rising usage trend, you may want to extend the capabilities of your wireless network. |
AP Antenna Host Count High Cleared
Parent incident: AP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 805
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
raised when the number of hosts attached to the AWAP antenna has returned to an acceptable level. |
information |
the managed object's performance is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
AP Antenna Host Count Low
Parent incident: AP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 806
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of hosts attached to the antenna has fallen below the set threshold. This can be set at the global, AWAP and antenna level. By default, the threshold is set to 0, and disabled. | minor | changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | check the Interface Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a falling usage trend, you may want to adjust the capabilities of your wireless network. |
AP Antenna Host Count Low Cleared
Parent incident: AP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 807
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of hosts attached to the AWAP antenna has returned to an acceptable level. |
information |
the managed object's performance is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
AP Antenna Offline
Parent incident: AP Antenna Offline incident
Event ID: 846
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity has observed that a AP that was administratively up and operationally up, has now transitioned into the administratively up and operationally down state. |
minor |
a problem has occurred on the antenna. | investigate the history of the antenna's performance. |
AP Antenna Online
Parent incident: AP Antenna Offline incident
Event ID: 847
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the clearing correlation event for AP's AP Antenna Offline event. |
information |
Entuity has observed that a AP that was administratively up and operationally down, has now transitioned into the administratively up and operationally up state. | none. |
AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High
Parent incident: AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High incident
Event ID: 840
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
AP antenna power changes more frequently than the set threshold during the polling interval. By default, the frequency is set to three and enabled. |
minor |
automatic configuration is set to too small an interval. | review the AP antenna power change history. Frequent changes may indicate an unstable local environment. |
AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High Cleared
Parent incident: AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High incident
Event ID: 841
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the clearing correlation event for AP Antenna Power Change Frequency High event. |
information |
the number of hosts attached to the antenna has returned to an acceptable level. | none. |
AP Associated With Controller
Parent incident: AP Not Associated With Controller incident
Event ID: 845
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the AP has transitioned to another wireless controller. |
minor |
the wireless controller has gone down and its APs have been automatically assigned to another one. The AP has been manually reassigned. | investigate the status of the wireless controller. |
AP Association With Controllers Degraded
Parent incident: AP Association With Controller Degraded incident
Event ID: 830
Default severity: minor
AP Host Count High
Parent incident: AP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 832
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the combined count of hosts that are wirelessly associated with all the antennas on a AP has dropped below a selectable threshold. The threshold hierarchy will cover the global, wireless controller and AP levels, and by default will be disabled but set to 0. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | check the AP Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a rising usage trend, you may want to extend the capabilities of your wireless network. |
AP Host Count High Cleared
Parent incident: AP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 833
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the clearing correlation event for AP Host Count High event. |
information |
the sum number of hosts attached to the AP's antennas has returned to an acceptable level. | none. |
AP Host Count Low
Parent incident: AP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 834
Default severity level:minor
AP Host Count Low Cleared
Parent incident: AP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 835
Default severity level: information
AP Not Associated With Controller
Parent incident: AP Not Associated With Controller incident
Event ID: 844
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the AP has transitioned to another wireless controller. |
minor |
investigate the status of the wireless controller. |
AP Reachable (ICMP)
Parent incident: AP Reachability Change incident
Event ID: 755
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the AP is once again reachable using ICMP ping, after having been unreachable. |
information |
none. |
none. |
AP Standby Controller Change
Parent incident: AP Controller Change incident
Event ID: 826
Default severity level: information
AP Unreachable (ICMP)
Parent incident: AP Reachability Change incident
Event ID: 756
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the AP is unreachable using ICMP ping. |
major |
a configuration change, loist power, or loose connection. |
verify recent configuration changes, check appropriate LEDs are on, and check the AP cable connection to the network. |
APIC Cluster ID Changed
Parent incident:
Event ID: 796
Default severity level: minor
ATM VCC High Inbound Utilization
Parent incident: ATM VCC Inbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 46
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the virtual channel's inbound utilization has crossed its high threshold level.
major |
Virtual Channel's utilization is higher than the high utilization threshold for the port due to increased traffic. | generate ATM utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
ATM VCC High Inbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: ATM VCC Inbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 47
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous High ATM Inbound Utilization event for the Virtual Channel has been cleared. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
ATM VCC High Outbound Utilization
Parent incident: ATM VCC Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 50
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Virtual Channel's outbound utilization has crossed its high threshold level.
major |
Virtual Channel's utilization is higher than the high utilization threshold for the port due to increased traffic. | generate ATM utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
ATM VCC High Outbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: ATM VCC Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 51
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous High ATM Outbound Utilization event for the virtual channel has been cleared. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
ATM VCC Link Down
Parent incident: ATM VCC Link Down incident
Event ID: 54
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that an ATM virtual channel has transitioned to the down state. |
severe |
the virtual channel is not functional because either the PVC is disabled or a port (on this switch) used by the PVC is down. | check the ATM connection first by pinging the port. If the port responds, contact your ATM service provider. |
Parent incident: ATM VCC Link Down incident
Event ID: 55
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that an ATM VCC has transitioned to the up state. |
information |
none. |
ATM VCC Low Inbound Utilization
Parent incident: ATM VCC Inbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 48
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the virtual channel's inbound utilization has crossed its low threshold level.
major |
may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. Check through other events that have recently been reported if excessively low levels of utilization persist. Generate ATM utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
ATM VCC Low Inbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: ATM VCC Inbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 47
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous ATM VCC Low Inbound Utilization alarm has been cleared. |
information |
indicates a previously low inbound utilization for the ATM VCC is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
ATM VCC Low Outbound Utilization
Parent incident: ATM VCC Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 52
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the virtual channel's outbound utilization has crossed its low threshold level.
major |
this problem may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. Check through other events that have recently been reported, if excessively low levels of utilization persist. Generate ATM utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
ATM VCC Low Outbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: ATM VCC Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 53
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous ATM VCC Low Outbound Utilization alarm has been cleared. |
information |
indicates a previously low outbound utilization for the ATM VCC is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
AvailMonitor Application Available
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Application Problem incident
Event ID: 917505, 256:1
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions | |
Entuity checks the availability of a monitored application by attempting a TCP connect every two minutes. If an application responds after previously failing to respond, Entuity changes its availability state to Up. Indicates a previous alarm has been cleared, e.g. Application Unavailable. |
information |
application is now available. |
Event ID:
AvailMonitor Application Unavailable
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Application Problem incident
Event ID: 917506, 256:2
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity checks the availability of a monitored application by attempting a TCP connect every two minutes. If an application fails to respond, Entuity considers the Application as Down. | severe |
heck the server for the application. |
AvailMonitor Falling Average Latency
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Average Latency Change incident
Event ID: 753
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the average real-time latency value for the hour has fallen short of the previous hourly value by the Falling Latency threshold set for the device. If the threshold has been changed during the preceding hour, then the most recent setting is used in the comparison. This threshold is in milliseconds. |
minor |
decrease in network traffic. | investigate network resources. |
AvailMonitor High Latency
Parent incident: AvailMonitor High Latency incident
Event ID: 750
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the average real-time latency value for the hour exceeds the ICMP High Latency threshold set for the device. If the threshold has been changed during the preceding hour, then the most recent setting is used in the comparison. This threshold is in milliseconds. |
severe |
increase in network traffic. | investigate network resources. |
AvailMonitor High Latency (95th Percentile)
Parent incident: AvailMonitor High Latency (95th Percentile) incident
Event ID: 748
Default severity: severe
AvailMonitor High Latency Reaching Application
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Application Problem incident
Event ID: 917507, 256:3
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity checks the availability of a monitored application by attempting a TCP connect every two minutes. It also records the time taken to respond. You can set a latency threshold for each application, which by default is 3000ms. If the application response is slower than the set threshold, then ENA raises an event. |
severe |
use the Ticker tool to check the current application port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that the link is highly utilized in general, then more bandwidth may be needed. |
AvailMonitor High Latency Reaching Application Cleared
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Application Problem incident
Event ID: 917508, 256:4
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity checks the availability of a monitored application by attempting a TCP connect every two minutes. It also records the time taken to respond. You can set a latency threshold for each application, which by default is 3000ms. This event indicates that an application that was responding slowly is now responding within the Latency threshold. |
information |
reduced traffic. | none. |
AvailMonitor Low View Device Reachability
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Low View Device Reachability incident
Event ID: 80
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity measures device reachability by pinging a monitored device's IP management address every two minutes. Entuity raises this event when the combined number of devices responding to the ICMP ping (and therefore are reachable), set to Admin Down or in an Uninitialized state is below the Device Reachability threshold for the View (as a percentage). |
severe |
high utilization of the area of the network where the devices within the View are located. | investigate the devices within the View. If the device reporting the event is a router, then Telnet to the router to ascertain possible causes for the outage. |
AvailMonitor Normal Latency
Parent incident: AvailMonitor High Latency incident
Event ID: 751
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the average real-time latency value for the hour is below the High Latency threshold. If the threshold has been changed during the preceding hour, then the most recent setting is used in the comparison. This threshold is in milliseconds. |
information |
correlated event to AvailMonitor High Latency, network latency has returned to within set boundaries. | none. |
AvailMonitor Normal Latency (95th Percentile)
Parent incident: AvailMonitor High Latency (95th Percentile) incident
Event ID: 749
Default severity: information
AvailMonitor Normal View Device Reachability
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Low View Device Reachability incident
Event ID: 81
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
raised when the number of devices responding to the ICMP ping, and therefore are reachable, is now above the Device Reachability threshold for the View. |
information |
device reachability within the View has moved above the set threshold. | none. |
AvailMonitor Rising Average Latency
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Average Latency Change incident
Event ID: 752
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the average real-time latency value for the hour is above the Rising Latency threshold. If the threshold has been changed during the preceding hour, then the most recent setting is used in the comparison. This threshold is in milliseconds. |
severe |
increase in network traffic. | investigate network resources. |
AvailMonitor Rising Trend in Average Latency
Parent incident: AvailMonitor Rising Trend in Average Latency incident
Event ID: 754
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the average real-time latency value for the previous hour exceeds the trend for the same hour of the week by a value greater than the Rising Trend Latency threshold. If the threshold has been changed during the preceding hour, then the most recent setting is used in the comparison. This threshold is in milliseconds. |
severe |
increase in network traffic. | investigate network resources. |
AWAP Host Count High
Parent incident: AWAP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 800
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
for each AWAP, you can set the number of hosts that would impact performance when attached to the AWAP. This equates to the sum of the hosts that each antenna can handle. You can set the threshold hierarchy at the global and antenna levels. By default, the threshold is enabled and set to 512. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | you can check the AWAP Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a rising usage trend, you may want to extend the capabilities of your wireless network. |
AWAP Host Count High Cleared
Parent incident: AWAP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 801
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of hosts attached to the AWAP has returned to an acceptable level. |
information |
the managed object's performance is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
AWAP Host Count Low
Parent incident: AWAP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 802
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the combined count of hosts that are wirelessly associated with the AWAP has fallen below the set threshold. For all AWAPs, the default threshold is set to 0, and disabled. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | you can check the AWAP Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a falling usage trend, you may want to adjust the capabilities of your wireless network. |
AWAP Host Count Low Cleared
Parent incident: AWAP Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 803
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of hosts attached to the AWAP has returned to an acceptable level. |
information |
the managed object's performance is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
Background Reachability Check Failed
Parent incident: Server Suspended incident
Event ID: 786454
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity central server check of the reachability of its remote server(s) has failed. One or more remote servers has failed to respond within the defined period. By default, the central server polls its remote servers ever 15,000 milliseconds and allows 10,000 milliseconds to receive a response. These settings are configurable through reachabilityAuditorPollingInterval and reachabilityAuditorFutureResultsTimeout in entuity.cfg. |
severe |
network outage, network congestion, Entuity server overload either of the remote or central server, or the restart of the remote Entuity server, e.g. it was taken down for maintenance. | check the status of the remote Entuity server, e.g. has it been taken down for scheduled maintenance? Review other raised events, do they indicate a general networking issue? |
Background Reachability Check Succeeded
Parent incident: Server Suspended incident
Event ID: 786455
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a remote server that was not responding to the central server has started responding. |
information |
a remote Entuity server that was not responding to the central server's reachability check has now responded. | none. |
Backplane Bus A High Utilization
Parent incident: Backplane Bus A High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655438, 8:78
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
with some devices, this indicates a major issue when the port speed and density is higher than the available backplane capability. When backplane utilization is over 50%, it may also indicate port queuing or dropped traffic, which then leads to re-transmission and so more traffic. There are separate backplane utilization events for Bus A, Bus B, Bus C and System Bus, against each can be set a threshold value. |
minor |
insufficient backplane resources. | consider reassigning links to under utilized backplanes, possible backplane upgrade. |
Backplane Bus A High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: Backplane Bus A High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655439, 8:79
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that backplane utilization is now responding normally. |
information |
reduced utilization. | none. |
Backplane Bus B High Utilization
Parent incident: Backplane Bus B High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655440, 8:80
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
with some devices, this indicates a major issue when the port speed and density is higher than the available backplane capabilities. When backplane utilization is over 50% it may also indicate port queuing or dropped traffic, which then leads to re-transmission and so more traffic. There are separate backplane utilization events for Bus A, Bus B, Bus C and System Bus, against each can be set a threshold value. |
minor |
insufficient backplane resources. | consider reassigning links to under-utilized backplanes, possible backplane upgrade. |
Backplane Bus B High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: Backplane Bus B High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655441, 8:81
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates that backplane utilization is now responding normally. |
information |
reduced utilization. | none. |
Backplane Bus C High Utilization
Parent incident: Backplane Bus C High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655442, 8:82
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
with some devices, this indicates a major issue when the port speed and density is higher than the available backplane capabilities. When backplane utilization is over 50%, it may also indicate port queuing or dropped traffic, when then leads to re-transmission and so more traffic. There are separate backplane utilization events for Bus A, Bus B, Bus C and System Bus, against each can be set a threshold value. |
minor |
insufficient backplane resources. | consider reassigning links to under-utilized backplanes, possible backplane upgrade. |
Backplane Bus C High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: Backplane Bus C High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655443, 8:83
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that backplane utilization is now responding normally. |
information |
reduced utilization. | none. |
Backplane System Bus High Utilization
Parent incident: Backplane System Bus High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655436, 8:76
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
with some devices, this indicates a major issue when the port speed and density is higher than the available backplane capabilities. When backplane utilization is over 50%, it may also indicate port queuing or dropped traffic, which then leads to re-transmission and so more traffic. There are separate backplane utilization events for Bus A, Bus B, Bus C and System Bus against each can be set a threshold value. |
minor |
insufficient backplane resources. | consider reassigning links to under utilized backplanes, possible backplane upgrade. |
Backplane System Bus High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: Backplane System Bus High Utilization incident
Event ID: 655437, 8:77
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that backplane utilization is now responding normally. |
information |
reduced utilization. | none. |
Battery High Temperature
Parent incident: Battery High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1357
Default severity: severe
Battery High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: Battery High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1358
Default severity: information
Battery Low Reading
Parent incident: Battery Low Reading incident
Event ID: 1353
Default severity: severe
Battery Low Reading Cleared
Parent incident: Battery Low Reading incident
Event ID: 1354
Default severity: information
Battery Low Voltage
Parent incident: Battery Low Voltage incident
Event ID: 1355
Default severity: severe
Battery Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: Battery Low Voltage incident
Event ID: 1356
Default severity: information
BGP Peer Briefly Established
Parent incident: BGP Peer Briefly Established incident
Event ID: 133
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between BGP speakers are not established, but bounced recently. Entuity identifies a recent bounce as the peer transition count is greater than zero. |
critical |
BGP keep-alives may be lost, so the local router terminates the connection and then successfully attempt to reestablish it. Other causes may be an unstable remote router, traffic shaping limitations. | check logs are activated on the device. Use the logs to investigate error messages. |
BGP Peer Briefly Not Established
Parent incident: BGP Peer Briefly Established incident
Event ID: 132
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between BGP are now established, but bounced recently. Entuity identifies a recent bounce as the up time is lower than in the previous poll. |
critical |
BGP keep-alives may be lost, so the local router terminates the connection and then successfully attempt to reestablish it. Other causes may be an unstable remote router, traffic shaping limitations. | check logs are activated on the device. Use the logs to investigate error messages. |
BGP Peer Disappeared
Parent incident: BGP Peer Disappeared incident
Event ID: 130
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a former adjacent peer has been removed from router's configuration. Administrators should be aware of this change to be able to detect rogue configuration updates. |
critical |
update of router configuration. | investigate the cause of router disappearance. |
BGP Peer Established
Parent incident: BGP Peer Established incident
Event ID: 129
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between BGP peer have just become well established. |
minor |
BGP peer established. | none. |
BGP Peer Newly Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) BGP Peer Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P01 and below) BGP Peer Newly Discovered incident
Event ID: 128
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity's discovery of a new BGP peer. | minor | configuration of a new BGP peer. | none. |
BGP Peer Not Established
Parent incident: BGP Peer Established incident
Event ID: 129
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates to administrators that a former adjacent peer is no longer in reach. |
critical |
problems with IP reachability or incorrect BGP configuration. | at the router's command line interface, use the pingand show route commands to verify network connectivity to the BGP peer. You can use the show log messagescommand to look for error relating to the peer. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 547
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +1.25v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Detailsidentifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 548
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has been cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 549
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +1.25v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Detailsidentifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts.
event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.25V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 550
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 543
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 544
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has been cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 545
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts.
Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
a drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +1.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 546
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 535
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 536
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 537
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
a drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 538
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 539
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 540
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 541
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
a drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 541
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 531
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 532
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 533
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
a drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 534
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 527
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
surge in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 528
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 529
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail's correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. Event only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
a drop in BladeCenter power supply, poorly seated or malfunctioning blade. |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 530
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade Powered Off
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade Powered Off incident
Event ID: 519
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a blade has been switched off. This is identified through monitoring the voltage on the blade. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
blade switched off. | none. |
BladeCenter Blade Powered On
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blade Powered Off incident
Event ID: 520
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a blade has been switched on. This is identified through monitoring the voltage on the blade. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
information |
blade switched on. | none. |
BladeCenter Blower Failed
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blower Failed incident
Event ID: 514
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a blower has failed. This is identified through monitoring the voltage on the blade. BladeCenter’s built-in redundancy allows the remaining blower to successfully cool the BladeCenter. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
major |
blower failure. | replace the blower. The failed blower module must be replaced within two minutes during service. |
BladeCenter Blower Ok
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blower Failed incident
Event ID: 513
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a BladeCenter blower has transitioned from a failed, or blower slow, state. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
information |
previous problem with the blower (either slow performance or failure) has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Blower Slow
Parent incident: BladeCenter Blower Failed incident
Event ID: 512
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a blower is running at less than twenty percent (default threshold) of its maximum rotational speed. BladeCenter blowers usually operate at thirty percent or above of their maximum rotational speed, the exact speed depending upon the ambient temperature. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
minor |
blower engine failure. | replace the blower. |
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 567
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +1.8v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 568
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the +1.8v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 569
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +1.8v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +1.8V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 570
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the +1.8v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 535
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +12v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 536
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the +12v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 537
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +12v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +12V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 538
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the +12v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 563
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +2.5v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 564
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the +2.5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 565
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +2.5v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +2.5 Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +2.5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 566
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the +2.5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 555
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +3.3v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 556
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the +3.3v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 557
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +3.3v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +3.3V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 558
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the +3.3v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 551
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +5v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 552
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the +5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 553
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the +5v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis +5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 554
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the +5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none |
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail High Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 571
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the -5v rail has crossed the maximum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail High Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 572
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates a previous high voltage alarm raised against the -5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Low Voltage
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 573
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the voltage reading for the -5v rail has crossed the minimum voltage threshold for that rail. Details identifies the rail’s correct voltage, the actual voltage and the threshold voltage (by default a 5% variance from the correct voltage). Voltage readings are given in millivolts. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
Entuity recommends always consulting the BladeCenter documentation. |
BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Chassis -5V Rail Voltage Problem incident
Event ID: 574
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous low voltage alarm raised against the -5v rail has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the rail voltage has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature
Parent incident: BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 521
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the temperature reading for the CPU has crossed the maximum threshold for that CPU. Details identifies the actual temperature and the temperature threshold. Temperature readings are given in degrees Celsius. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter CPU1 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 522
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high temperature alarm raised against the CPU has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the CPU temperature has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature
Parent incident: BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 523
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the temperature reading for the CPU has crossed the maximum threshold for that CPU. Details identifies the actual temperature and the temperature threshold. Temperature readings are given in degrees Celsius. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter CPU2 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 524
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high temperature alarm raised against the CPU has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the CPU temperature has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature
Parent incident: BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 525
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the temperature reading for the DASD1 has crossed the maximum threshold for that DASD1. Details identifies the actual temperature and the temperature threshold. Temperature readings are given in degrees Celsius. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter DASD1 High Temperature incident
Event ID: 526
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high temperature alarm raised against the DASD1 has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the DASD1 temperature has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature
Parent incident: BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature incident
Event ID: 517
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the temperature reading for the Front Panel has crossed the maximum threshold for that Front Panel. Details identifies the actual temperature and the temperature threshold. Temperature readings are given in degrees Celsius. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Front Panel High Temperature incident
Event ID: 518
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high temperature alarm raised against the Front Panel has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the Front Panel temperature has cleared. | none. |
BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature
Parent incident: BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 515
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the temperature reading for the management module has crossed the maximum threshold for that management module. Details identifies the actual temperature and the temperature threshold. Temperature readings are given in degrees Celsius. This event is only available with the BladeCenter module. |
severe |
BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: BladeCenter Management Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 516
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous high temperature alarm raised against the management module has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the management module temperature has cleared. | none. |
CUCM CPU High Utilization
Parent incident: CUCM CPU High Utilization incident
Event ID: 416
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a process on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server has high CPU utilization. |
severe |
high Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU utilization due to interrupts, or a particular process using a lot of CPU resources. Each device type registered with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has a weight, this weight should match the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server specification. Problems may occur when this is not the case. | use Flex Reports to create a Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU Report, for example one that runs every hour to monitor CPU utilization. |
Blacklisted Application Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 93
Default severity: critical
Bluetooth Clients Have Become Visible
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1105
Default severity level: information
Bluetooth Clients Have Gone Out Of Range
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1106
Default severity level: minor
Cable Error Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1107
Default severity level: major
Cellular Came Up
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1108
Default severity level: information
Cellular Went Down
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1109
Default severity level: major
Chassis Fan Major Fault
Parent incident: Chassis Fan Status Problem incident
Event ID: 655393, 8:33
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a major fan hardware problem. |
severe |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Fan Minor Fault
Parent incident: Chassis Fan Status Problem incident
Event ID: 655392, 8:32
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor fan hardware problem. |
major |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Fan OK
Parent incident: Chassis Fan Status Problem incident
Event ID: 655390, 8:30
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a previous fan fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty firmware has been swapped out. | none. |
Chassis Fan Status Unknown
Parent incident: Chassis Fan Status Problem incident
Event ID: 655391, 8:31
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the status of the fan is not reportable or is unknown. |
minor |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Major Alarm
Parent incident: Chassis Alarm incident
Event ID: 655397, 8:37
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device is reporting a major hardware or firmware problem which is causing or may cause the device to fail. |
critical |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Major Alarm Cleared
Parent incident: Chassis Alarm incident
Event ID: 655398, 8:38
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous alarm has been cleared. |
information |
the original cause of the alarm (e.g. power supply problems, fan failures, temperature alarms, module faults) has been corrected. | none. |
Chassis Minor Alarm
Parent incident: Chassis Alarm incident
Event ID: 655395, 8:35
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device is reporting a major hardware or firmware problem which is causing or may cause the device to fail. |
severe |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Minor Alarm Cleared
Parent incident: Chassis Alarm incident
Event ID: 655396, 8:36
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous alarm has been cleared. |
information |
the original cause of the alarm (e.g. power supply problems, fan failures, temperature alarms, module faults) has been corrected. | none. |
Chassis Temperature Alarm
Parent incident: Chassis Temperature Alarm incident
Event ID: 655410, 8:50
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has measured a significant increase in ambient temperature. |
major |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Chassis Temperature Alarm Cleared
Parent incident: Chassis Temperature Alarm incident
Event ID: 655411, 8:51
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device temperature problem is resolved. |
information |
hardware swap out that has resolved a previous problem. | none. |
Chassis Temperature Critical Alarm
Parent incident: Chassis Temperature Alarm incident
Event ID: 655412, 8:52
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has measured a potentially fatal increase in ambient temperature. |
critical |
telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Cisco DNA Center Webhook Alert Received
Parent incident: DNAC Webhook Received incident
Event ID: 741
Default severity level: information
Cisco DNA Center Webhook Alert Cleared
Parent incident: DNAC Webhook Received incident
Event ID: 746
Default severity level: information
Client Connected To Another Network
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1111
Default severity level: information
Client Connectivity Changed
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1112
Default severity level: information
Client IP Conflict Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1112
Default severity level: minor
Clients Are Compliant With Their Security Policy
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1113
Default severity level: minor
Clients Are Violating Their Security Policy
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1114
Default severity level: severe
Clients Came Up
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1115
Default severity level: information
Clients Failing To Connect
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1116
Default severity level: major
Clients Have Enrolled In One Of Your Networks
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1117
Default severity level: information
Clients Have Re-entered Their Geofenced Area
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1118
Default severity level: information
Clients Have Violated Their Geofencing Policy
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1119
Default severity level: major
Clients Went Down
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1120
Default severity level: major
Cloud Controller Connection Failed
Parent incident: Cloud Controller Connection Failure incident
Event ID: 793
Default severity level: severe
Cloud Controller Connection Failure Cleared
Parent incident: Cloud Controller Connection Failure incident
Event ID: 792
Default severity level: information
Cluster High CPU Usage
Parent incident: Cluster High CPU incident
Event ID: 792
Default severity level: severe
Cluster High CPU Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Cluster High CPU incident
Event ID: 1334
Default severity level: information
Cluster High Memory Usage
Parent incident: Cluster High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1337
Default severity level: severe
Cluster High Memory Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Cluster High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1336
Default severity level: information
Cluster State Alarm
Parent incident: Cluster State Problem incident
Event ID: 1322
Default severity level: severe
Cluster State OK
Parent incident: Cluster State Problem incident
Event ID: 1324
Default severity level: information
Cluster State Unknown
Parent incident: Cluster State Problem incident
Event ID: 1321
Default severity level: minor
Cluster State Warn
Parent incident: Cluster State Problem incident
Event ID: 1323
Default severity level: major
CM Configuration Includes Policy Exclusion
Parent incident: CM Configuration Includes Policy Exclusion incident
Event ID: 346
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor has identified a device configuration which includes a setting that violates good practice. |
minor |
poorly or wrongly defined device configuration. |
Entuity raises an event for each policy violation. In the Open view mode of the Events dashlet, these events are collapsed into one row, with # identifying the number of events. View the events in History mode to view the specific policy violation in the event’s Details. Correct the configuration on the device or amended your policy mandated statements file. |
CM Configuration Missing Policy Mandated Statement
Parent incident: CM Configuration Missing Policy Mandated Statement incident
Event ID: 345
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor has identified that the device configuration does not include a setting required for the device to be configured according to good practice. |
minor |
poorly or wrongly defined device configuration |
Entuity raises an event for each policy violation. In the Open view mode of the Events dashlet, these events are collapsed into one row, with # identifying the number of events. View the events in History mode to view the specific policy violation in the event’s Details. Correct the configuration on the device or amended your policy mandated statements file. |
CM Firmware Version Changed
Parent incident: CM Firmware Version Changed incident
Event ID:
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity has identified a change in the device firmware configuration. Entuity raises this event and also retrieves the device configuration. |
minor |
this would usually be an authorized change in the device firmware. However, an unauthorized change may indicate a security issue. | Configuration Monitor initiates a retrieval of device configuration, which you can view in the archive directory |
CM Previously Unsaved Configuration Saved
Parent incident: CM Unsaved Configuration incident
Event ID: 344
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the current running and startup device configuration files are now the same. |
information |
a device configuration that was previously identified as not being saved, has now been saved. | none. |
CM Running Configuration Changed
Parent incident: CM Running Configuraiton Changed incident
Event ID: 342
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor has retrieved a device running configuration that is significantly different from the previous running configuration retrieved from that device. This new configuration is stored, making it the new last-seen running-configuration. This event expires in 24 hours. |
severe |
a known configuration change to the device. | from the event's Context menu, you can compare the most recent running configurations. You can also compare configurations through the device's web UI Device Configurations dashlet. |
CM Running Configuration Retrieval Failed
Parent incident: CM Running Configuration Retrieval Failed incident
Event ID: 348
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor attempted, but failed, to retrieve device running configuration. Details describes the failure to retrieve the configuration and identifies the device (either by resolved name or IP address) .This event ages out after 24 hours. |
minor |
CM Startup Configuration Changed
Parent incident: CM Startup Configuration Changed incident
Event ID: 341
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor has retrieved a device startup configuration that is significantly different from the previous startup configuration retrieved from that device. This new configuration is stored, making it the new last-seen startup-configuration. This event ages out in twenty-four hours. |
severe |
a known configuration change to the device. | In the Device Configurations dashlet, open and compare the difference between the current and previous configurations. |
CM Startup Configuration Retrieval Failed
Parent incident: CM Startup Configuration Retrieval Failed incident
Event ID: 349
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor attempted, but failed, to retrieve device running configuration. Details describes the failure to retrieve the configuration and identifies the device, either by resolved name or IP address.This event ages out after 24 hours |
minor |
CM Unsaved Configuration
Parent incident: CM Unsaved Configuration incident
Event ID: 343
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity Configuration Monitor has retrieved, and compared, the current running and startup device configuration files. Entuity Configuration Monitor has found a significant difference between the two, which indicates an unsaved configuration change. |
minor |
a configuration change to the device. | In the Device Configurations dashlet, open and compare the difference between the current and previous configurations. |
Component Error
Parent incident: Component State Problem incident
Event ID: 1190
Default severity: severe
Component No Predicted Failure
Parent incident: Predictive Failure incident
Event ID: 1352
Default severity: information
Component Not Present
Parent incident: Component State Problem incident
Event ID: 1194
Default severity: major
Component OK
Parent incident: Component State Problem incident
Event ID: 1187
Default severity: information
Component Predicted Failure Error
Parent incident: Predicted Failure incident
Event ID: 1349
Default severity: severe
Component Predicted Failure State Unknown
Parent incident: Predictive Failure incident
Event ID: 1350
Default severity: major
Component Predicted Failure Warning
Parent incident: Predictive Failure incident
Event ID: 1351
Default severity: major
Component State Unknown
Parent incident: Component State Problem incident
Event ID: 1189
Default severity: major
Component Warning
Parent incident: Component State Problem incident
Default severity: major
Config Mgmt Job Failed
Parent incident: Config Mgmt Job Failed incident
Event ID: 351
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates one or more of the sub-jobs associated with the identified job failed. This event can be disabled for all jobs derived from the task through the task’s administration Advanced Settings form and the Raise Event on Completion check box. |
severe |
the event details includes information on the cause of the job failure, e.g.:
investigate the task history. |
Config Mgmt Job Succeeded
Parent incident: Config Mgmt Job Succeeded incident
Event ID: 352
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the identified job successfully completed and therefore all of its sub-jobs successfully completed. This event can be disabled for all jobs derived from the task through the task’s administration Advanced Settings form and the Raise Event on Completion check box. |
information |
successful completion of job. | none. |
CUCM CPU High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: CUCM CPU High Utilization incident
Event ID: 417
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous alarm has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with the CPU utilization has cleared. | none. |
CUCM CTI Device Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM CTI Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 402
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the CTI device has not registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
critical |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager or the CTI Manager may have failed. Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have insufficient resources to handle additional devices. |
Entuity monitors Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU and Memory performance, raising events when high utilization thresholds are crossed. Also run a Flex Report on these metrics. Consult the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for details on device weighting. |
CUCM CTI Device Registered
Parent incident: CUCM CTI Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 403
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the CTI device has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
information |
successful CTI device registration. | none |
CUCM Gatekeeper Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Gatekeeper Not Registered incident
Event ID: 404
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot register with the gatekeeper. |
critical |
gatekeeper configuration problems. Entuity details the specific error code. | Check IP visibility from Cisco Unified Communications Manager to the gatekeeper. 2) Check gatekeeper status and verify that the gatekeeper state is up. 3) When there is a zone subnet defined on the gatekeeper, verify that the subnet of the gateway is in the allowed subnets. |
CUCM Gatekeeper Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Gatekeeper Not Registered incident
Event ID: 405
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the gatekeeper has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
information |
successful gatekeeper registrations. | none. |
CUCM Gateway Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Gateway Not Registered incident
Event ID: 410
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
gateway registration may fail for a number of reasons. |
critical |
gateway registration may fail for a number of reasons, e.g. gateway software failure. | check that the gateway is up and running. All gateways have a heartbeat LED that blinks one second on and one second off when the gateway software is running normally. After a registration failure the gateway attempts to recover, which alters the LED blink pattern. If the gateway fails to recover consult the gateway documentation. |
CUCM Gateway Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Gateway Not Registered incident
Event ID: 411
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the gateway has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
information |
successful gateway registration | none. |
CUCM H.323 Device Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM H.323 Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 406
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
H.323 Gateway device registration may fail for a number of reasons. |
critical (redO |
H.323 Gateway device registration may fail for a number of reasons, e.g. gateway software failure. | check that the gateway is up and running. All gateways have a heartbeat LED that blinks one second on and one second off when the gateway software is running normally. After a registration failure the gateway attempts to recover, which alters the LED blink pattern. If the gateway fails to recover consult the gateway documentation. |
CUCM H.323 Device Registered
Parent incident: CUCM H.323 Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 407
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the H.323 device has successfully registered to the CUCM. |
information |
successful H.323 device registration. | none. |
CUCM Media Device Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Media Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 408
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the media device has not registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
critical |
Entuity monitors Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU and Memory performance, raising events when high utilization thresholds are crossed. Also run a Flex Report on these metrics. Consult the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for details on device weighting. |
CUCM Media Device Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Media Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 409
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the media device has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
information |
successful media device registration | none. |
CUCM Phone Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Phone Not Registered incident
Event ID: 400
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the phone has not registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
critical |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have failed. Automatic phone registration may be turned off (default state). The Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have insufficient resources to handle additional devices. |
Entuity monitors Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU and Memory performance, raising events when high utilization thresholds are crossed. Also run a Flex Report on these metrics. Consult the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for details on device weighting. |
CUCM Phone Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Phone Not Registered incident
Event ID: 401
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the phone has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. |
information |
successful phone registration. | none. |
CUCM Process Memory High Utilization
Parent incident: CUCM Process memory High Utilization incident
Event ID: 418
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has high process memory utilization. |
severe |
high CUCM process memory utilization due to interrupts, or a particular process using a lot of memory resources. Each device type registered with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has a weight, this weight should match the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server specification. Problems may occur when this is not the case. | use Flex Reports to create a Cisco Unified Communications Manager memory report, for example one that runs every hour to monitor Cisco Unified Communications Manager memory utilization. |
CUCM Process Memory High Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: CUCM Process memory High Utilization incident
Event ID: 419
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous alarm has been cleared. |
information |
previous problem with high memory utilization has cleared. | none. |
CUCM Voicemail Device Not Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Voicemail Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 412
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the voicemail device has not registered to the CUCM. |
critical |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have failed or not recognized the device type. Alternatively, the Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have insufficient resources to handle additional devices. |
ENA monitors Cisco Unified Communications Manager CPU and Memory performance, raising events when high utilization thresholds are crossed. Also run a Flex Report on these metrics. Consult the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation for details on device weighting. |
CUCM Voicemail Device Registered
Parent incident: CUCM Voicemail Device Not Registered incident
Event ID: 413
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the voicemail device has successfully registered to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager |
information |
successful voicemail device registration. | none. |
Datastore Accessible
Parent incident: Datastore Inaccessible incident
Event ID: 1318
Default severity level: information
Datastore High Usage
Parent incident: Datastore High Usage incident
Event ID: 1320
Default severity level: severe
Datastore High Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Datastore High Usage incident
Event ID: 1319
Default severity level: information
Datastore Inaccessible
Parent incident: Datastore Inaccessible incident
Event ID: 1317
Default severity level: severe
Device Average CPU Utilization Critical
Parent incident: Device Average CPU Utilization High incident
Event ID: 655460, 8:100
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates high device CPU utilization, as an average of the utilization of all its processors. |
critical |
Device Average CPU Utilization High
Parent incident: Device Average CPU Utilization High incident
Event ID: 655415, 8:55
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates high device CPU utilization, as an average of the utilization of all its processors. |
severe |
Device Average CPU Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: Device Average CPU Utilization High incident
Event ID: 655414, 8:54
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates that processor utilization on the device, as an average of all the device’s processor utilization, is no longer higher than the set threshold. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Device Average Memory Usage Critical
Parent incident: Device Average Memory Usage High incident
Event ID: 655461, 8:101
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device has a high level of usage resulting in a critically low level of available memory. Entuity combines all memory resources on the device, calculates the assigned resource and then raises the event when that resource is greater than the set threshold, by default 90%. |
severe |
low memory may be caused through a combination of factors: memory leak that has consumed a large amount of memory. network instability pushing thefree memory to zero. device does not have enough memory to begin with but the problem is discovered only during a rare network event. |
use the managed host function to view current and historic levels of memory |
Device Average Memory Usage High
Parent incident: Device Average Memory Usage High incident
Event ID: 655417, 8:57
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device has low memory. ENA combines all memory resources on the device, calculates the assigned resource and then raises the event when that resource is greater than the set threshold, by default 80%. |
severe |
low memory may be caused by a combination of factors, eg.:
use the managed host function to view current and historic levels of memory. |
Device Average Memory Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Device Average Memory Usage High incident
Event ID: 655416, 8:56
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device is no longer suffering from low memory. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Device Clock Inconsistency
Parent incident: Device Clock Inconsistency incident
Event ID: 655444, 8:84
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
poll samples for the device have been discarded, because a discrepancy that is too great between the sample interval according to device sysUpTime, and the sample interval according to ENA's clock. |
minor |
does not necessarily indicate a network problem. Tolerance values for this event may be adjusted via settings in entuity.cfg. |
Device Cold Reboot
Parent incident: Device Not Responding To SNMP incident
Event ID: 655361, 8:1
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has been rebooted or reset. This event is detected by the generation of an SNMP trap on the device. |
severe |
telnet to the device and check the system logs for an indication of what caused the device to reboot. |
Device Status Error
Parent incident: Device Status Problem incident
Device ID: 1255
Default severity: severe
Device Fan Failure
Parent incident: Device Fan Failure incident
Event ID: 938
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the failure of a fan on the device. |
critical |
fan failure on the device. | the event includes the identifier of the failed fan, which you can use when investigating the failure and to locate it if you have to replace the fan. |
Device Fan Failure Cleared
Parent incident: Device Fan Failure incident
Event ID: 937
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fan that had failed on the device is once again working. |
information |
fan may have restarted or may have been replaced with a new fan. | none. |
Device High Active Sessions
Parent incident: Device High Active Sessions incident
Event ID: 621
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of active sessions is greater than the set threshold, by default 1000. |
major |
highest number of active sessions is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate the session history of the device. |
Device High Active Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Device High Active Sessions incident
Event ID: 620
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of active sessions was greater than the set threshold, by default 1000, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
number of sessions is below the set threshold. | none. |
Device High Authenticated Response Time
Parent incident: Device High Authenticated Response Time incident
Event ID: 623
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
data for this event is retrieved through custom scripts. Contact Entuity Technical Services for details. |
major |
authentication response time is greater than the set threshold. | investigate the authentication history of the device. |
Device High Authenticated Response Time Cleared
Parent incident: Device High Authenticated Response Time incident
Event ID: 622
Default severity level: information
Device High External URL Response Time
Parent incident: Device High External URL Response Time incident
Event ID: 625
Default severity level: major
Device High External URL Response Time Cleared
Parent incident: Device High External URL Response Time incident
Event ID: 624
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
data for this event is retrieved through custom scripts. Contact Entuity Technical Services for details. |
information |
external URL response time was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
none. |
Device High Messages Received
Parent incident: Device High Messages Received incident
Event ID: 627
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of message received is greater than the set threshold, by default 1000. |
major |
a large number of messages have been sent to this device. | investigate the history of the device. |
Device High Messages Received Cleared
Parent incident: Device High Messages Received incident
Event ID: 626
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of message received was greater than the set threshold, by default 1000, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
reduction in the number of messages. | none. |
Device Low Disk Space
Parent incident: Device Low Disk Space incident
Event ID: 314
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device has low disk space. |
severe |
cause of low disk space depends on the device, e.g. firewalls can generate large log files. | use the managed host function to view current and historic levels of disk space. |
Device Low Disk Space Cleared
Parent incident: Device Low Disk Space incident
Event ID: 315
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device is no longer suffering from low disk space. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Device Name Resolution Failure
Parent incident: Device Name Resolution Failure incident
Event ID: 655448, 8:88
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates ENA poller could reach the device using its IP address, but not resolve its device host name. |
minor |
investigate domain name resolution. The exact steps depend upon your operating system and the Domain Name System configuration. |
Device Name Resolution Failure Cleared
Parent incident: Device Name Resolution Failure incident
Event ID: 655449, 8:89
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates ENA can resolve the device hostname. |
information |
correction of previous DNS problem. | none. |
Device OK
Parent incident: Device Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1253
Default severity: information
Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Lost
Parent incident: Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Problem incident
Event ID: 655446, 8:85
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ENA eyepoller counter wrap margin allows ENA to identify devices for which it may miss counter wraps. This event indicates that the traffic rate is being polled from 32 bit counters and that the combination of the poll rate and linespeed make the resulting measurement susceptible to inaccuracy and the polled data is therefore discarded. |
major |
this event may be triggered if poll operations take longer, for example as a result of SNMP timeouts. Otherwise this event may suggest that the polling load is beyond ENA's capacity, in which case the problem is with ENA, not with the network. |
Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy at Risk
Parent incident: Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Problem incident
Event ID: 655445, 8:86
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ENA eyepoller counter wrap margin allows ENA to identify devices for which it may miss counter wraps. This event indicates that a device was in danger of missing a counter wrap for, is being safely polled. |
minor |
this event may be triggered if poll operations take longer, for example as a result of SNMP timeouts. Otherwise this event may suggest that the polling load is beyond ENA's capacity, in which case the problem is with ENA, not with the network. |
Device Port(s) Utilization Missed Due to Slow Response
Parent incident: Device Port(s) Utilization Accuracy Problem incident
Event ID: 655447, 8:87
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
this event indicates that a device has responded too slowly to ENA polling and data has been lost. |
major |
a configuration change to ENA may mean the device is polled more frequently. If the polling frequency has not changed and there has been no significant change to the device configuration or loading then SNMP traffic may be being lost either in the device or between the Entuity server and the device. This may be because the weakest link is now overloaded for some reason. |
monitor the polling of the device. |
Device Reachability Degraded
Parent incident: Device Reachability Problems incident
Event ID: 655382, 8:22
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
This event is not enabled by default. It is enabled from the ICMP Monitor Settings page (click Administration > ICMP Monitor) by selecting the Enable Device Unreachable Events and Raise "Device Reachability Degraded" events checkboxes. |
severe |
ENA identifies reachability of the device as degraded but ENA does not consider it as the root cause of the degradation. Reachability to the device is potentially only degraded because of the behavior of the identified root cause, i.e. this may be a symptomatic event. |
check the Device Status history. |
Device Reboot Detected
Parent incident: Device Not Responding To SNMP incident
Event ID: 655365, 8:5
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has recently been rebooted or reset. ENA monitors device system uptime by polling the device every ten minutes, gathering SysUpTime. |
severe |
consult your device documentation on investigating the device cooling system. |
Device Sensor Non-Operational
Parent incident: Device Sensor Non-Operational incident
Event ID: 942
Default severity: minor
Device Sensor Non-Operational Cleared
Parent incident: Device Sensor Non-Operational incident
Event ID: 941
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a device that was reporting a high temperature is now returning a value within accepted boundaries. |
information |
resolution of original problem. | none. |
Device Sensor Warning Value
Parent incident: Device Sensor Warning Value incident
Event ID: 940
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a high temperature on the device, with the event details including the device’s reported temperature. |
major |
overworked device, fan failure, air conditioner failure in the room, air blockage to cooling vents. | consult your device documentation on investigating the device cooling system. |
Device Sensor Value Cleared
Parent incident: Device Sensor Warning Value incident
Event ID: 939
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a device that was reporting a high temperature is now returning a value within accepted boundaries. |
information |
resolution of original problem. | none. |
Device State Unknown
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1256
Default severity: major
Device Unreachable
Parent incident: Device Reachability Problems incident
Event ID: 655381, 8:21
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
This event is not enabled by default. It is enabled from the ICMP Monitor Settings page (click Administration > ICMP Monitor) by selecting the Enable Device Unreachable Events checkbox. |
critical |
ENA identifies the device as unavailable and also if it is the root cause of the outage. Reachability to the device is potentially only degraded because of the behavior of the identified root cause, i.e. this may be a symptomatic event. |
check the Device Status history. |
Device Unreachable Cleared
Parent incident: Device Reachability Problems incident
Event ID: 655380, 8:20
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ENA identifies the device as available and clears the original Device Unreachable or Device Reachability Degraded event. |
information |
resolution of the original problem. | none. |
Device Warm Reboot
Parent incident: Device Not Responding To SNMP incident
Event ID: 655362, 8:2
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has just been rebooted or reset. This event is detected by the generation of an SNMP trap on the device. |
severe |
Telnet to the device and check the system logs for an indication of what caused the device to reboot. |
Device Warning
Parent incident: Device Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1254
Default severity: major
Devices Operating At Critical Temperature
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1122
Default severity: severe
DHCP Leases Exhausted
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1121
Default severity: major
DNAC Backup Failure
Parent incident: DNAC Backup Failure incident
Event ID: 675
Default severity: severe
DNAC Backup Success
Parent incident: DNAC Backup Failure incident
Event ID: 674
Default severity: information
DNAC Connection Failed
Parent incident: DNAC Poller Failed incident
Event ID: 743
Default severity: severe
DNAC Connection Failure Cleared
Parent incident: DNAC Poller Failed incident
Event ID: 742
Default severity: information
DNAC Poller Overrun
Parent incident: DNAC Poller Overrun incident
Event ID: 745
Default severity: severe
DNAC Poller Overrun Cleared
Parent incident: DNAC Poller Overrun incident
Event ID: 744
Default severity: information
EGP Neighbor Loss
Parent incident: EPG Neighbor Loss incident
Event ID: 655369, 8:9
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the device's peer relationship with an EGP (Extended Gateway Protocol) neighbor no longer exists. The SNMP trap includes the identity IP address of the peered router, which ENA attempts to resolve to the host name. |
critical |
peer router has gone down. | investigate the peer router. |
EIGRP Peer Briefly Not Established
Parent incident: EIGRP Peer Briefly Not Established incident
Event ID: 146
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates to administrators that virtual links between EIGRP speakers are now well established but bounced recently. ENA identifies a recent bounce as the up time is lower than in the previous poll. |
critical |
EIGRP keep-alives may be lost, so the local router terminates the connection and then successfully attempt to reestablish it. Other causes maybe an unstable remote router, traffic shaping limitations. | check logs are activated on the device. Use the logs to investigate error messages. |
EIGRP Peer Disappeared
Parent incident: EIGRP Peer Disappeared incident
Event ID: 144
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a former adjacent peer has been removed from the router's configuration. Administrators should be aware of this change, to be able to detect rogue configuration updates. |
critical |
removal of an adjacent router. | investigate the cause of router disappearance. |
EIGRP Peer Newly Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) EIGRP Peer Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P01 and below) EIGRP Peer Newly Discovered incident
Event ID: 145
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates ENA's discovery of a new EIGRP peer. |
minor |
configuration of a new EIGRP peer. | none. |
Entuity License Expired and This Entuity Server is No Longer Operational
Parent incident: Entuity License Problem incident
Event ID: 786449, 32:17
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the license on the central license server has expired. The central license server provides the credits for the remote ENA license client to manage its network, this remote ENA server also requires a locally installed valid license. The local license determines the modules and integrations enabled on that ENA install. |
critical |
Entuity License Not Updated by License Server and Will Expire
Parent incident: Entuity License Problem incident
Event ID: 786448, 32:16
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity license server cannot contact the remote Entuity server. The license server regularly contacts its remote clients to maintain and verify their license details. A remote server can only run for a limited time, by default seven days, without contact from its license server. This event is raised after a set period of non-contact, by default two days. These settings are configurable through entuity.cfg. |
minor |
Entuity License on Remote Server Could Not be Updated
Parent incident: Entuity License on Remote Server Problem incident
Event ID: 786445, 32:13
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the central license server cannot contact one of its remote Entuity servers. This event is raised after a set period of non-contact, by default two days. These settings are configurable through entuity.cfg. |
minor |
Entuity License on Remote Server Expired
Parent incident: Entuity License on Remote Server Problem incident
Event ID: 786446, 32:14
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the license for a remote client is no longer verified. An Entuity server using a client license can only run for a limited time (by default 7 days), without contact from its license server. This setting is configurable through entuity.cfg. |
critical |
the license server has not contacted its client for a minimum of 7 days. | check the status of the remmote Entuity server, e.g. has it been taken down for scheduled maintenance? Review other raised events and check if they indicate a general networking issue. |
Entuity License on Remote Server Successfully Updated
Parent incident: Entuity License on Remote Server Problem incident
Event ID: 786447, 32:15
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity license server has restored contact to the remote client Entuity server. The license server regularly contacts its remote clients to maintain and verify their license details. A remote server can only run for a limited time (by default 7 days), without contact from its license server. This setting is configurable through entuity.cfg. |
information |
the central Entuity license server was down, e.g. for maintenance, but is now online again. | none. |
Entuity License Successfully Updated by License Server
Parent incident: Entuity License Problem incident
Event ID: 786450, 32:18
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity license server has reestablished contact with this Entuity server. |
information |
the remote Entuity license server was down, e.g. for maintenance, but is now online again. | none. |
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error
Parent incident: Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident
Event ID: 786463
Default severity: severe
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Cleared
Parent incident: Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident
Event ID: 786465
Default severity: information
Entuity Remote Subsystem Error Updated
Parent incident: Entuity Remote Subsystem Error incident
Event ID: 786464
Default severity: critical
Entuity Server Automated Shutdown
Parent incident: Entuity Automated Shutdown incident
Event ID: 786436, 32:4
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
generated by Entuity warning it is shutting down. This is raised by diskMonitor and indicates Entuity is closing down, to protect the database from possible corruption. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views. |
critical |
low disk space. | check server for disk space. if the space appears sufficient, you can amend the diskMonitor threshold settings to values more appropriate to your system. |
diskMonitor is intended to protect the Entuity database from corrupting when the server runs out of disk space. This safeguard is removed if diskMonitor is configured incorrectly.
Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure
Parent incident: (Entuity v21.0 and below) Entuity Server Component Problem incident, (Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards) Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure incident
Event ID: 786442, 32:10
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a non-critical Entuity component has failed. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views. |
severe |
a component of the Entuity server has failed. | use the Impacted and Details fields to identify the failed Entuity component. Entuity will attempt to restart the component, raising an Entuity Server Permanent Failure of Component event if it fails to restart the component. You can view more details through systemcontrol.log in entuity_home\log. |
Entuity Server Critical Component Restarting After Failure
Parent incident: (Entuity v21.0 and below) Entuity Server Component Problem incident, (Entuity 21.0 P01 and above) Entuity Server Component Restarting After Failure incident
Event ID: 786441, 32:9
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a critical Entuity component has failed and that Entuity is attempting to restart that component. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views. It persists in the logger pane for 24 hours or until the Entuity server is restarted, whichever is earlier. |
severe |
a component key to Entuity server performance has failed. | use the Impacted and Details fields to identify the failed Entuity component. Entuity will attempt to restart the component, raising an Entuity Server Permanent Failure of Component event if it fails to restart the component. You can view more details through systemcontrol.log in entuity_home\log. |
Entuity Server Database Backup Failure
Parent incident: Entuity Server Database Backup incident
Event ID: 786451
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity backup failed. |
critical |
a component that is key to Entuity server performance has failed. | use the Impacted and Details fields to identify the failed Entuity component. Entuity will attempt to restart the component, raising an Entuity Server Permanent Failure of Component event if it fails to restart the component. You can view more details through systemcontrol.log in entuity_home\log. |
Entuity Server Disk Space Alert
Parent incident: Entuity Server Disk Space Alert incident
Event ID: 786434, 32:2
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity server is running low on disk space, and details the remaining disk space in megabytes. It is generated by diskMonitor. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views. |
critical |
low disk space. | check server for disk space, if the space appears sufficient, you can amend the diskMonitor threshold settings to values more appropriate to your system. |
diskMonitor is intended to protect the Entuity database from corrupting when the server runs out of disk space. Configuring it inappropriately will remove this safeguard.
Entuity Server Explicit Shutdown Initiated
Parent incident: Entuity Server Explicit Shutdown Initiated incident
Event ID: 786438, 32:6
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity server has been instructed to shutdown, for example from the command line using stopeye or as a result of critical shortage of disc space. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all views when the Entuity server restarts. |
severe |
administrator has taken down the server. | when the Entuity server has shut itself down, investigate available disk space on the server. |
Entuity Server Internal Event
Parent incident: Entuity Server Internal Event incident
Event ID: 786436, 32:1
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
event generated that reports on the status of an Entuity service. |
minor |
determined by event type. |
Entuity Server License Alert
Parent incident: Entuity Server License Alert incident
Event ID: 786435, 32:3
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates one or more of Entuity's licensable components is approaching or has reached either its limit of managed objects or expiry date. The event description details the licensable component(s) and the number of free credits. This is a system wide event, appearing in all Views. |
critical |
either unmanage objects to free up license credits, or contact your Entuity representative and purchase additional credits. |
Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure
Parent incident: (Entuity v21.0 and below) Entuity Server Component Problem incident, (Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards) Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure incident
Event ID: 786440, 32:8
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity server has attempted to restart the failed component, but has been unable to do so. The component remains down until manually restarted, if possible, or the Entuity server is restarted. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views. |
critical |
failure to restart an Entuity component. | use the Impacted and Details fields to identify the failed Entuity component. You can view more details through systemcontrol.log in entuity_home\log. |
Entuity Server Shutdown Forced By Critical Failure To Restart
Parent incident: Entuity Server Shutdown Forced by Critical Failure to Restart incident
Event ID: 786439, 32:7
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a critical Entuity component has failed repeatedly preventing the Entuity server from performing normally. The Entuity server has then automatically shutdown. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views when the Entuity server restarts. |
critical |
indicates a critical Entuity component has failed repeatedly, preventing the Entuity server from performing normally. | investigate the Entuity log files, available from entuity_home\log, e.g. systemcontrol.log, DsKernelStatic.log. |
Entuity Server Started
Parent incident: (Entuity v21.0 and below) Entuity Server Component Problem incident, (Entuity v21.0 P01 upwards) Entuity Server Permanent Component Failure incident
Event ID: 786437, 32:5
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Entuity server has successfully started. This is a system-wide event, appearing in all Views when the Entuity server restarts. |
information |
indicates the Entuity server has successfully started. | none. |
Excessive SNMP Trap Rate
Parent incident: Excessive SNMP Trap Rate incident
Event ID: 786459, 32:27
Default severity level: severe
Excessive Syslog Message Rate
Parent incident: Excessive Syslog Message Rate incident
Event ID: 786458, 32:26
Default severity level: severe
Failover Event Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1123
Default severity level: severe
Firewall Access Control Violations High
Parent incident: Firewall Access Control Violations High incident
Event ID: 900
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the NetContinuum firewall is identifying a high number of access control violations by a managed application. This may indicate an attack, or an inappropriate firewall configuration for a particular application. NetContinuum firewalls identify a series of access control type violations:
Entuity sums the total number of violations that occurred during the last polling period (by |
severe |
an application is being inappropriately used. This may be because users are either consciously or inadvertently attempting to use an application beyond the configured constraints. | Entuity includes to the event the source application and the breakdown of access control violations by type, from which you can identify the particular types, or types of violation, causing concern. After investigation you may determine an attack has occurred, or that, for example, the URL Access Control Lists (ACLs) require adjustment. |
Firewall Access Control Violations High Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall Access Control Violations High incident
Event ID: 901
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the high number of access control violations rate has returned to within acceptable boundaries. |
information |
reduced number of control violations. | none. |
Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate
Parent incident: Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 922
Default severity level: major
Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall High Accepted Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 923
Default severity level: information
Firewall High Availability State Changed
Parent incident: Firewall Access Control Violations High incident
Event ID: 797
Default severity: severe
Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Compliant
Parent incident: Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Non Compliant incident
Event ID: 1017
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the High Availability module status on the device and the User Set Oper State set in Entuity were different but are now the same. |
information |
none. |
Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Non Compliant
Parent incident: Firewall High Avail User Set Oper State Non Compliant incident
Event ID: 1018
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the High Availability module status on the device and the User Set Oper State set in Entuity are different. |
severe |
User Set Oper State may have been amended to a state different to that on the device. More significantly, the device state may have transitioned to a different state to that of User Set Oper State. |
in Events dashlet the event Details column displays both the User Set Oper State and the polled device state. The type of disparity determines your action where the change in High Availability module was:
Firewall High Current Connections
Parent incident: Firewall High Current Connections incident
Event ID: 907
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of current connections is greater than the set threshold, which by default is 1000. |
severe |
highest number of current connections is greater than the set threshold when the firewall is polled. |
investigate the connection history of the device. |
Firewall High Current Connections Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall High Current Connections incident
Event ID: 906
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of current connections was greater than the set threshold, which by default is 1000, but is now below that boundary. |
information |
reduction in the number of current connections. |
none. |
Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate
Parent incident: Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 927
Default severity level: major
Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall High Dropped Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 926
Default severity level: information
Firewall High Logged Packet Rate
Parent incident: Firewall High Logged Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 929
Default severity level: major
Firewall High Logged Packet Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall High Logged Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 928
Default severity level: information
Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate
Parent incident: Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 925
Default severity level: major
Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall High Rejected Packet Rate incident
Event ID: 924
Default severity level: information
Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High
Parent incident: Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High incident
Event ID: 902
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the NetContinuum firewall is identifying a high number of overflow and intrusion violations. This may indicate an attack, or an inappropriate firewall configuration for a particular application. NetContinuum firewalls identify a series of overflow and intrusion type
Entuity sums the total number of violations that occurred during the last polling period (by default Entuity polls NetContinuum firewalls every five minutes). When the total number of overflow and intrusion violations exceeds the set threshold (which is configurable, but by default set to ten), Entuity raises this event. |
severe |
forms tampering can modify the information sent from a particular field on a form, for example adding extra, malicious instructions through a buffer overflow. |
Entuity will include, to the event, the source application and the breakdown of overflow and intrusion violations by type. From this, you can identify the particular types, or types of violation, that are causing concern. |
Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall Overflow and Intrusion Violations High incident
Event ID: 903
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the high number of overflow and intrusion violations has returned to within acceptable boundaries. |
information |
reduced number of overflow and intrusion violations. |
none. |
Firewall URL Alerts High
Parent incident: Firewall URL Alerts High incident
Event ID: 904
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the NetContinuum firewall is identifying a high number of URL alerts against a particular application. NetContinuum firewalls identify these types of violations:
Entuity sums the total number of alerts against the application that occurred during the last polling period, by default Entuity polls NetContinuum firewalls every five minutes. When the total number of URL alerts exceeds the set threshold (which is configurable, but by default set to 500), Entuity raises this event. |
severe |
an attack can use different ploys based around how URLs are handled. For example, hiding an attack within a different character set. The NetContinuum Controller can identify character set encoding schemes and identify attacks hidden within them |
Entuity includes, to the event, the source application and the breakdown of URL alerts by type, from which you can identify the particular types, or types of URL violation, causing concern. |
Firewall URL Alerts High Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall URL Alerts High incident
Event ID: 905
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the number of URL alerts has returned to within acceptable boundaries. |
information |
reduced number of URL alerts against the application. | none. |
Firmware Task Failed
Parent incident: Firmware Task Failed incident
Event ID: 1222
Default severity: severe
Firmware Task Succeeded
Parent incident:
Event ID:
Default severity: information
Firmware Task Warning
Parent incident: Firmware Task Warning incident
Event ID: 1224
Default severity: minor
Parent incident: Firewall DLCI High BECN incident
Event ID: 3
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the frame relay is encountering congestion, specifically the available bandwidth at the time of transmission is not as great as can be supported by the sending terminal. |
major |
identifying and resolving these issues can improve overall network performance, especially when the system is called upon to carry a large volume of traffic |
FR DLCI High BECN Cleared
Parent incident: Firewall DLCI High BECN incident
Event ID: 4
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the frame relay encountering congestion has returned to within acceptable boundaries. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Parent incident: FR DLCI High DE incident
Event ID: 5
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the Committed Information Rate (CIR) has been exceeded on inbound traffic on this PVC. |
major |
when the CIR is exceeded, traffic gets marked DE by the frame relay switch. If congestion is then detected these packets are dropped. | use the PVC Utilization report to investigate further. |
FR DLCI High DE Cleared
Parent incident: FR DLCI High DE incident
Event ID: 6
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the Committed Information Rate (CIR) has returned to within acceptable boundaries on inbound traffic on this PVC. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Parent incident: FR DLCI High FECN incident
Event ID: 1
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the WAN is encountering congestion forward of the packet, i.e. the available bandwidth at the time of transmission is not as great as can be supported by the receiving terminal. |
major |
identifying and resolving these issues can improve overall network performance, especially when the system is called upon to carry a large volume of traffic. |
FR DLCI High FECN Cleared
Parent incident: FR DLCI High FECN incident
Event ID: 2
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the Committed Information Rate (CIR) has returned to within acceptable boundaries on outbound traffic on this PVC. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization
Parent incident: FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 7
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates inbound utilization of the port is high and could impact performance. |
major |
PVC utilization is higher than PVC utilization threshold for the port, due to increased traffic. | generate PVC utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: FR DLCI High Inbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 8
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates PVC utilization is now below the high threshold value. |
information |
reduced transmission. | none. |
FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization
Parent incident: FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 9
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates outbound utilization of the port is high and could impact performance. |
major |
PVC utilization higher than PVC utilization threshold for the port due to increased traffic. | generate PVC utilization reports to monitor the situation. |
FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: FR DLCI High Outbound Utilization incident
Event ID: 10
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates PVC utilization in now below the high threshold value. |
information |
reduced transmission. | none. |
FR DLCI Link Down
Parent incident: FR DLCI Link Down incident
Event ID: 11
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates PVC is unavailable. |
severe |
problems with connection to router-CSU/DSU devices, PVC congestion indicated by CIR exceeded. | investigate whether the problem occurs on the public or private section of the network, and then run PVC reports. |
Parent incident: FR DLCI Link Down incident
Event ID: 12
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates PVC is available. |
information |
a PVC that was unavailable is now available. | none. |
Gateway To Repeater
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1124
Default severity level: information
HBA Offline
Parent incident: HBA Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1326
Default severity level: severe
HBA Online
Parent incident: HBA Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1328
Default severity level: information
HBA Status Unknown
Parent incident: HBA Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1325
Default severity level: minor
HBA Unbound
Parent incident: HBA Status Problem incident
Event ID: 1327
Default severity level: major
Parent incident: ACI APIC High CPU incident
Event ID: 787
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the CPU utilisation is greater than the set High APIC CPU threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of CPU utilization is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate what processes are taking too much CPU time and if the device is under high load. |
(ACI) High APIC CPU Cleared
Parent incident: ACI APIC High CPU incident
Event ID: 786
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the CPU utilisation was greater than the set High APIC CPU threshold but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of CPU utilization is back below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) High APIC Memory
Parent incident: ACI APIC High Memory incident
Event ID: 789
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the memory utilization is greater than the set High APIC Memory threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of memory utilization is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate what processes are utilizing too much memory space and if the device is under high load. |
(ACI) High APIC Memory Cleared
Parent incident: ACI APIC High Memory incident
Event ID: 788
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the memory utilization was greater than the set High APIC Memory threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of memory utilization is now back below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
HSRP Port Group Activated
Parent incident: HSRP Port Group Activated incident
Event ID: 175
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the HSRP port is active. |
major |
none. |
HSRP Port Group Deactivated
Parent incident: HSRP Port Group Deactivated incident
Event ID: 176
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the HSRP port group has transitioned from an active to a deactivated state. |
major |
indicates the HSRP port group has transitioned from an active state to one of n/a, Initial, Learn, Listen, Speak, or Standby. You can view the current state through the event details column. | investigate the cause of the transition of the HSRP port group to deactivated when preemption is not enabled. When Entuity monitors the router it raises events indicating the cause of failure. |
Hypervisor Connected
Parent incident: Hypervisor Connection Problem incident
Event ID: 1300
Default severity level: information
Hypervisor High CPU Usage
Parent incident: Hypervisor High CPU Usage incident
Event ID: 1306
Default severity level: severe
Hypervisor High CPU Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Hypervisor High CPU Usage incident
Event ID: 1305
Default severity level: information
Hypervisor High Memory Usage
Parent incident: Hypervisor High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1308
Default severity level: severe
Hypervisor High Memory Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Hypervisor High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1307
Default severity level: information
Hypervisor Not Connected
Parent incident: Hypervisor Connection Problem incident
Event ID: 1299
Default severity level: severe
Hypervisor Not Responding
Parent incident: Hypervisor Connection Problem incident
Event ID: 1333
Default severity level: major
Hypervisor Overall State Alarm
Parent incident: Hypervisor Overall State Problem incident
Event ID: 1310
Default severity level: severe
Hypervisor Overall State OK
Parent incident: Hypervisor Overall State Problem incident
Event ID: 1312
Default severity level: information
Hypervisor Overall State Unknown
Parent incident: Hypervisor Overall State Problem incident
Event ID: 1309
Default severity level: minor
Hypervisor Overall State Warn
Parent incident: Hypervisor Overall State Problem incident
Event ID: 1311
Default severity level: major
Hyperisor Power Standby
Parent incident: Hypervisor Power State Problem incident
Event ID: 1302
Default severity level: major
Hypervisor Power State Unknown
Parent incident: Hypervisor Power State Problem incident
Event ID: 1301
Default severity level: minor
Hypervisor Powered Off
Parent incident: Hypervisor Power State Problem incident
Event ID: 1304
Default severity level: severe
Hypervisor Powered On
Parent incident: Hypervisor Power State Problem incident
Event ID: 1303
Default severity level: information
IO Module High Temperature
Parent incident: IO Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1361
Default severity level: severe
IO Module High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: IO Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1362
Default severity level: information
IPAM Conflict Found
Parent incident: IPAM Conflict Found incident
A network has a conflict.
Event ID: 1292
Default severity level: minor
IPAM Conflict Resolved
Parent incident: IPAM Conflict Found incident
A network's conflict was resolved.
Event ID: 1293
Default severity level: information
Parent incident: IPAM IP Usage Over Threshold incident
Having previously exceeded it, a network has a % of active IP addresses that is now equal to or below the network's Usage High value, or the global settings' Usage High value.
Event ID: 1295
Default severity level: information
IPAM IP Usage Over Threshold
Parent incident: IPAM IP Usage Over Threshold incident
A network has a % of active IP addresses that exceed the network's Usage High value, or the global settings' Usage High value.
Event ID: 1294
Default severity level: minor
IP SLA Creation Failure
Parent incident: IP SLA Creation Failure incident
Event ID: 234
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the creation of an IP SLA operation has failed on the source device. |
critical |
the create command does not include the correct SNMP write community string. Alternatively, there may be access restrictions to the device. |
IP SLA Creation Failure Cleared
Parent incident: IP SLA Creation Failure incident
Event ID: 235
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the operation was successfully created, but does not indicate that it is collecting data. |
information |
raised the first time the operation is successfully created on the device. | none. |
Parent incident: IP SLA High ICPIF incident
Event ID: 236
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ICPIF attempts to quantify the key impairments to voice quality that are encountered in the network. A high ICPIF value indicates high impairment. |
critical |
run a Flex Report to investigate further. |
IP SLA High ICPIF Cleared
Parent incident: IP SLA High ICPIF incident
Event ID: 237
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous High ICPIF alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VoIP quality of service, as measured by ICPIF, has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
Parent incident: IP SLA Low MOS incident
Event ID: 238
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
MOS is a common benchmark used to determine the quality of sound produced by specific codecs. A wide range of listeners have judged the quality of voice samples sent using particular codecs, on a scale of 1 (poor quality) to 5 (excellent quality). The opinion scores are averaged to provide the mean for each sample. |
critical |
run a Flex Report to investigate further. |
IP SLA Low MOS Cleared
Parent incident: IP SLA Low MOS incident
Event ID: 239
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous Low MOS alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VoIP quality of service, as measured by MOS, has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
IP SLA Test Failed
Parent incident: IP SLA Test Failed incident
Event ID: 230
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the operation was successfully created but it failed to connect to the target device. |
major |
IP SLA Test High Latency
Parent incident: IP SLA Test High Latency incident
Event ID: 232
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the operation is reporting latency between the source and target device above the threshold settings for the operation. |
critical |
IP SLA Test High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: IP SLA Test High Latency incident
Event ID: 233
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the operation is reporting latency between the source and target device that has returned to below its threshold settings, having previously been above. |
information |
the cause of the high latency on the network has been resolved, e.g. a high latency may only be reported at peak times. | none. |
IP SLA Test Succeeded
Parent incident: IP SLA Test Failed incident
Event ID: 231
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the operation is successfully collecting data. |
information |
none. |
IS-IS Peer Disappeared
Parent incident: IS-IS Peer Disappeared incident
Event ID: 118
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a former adjacent peer has been removed from router's configuration. Administrators should be aware of this change to be able to detect rogue configuration updates. |
critical |
removal of an adjacent router. | investigate the cause of router disappearance. |
IS-IS Peer Established
Parent incident: IS-IS Peer Established incident
Event ID: 117
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between IS-IS peers are well established. The state has just transitioned to Full. |
minor |
OSPF peering established. | none. |
IS-IS Peer Newly Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) IS-IS Peer Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P01 and below) IS-IS Peer Newly Discovered incident
Event ID: 119
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates discovery of a new IS-IS peer. |
minor |
configuration of a new IS-IS peer. | none. |
IS-IS Peer Not Established
Parent incident: IS-IS Peer Not Established incident
Event ID: 116
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a former adjacent peer is no longer in reach. The state has just transitioned out of the Full state. |
critical |
problems with IP reachability or incorrect IS-IS configuration. | use the ping and show route commands to verify network connectivity to the IS-IS peer. You can use the show log messages command to look for errors relating to the peer. |
LAP Antenna Host Count High
Parent incident: LAP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 836
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
for each LAP antenna you can set a maximum number of hosts that they can handle, a number higher than the antenna can efficiently handle. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since hte network was designed. | you can check the Interface Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a rising usage trend you may want to extend the capabilities of your wireless network. |
LAP Antenna Host Count High Cleared
LAP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 837
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
raised when the number of hosts attached to the LAP antenna has returned to an acceptable level. |
information |
number of hosts attached to the antenna has returned to an acceptable level. | none. |
LAP Antenna Host Count Low
LAP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 838
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the combined count of hosts that are wirelessly associated with all of the antennas on a WAP has fallen below the set threshold. |
minor |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | you can check the Antenna Advanced tab and review the hourly and daily mean and maximum attached host values. When the historic record indicates a falling usage trend you may want to adjust the capabilities of your wireless network. |
LAP Antenna Host Count Low Cleared
LAP Antenna Host Count Abnormality incident
Event ID: 839
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the clearing correlation event for WAP Antenna Host Count Low event. |
information |
number of hosts attached to the antenna has returned to an acceptable level. | none. |
Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate incident
Event ID: 972
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the connection requests rejected because they exceeded the connection drop rate for a virtual server (IP address:Port). |
critical |
investigate the client connection history. |
Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Connection Limit Pkt Drop Rate incident
Event ID: 973
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the connection requests rejected because they exceeded the connection limit for a virtual server (IP address:Port) is now within the set thresholds. |
information |
reduced demand on the load balancer hardware accelerator. | none. |
Load Balancer High Current Sessions
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 660
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of current sessions is equal to, or greater than the set current sessions threshold, which is by default 10000000. |
investigate the history of session assignment, a persistent problem may indicate a requirement to reconfigure your load balancer setup. |
Load Balancer High Current Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 661
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of current sessions is less than the set current sessions threshold, which is by default 10000000. |
information |
a return to the expected network load. | none. |
Load Balancer High Error Count
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Total Errors incident
Event ID: 664
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the total session errors are greater than the set threshold, by default 10000000. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Error Count Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Total Errors incident
Event ID: 665
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the total inbound and outbound packet errors for the system is within the set threshold. |
information |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate incident
Event ID: 976
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the error rate for incoming packets for the load balancer is higher than the set threshold, which by default is 6250000 packets per second. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Inbound Error Rate incident
Event ID: 977
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the error rate for incoming packets for the load balancer is higher than the set threshold, which by default is 6250000 packets per second. |
information |
reduced demand on the load balancer hardware accelerator. | none. |
Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 968
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
packets were dropped due to exceeding licensing limitations, which by default is 500 packets per second. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High License Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 969
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
rate of dropped packets due to exceeding licensing limitations no longer exceeds the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions incident
Event ID: 662
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of maximum sessions is equal to, or greater than the set maximum sessions threshold, which is by default 10000000. |
investigate the history of session assignment. A persistent problem may indicate a requirement to reconfigure your load balancer setup. |
Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Maximum Sessions incident
Event ID: 663
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of maximum sessions is less than the set maximum sessions threshold, which is by default 10000000. |
information |
a return to the expected network load. | none. |
Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 970
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates connection errors were the result of insufficient available memory. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Memory Error Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 971
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates connection errors that were the result of insufficient available memory are resolved. |
information |
none. |
Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 966
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the incoming packets that could not be processed by a virtual server, NAT or SNAT is at a rate greater than the set threshold. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High No Handler Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 967
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the incoming packets that could not be processed by a virtual server, NAT or SNAT is now at a rate within the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 964
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the packets that are not connection requests, and are destined for a virtual server that has no connection for the client address, are at a rate greater than the set threshold. |
critical |
the packets that are not connection requests and are destined for a virtual server that has no connection for that client address. | investigate client's server address list. |
Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Non Syn Denied Pkt Rate incident
Event ID: 965
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the packets that are not connection requests, and are destined for a virtual server that has no connection for the client address, are now at a rate within the set threshold. |
information |
client now has access to the virtual server. | none. |
Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate incident
Event ID: 978
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the total outgoing packet errors for the system is greater than the set threshold. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Outbound Error Rate incident
Event ID: 979
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
total outgoing packet errors for the system is now within the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate incident
Event ID: 974
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
total number of dropped packets is higher than the set threshold. |
critical |
investigate load balancer resourcing and configuration. |
Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High Packet Drop Rate incident
Event ID: 975
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
total number of dropped packets is within the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions
Parent incident: Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 1005
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of sessions the Server Load Balancer (SLB) service processor is currently handling is higher than the set threshold, which is by default 75% of the maximum allowed. |
investigate history of service processor utilization. |
Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer High SLB SP Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 1004
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of sessions that the Server Load Balancing (SLB) service processor is currently handling is within the set threshold (by default 75% of the maximum allowed). |
information |
a reduction in the load on the load balancer. | none. |
Load Balancer Pool Critical Member Availability
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Member Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 1015
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
number of members available to the pool is reduced to a critical level. |
critical |
number of available members is less than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate the history of member usage for the pool. |
Load Balancer Pool Critical Member Availability Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Member Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 1013
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
number of members available to the pool has transitioned to a value within the set threshold. |
information |
a reduction in the resources used for the load balancer pool. | none. |
Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 666
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of available services is below the set critical services thresholds, which is by default 0. |
critical |
investigate the history of service availability a persistent problem may indicate a requirement to reconfigure your load balancer setup. |
Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 667
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of available services has transitioned above the set critical services thresholds, which is by default 0. |
information |
a reduction in the services used for the load balancer pool. | none. |
Load Balancer Pool Low Member Availability
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Member Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 1016
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of members available to the pool is reduced to a low level. |
major |
number of available members is less than the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Load Balancer Pool Low Member Availability Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Member Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 1014
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the number of members available to the pool has transitioned to a value within the set threshold. |
information |
a reduction in the resources used for the load balancer pool. | none. |
Load Balancer Pool Low Services Availability
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 668
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of available services is equal to or below the set services thresholds, which is by default 2. |
severe |
investigate the history of service availability. A persistent problem may indicate a requirement to reconfigure your load balancer setup. |
Load Balancer Pool Low Services Availability Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer Pool Critical Services Availability Problem incident
Event ID: 669
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of available services has transitioned above the set services thresholds, which is by default 2. |
information |
a reduction in the services used for the load balancer pool. | none. |
Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions
Parent incident: Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 653
Default severity level: severe
Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer vServer High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 652
Default severity level: information
Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 651
Default severity level: severe
Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer vServer High Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 650
Default severity level: information
Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 659
Default severity level: severe
Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Current Sessions incident
Event ID: 658
Default severity level: information
Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 657
Default severity level: severe
Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Failed Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 656
Default severity level: information
Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 655
Default severity level: severe
Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Load Balancer vService High Sessions Rate incident
Event ID: 654
Default severity level: information
Logical Disk High Used Capacity %
Parent incident: Logical Disk High Used Capacity % incident
Event ID: 1359
Default severity level: severe
Logical Disk High Used Capacity Cleared
Parent incident: Logical Disk High Used Capacity % incident
Event ID: 1360
Default severity level: information
Logical Volume High Disk Queue
Parent incident: Logical Volume High Disk Queue incident
Event ID: 427
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the length of the disk queue is greater than the set Logical Volume High Disk Queue threshold. By default 6. |
major |
highest number of disk queue length is greater than the set logical volume high disk queue threshold when the device is polled. | Disk queues should be no greater than x2 the number of physical disks serving the drive. For example, if the underlying storage is a 6 disk RAID 5 array, then the total disk queue should be 12 or less. |
Logical Volume High Disk Queue Warning
Parent incident: Logical Volume High Disk Queue incident
Event ID: 428
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the length of the disk queue is greater than the set Logical Volume High Disk Queue Warning threshold. By default 6. |
minor |
highest number of disk queue length is greater than the set logical volume high disk queue warning threshold when the device is polled. | Disk queues should be no greater than x2 the number of physical disks serving the drive. For example, if the underlying storage is a 6 disk RAID 5 array, then the total disk queue should be 12 or less. |
Logical Volume High Disk Queue Cleared
Parent incident: Logical Volume High Disk Queue incident
Event ID: 429
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the length of the disk queue was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of disk queue length is now below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High
Parent incident: Logical Volume Inodes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 426
escription | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Inodes usage is greater than the set Logical Volume Inodes % Used High threshold. By default 80. |
major |
highest number of Inodes usage is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | identify if Inodes are completely exhausted or are just running low. You might need to delete unnecessary files on the disk. |
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High Warning
Parent incident: Logical Volume Inodes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 425
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Inodes usage is greater than the set Logical Volume Inodes % Used High Warning threshold. By default 70. |
minor |
highest number of Inodes usage is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | identify if Inodes are completely exhausted or are just running low. You might need to delete unnecessary files on the disk. |
Logical Volume Inodes % Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Logical Volume Inodes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 424
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the Inodes usage was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of Inodes usage is now back below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Logical Volume Low Free Space
Parent incident: Logical Volume Low Free Space incident
Event ID: 1210
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the free space remaining is less than the set Logical Volume Low Free Space threshold. By default 5000 MB. |
major |
highest amount of free space is less than the set threshold when the device is polled. | free up more space by deleting unnecessary files, or extend the volume. |
Logical Volume Low Free Space Warning
Parent incident: Logical Volume Low Free Space incident
Event ID: 808
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the free space remaining is less than the set Logical Volume Low Free Space Warning threshold. By default 7500 MB. |
minor |
highest amount of free space is less than the set threshold when the device is polled. | free up more space by deleting unnecessary files, or extend the volume. |
Logical Volume Low Free Space Cleared
Parent incident: Logical Volume Low Free Space incident
Event ID: 1211
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the free space has now transitioned back above and is greater than the set threshold. |
information |
highest amount of free space is above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Logical Volume Space % Used High
Parent incident: Logical Volume Space Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 1208
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the space usage is greater than the set Logical Volume Space % Used High threshold. By default 80. |
major |
highest amount of space usage is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | free up more space by deleting unnecessary files, or extend the volume. |
Logical Volume Space % Used High Warning
Parent incident: Logical Volume Space Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 809
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the space usage is greater than the set Logical Volume Space % Used High Warning threshold. By default 70. |
minor |
highest amount of space usage is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | free up more space by deleting unnecessary files, or extend the volume. |
Logical Volume Space % Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Logical Volume Space Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 1209
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the space usage has now transitioned back below the set threshold. |
information |
highest amount of space usage is now back below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low EPG Health
Parent incident: ACI Low EPG Health incident
Event ID: 785
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low EPG Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low EPG Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low EPG Health incident
Event ID: 784
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low EPG Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Fabric Node Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Fabric Node Health incident
Event ID: 773
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Fabric Node Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Fabric Node Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Fabric Node Health incident
Event ID: 772
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Fabric Node Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Fan Tray Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Fan Tray Health incident
Event ID: 777
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Fan Tray Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Fan Tray Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Fan Tray Health incident
Event ID: 776
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Fan Tray Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Line Card Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Line Card Health incident
Event ID: 775
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Line Card Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Line Card Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Line Card Health incident
Event ID: 774
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Fan Tray Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Pod Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Pod Health incident
Event ID: 771
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Pod Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Pod Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Pod Health incident
Event ID: 770
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Pod Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low PSU Health
Parent incident: ACI Low PSU Health incident
Event ID: 779
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low PSU Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low PSU Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low PSU Health incident
Event ID: 778
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Pod Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Supervisor Card Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Supervisor Card Health incident
Event ID: 781
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Supervisor Card Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Supervisor Card Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Supervisor Card Health incident
Event ID: 780
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Supervisor Card Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
(ACI) Low Tenant Health
Parent incident: ACI Low Tenant Health incident
Event ID: 783
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score is lower than the set Low Tenant Health threshold. By default 90. |
critical |
highest number of the health score is lower than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review current health/status of ACI components to determine root cause of a low health score. |
(ACI) Low Tenant Health Cleared
Parent incident: ACI Low Tenant Health incident
Event ID: 782
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the health score was lower than the set Low Tenant Card Health threshold, but has now transitioned back above the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of the health score is now back above the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
LUN High Latency
Parent incident: LUN High latency incident
Event ID: 1240
Default severity: severe
LUN High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: LUN High latency incident
Event ID: 1239
Default severity: information
LUN High Used Provisioned
Parent incident: LUN High Used Provisioned % incident
Event ID: 1242
Default severity: severe
LUN High Used Provisioned Cleared
Parent incident: LUN High Used Provisioned % incident
Event ID: 1241
Default severity: information
MAC Address High Port Count
Parent incident: MAC Address High Port Count incident
Event ID: 524336, 2:48
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
this is a threshold-based event and is disabled by default. It can be enabled through Threshold Settings by setting the number of MAC addresses you consider is a high MAC address count. Entuity does not raise this event against trunking ports. |
major |
macman compares the number of MAC addresses discovered on a port against the Entuity threshold set for that port, by default set to three. |
investigate why the device is handling so many MAC addresses, and monitor the impact on its performance.
MAC Address High Port Count Cleared
Parent incident: MAC Address High Port Count incident
Event ID: 524337, 2:49
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous MAC Address High Port Count alarm associated with this port has been cleared. |
information |
number of MAC addresses associated with the port is now within the set thresholds. | none. |
MAC Address New
Parent incident: MAC Address New incident
Event ID: 524334, 2:46
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity discovers one or more new MAC addresses on a port, raising one event for all of the new MAC addresses on the port. Entuity considers a new MAC address as one not listed in the retained history of MAC addresses for the current port. By default Entuity retains the last fifty MAC addresses discovered on a port, although this is configurable through Entuity does not raise events for:
Entuity checks for changes in port state every hour, and events are raised within that context. When the conditions of the new MAC address match the criteria of the MAC Address Port Change event, Entuity raises both events against this port. This is a threshold-based event and is disabled by default. |
major | Entuity discovers a new MAC address on a managed port, e.g. when a host, such as a PC, is plugged into an access layer switch that Entuity manages, Entuity raises a MAC Address New event. |
when this event is not accompanied by a MAC Port Address Port Change event it is a
MAC Address Port Change
Parent incident: MAC Address Port Change incident
Event ID: 524332, 2:44
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
When Entuity discovers a MAC address that is new to the current port, but which it has a record of occurring on one or more other ports, it raises a MAC Address Port Change event. ENA considers a change MAC address as one not listed in the retained history of ports for that MAC address, but other ports are listed in this retained history. By default, Entuity retains the last fifty ports associated with a MAC address, although this is configurable through machistorylimit in entuity.cfg. Entuity raises the event against the first new port (in terms of lexicographic listing), specifying the MAC address, together with the ports it was last seen on and the ports it is now seen on. Entuity checks for changes in port state every hour, and events are raised within that context. When the conditions of the port change MAC address match the criteria of the MAC Address New event Entuity also raises a MAC Address New event against this port. This is a threshold-based event and is disabled by default. |
A MAC address macman previously discovered on one port, or ports, it now discovers on an additional port. For example, when a host, such as a PC, is unplugged from one access layer switch that Entuity manages and plugged into another, Entuity raises a MAC Address Port Change event. | may indicate a security concern that requires further investigation. |
Malware Download Blocked
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1126
Default severity: minor
Malware Download Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1127
Default severity: severe
Matching Software Installations Found
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1128
Default severity: information
MDM Certificate Will Expire Soon
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1125
Default severity: severe
Memory Low
Parent incident: Memory Low incident
Event ID: 655419, 8:59
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the managed memory object is running low on available memory. |
severe |
may be caused through a combination of factors:
use the managed host function to view current and historic levels of memory. |
Memory Low Cleared
Parent incident: Memory Low incident
Event ID: 655418, 8:58
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the managed object is no longer suffering from low memory. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
Memory Module High Temperature
Parent incident: Memory Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1371
Default severity: severe
Memory Module High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: Memory Module High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1372
Default severity: information
Memory Module Low Voltage
Parent incident: Memory Module Low Voltage incident
Event ID: 1369
Default severity: severe
Memory Module Low Voltage Cleared
Parent incident: Memory Module Low Voltage incident
Event ID: 1370
Default severity: information
Memory Used High
Parent incident: Memory Used High incident
Event ID: 655388, 8:28
Default severity: severe
Memory Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Memory Used High incident
Event ID: 655389, 8:29
Default severity: information
Meraki Device Status Healthy
Parent incident: Meraki Device Status Impaired incident
Event ID: 794
Default severity: information
Meraki Device Status Impaired
Parent incident: Meraki Device Status Impaired incident
Event ID: 795
Default severity: information
Meraki Management Profile Removed
Meraki Uplink Status Active
Parent incident: Meraki Uplink Status Change incident
Event ID: 677
Default severity: information
Meraki Uplink Status Inactive
Parent incident: Meraki Uplink Status Change incident
Event ID: 676
Default severity: severe
Meraki: Appliances Came Up
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1277
Default severity: information
Meraki: Appliances Went Down
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1278
Default severity: major
Missing Events
Parent incident:
Event ID:
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
these are generated when Entuity detects an event has occurred but cannot display it. |
n/a (white) |
this indicates Entuity has raised an event for which it does not have record for that type in its database. This may happen, for example, when creating an event through the Open Trap Receiver and the event being raised before Event Viewer has updated its tables to recognize the event. After the next refresh the event would be properly recognized, i.e. the event has not been received by the client. | none. This should be a temporary issue resolved when Entuity's tables and event caches are synchronized. |
Module Disappeared
Parent incident: Module Disappeared incident
Event ID: 913
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a module (card) is no longer on a device. |
critical |
when the module has failed the system administrator should investigate. You can Telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Module Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P03 upwards) Module Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 and below) Module Discovered incident
Event ID: 912
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates discovery module (card) for a device Entuity already manages. |
minor |
addition of a module on the device. It may also be raised when a device is added to Entuity. | none. |
Module Down
Parent incident: Module Status Problem incident
Event ID: 589844, 4:24
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a module (card) fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty module card hardware or firmware. | Telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Module Major Fault
Parent incident: Module Status Problem incident
Event ID: 589847, 4:23
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a device has a major module (line card) hardware or firmware problem. |
critical |
faulty card hardware or firmware. | Telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Module Minor Fault
Parent incident: Module Status Problem incident
Event ID: 589846, 4:22
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor module (line card) hardware or firmware problem. |
severe |
faulty card hardware or firmware. | Telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Module Status OK
Parent incident: Module Status Problem incident
Event ID: 589844, 4:20
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a module (card) fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty module (card) has been swapped out. | none. |
Module Status Unknown
Parent incident: Module Status Problem incident
Event ID: 589845, 4:21
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that Entuity cannot determine the status of the device. |
major |
faulty card hardware or firmware. | Telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Motion Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1130
Default severity: information
MPLS LDP Entity Errors
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Errors incident
Event ID: 192
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LDP entity represents a label space that is targeted for distribution to an LDP peer. |
critical |
Entity errors may be:
investigate the entity configuration. The event includes the LDP entity device and associated LDP peer. |
MPLS LDP Entity Errors Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Errors incident
Event ID: 193
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LDP entity no longer has associated errors. |
information |
none. |
MPLS LDP Entity Non-operational
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Non-operational incident
Event ID: 182
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the LDP session state has transitioned from operational to a non-operational state. |
critical |
indicates the LDP session state has transitioned from operational. | the event includes the LDP entity device and associated LDP peer. Investigate the entity configuration; the event includes the new state of the session:
MPLS LDP Entity Operational
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Non-operational incident
Event ID: 183
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the LDP session state has transitioned from a non-operational to an operational state. |
information |
the session is operational as the LSR has received acceptable initialization and keep alive messages. | none. |
MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions incident
Event ID: 190
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
LSR has received a session initialization message but has rejected the session. |
critical |
one or more of the session parameters, for example LDP protocol version, label distribution method, timer values are not acceptable. The LSR responds by sending a Session Rejected/Parameters Error Notification message and closing the TCP connection. | nvestigate the configuration of the LSR. |
MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Rejected Sessions incident
Event ID: 191
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LDP entity has now accepted the session. |
information |
the LDP entity has now accepted the session. | none. |
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received incident
Event ID: 194
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LSR has received a shutdown notification message from the peered LSR. |
critical |
when the last Hello adjacency for a LDP session is deleted, the connected LSR terminates the LDP session. The peer may close the session when it concludes that the transport connection is bad or that the peer has failed, and it terminates the LDP session by closing the transport connection. | nvestigate the network connection, the status of the LSR. |
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Received incident
Event ID: 195
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
integrity of the LDP session has been reestablished. |
information |
the peered LSR prematurely sent a session terminated notification message, which was subsequently followed by a Want To Reestablish session message. | none. |
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent incident
Event ID: 196
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
when the last Hello adjacency for a LDP session is deleted, the LSR terminates the LDP session. |
critical |
the LSR may close the session when it concludes that the transport connection is bad or that the peer has failed, and it terminates the LDP session by closing the transport connection. |
MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Entity Shutdown Notifications Sent incident
Event ID: 197
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the integrity of the LDP session has been reestablished. |
information |
the LSR permaturely sent a session terminated notification message, which was subsequently followed by a Want To Reestablish session message. | none. |
MPLS LDP Peer Disappeared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer Disappeared incident
Event ID: 184
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LSR peer has disappeared. An Entuity Shutdown Notification message may already have been raised. |
critical |
the session has been shutdown and so the peer has disappeared. The administrator may have reconfigured\removed the LSR. Alternatively the LSR may have encountered problems. |
when the disappearance is unexpected Entuity may have raised additional events that indicates the cause of the disappearance. |
MPLS LDP Peer Newly Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) MPLS LDP Peer Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P01 and below) MPLS LDP Peer Newly Discovered incident
Event ID: 185
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
a newly discovered LDP peer indicates the establishment of a new LDP session. |
information |
administrator has added a new LSR to the network. | check that the newly discovered peer is an expected LSR. An unexpected LSR may indicate a security failure. |
MPLS LDP Peer Non-operational
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer Non-operational incident
Event ID: 180
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the LDP session state has transitioned from an operational to a non-operational state. |
critical |
the event associated LDP peer has a state other than operational:
the event includes the non-operational peer’s device name and advertised IP address that you can use to investigate the state of the peer. |
MPLS LDP Peer Operational
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer Non-operational incident
Event ID: 181
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the LDP peer state has transitioned from a non-operational to an operational state. |
information |
peer has returned to an operational state, for example after the device has been rebooted. | none. |
MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors incident
Event ID: 188
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the peer has received a packet of the correct type, but of unknown content. |
critical |
the content may have been corrupted during transmission across the network. | check the sending LSR configuration. |
MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer TLV Errors incident
Event ID: 189
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
a previous message from the peered LSR had corrupt content, but the subsequent message was correctly formed. |
information |
the state that caused corrupt content (for example, transport problems) has been resolved. | none. |
MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types incident
Event ID: 186
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the LDP peer received a message of an unknown type. |
critical |
LSRs support a defined set of message types. A packet that includes a message type not configured to the LSR cannot be processed. | check the supports message types on the LSRs. |
MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LDP Peer Unknown Message Types incident
Event ID: 187
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
a previous message from the peered LSR was of a type this LSR did not recognize. |
information |
the most recent packet from the peer is of a supported message type. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) incident
Event ID: 206
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of labeled packets that have been received on this interface and were discarded because there were no matching entries found for them in mplsInSegmentTable. |
severe |
there were no forwarding rules for these received packets. | check the configuration of your forwarding tables. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) incident
Event ID: 207
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the interface's discard rate caused by lookup failure has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
the interface is receiving packets for which it has appropriate lookup table entries. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) incident
Event ID: 202
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the rate per second of inbound labeled packets, for which no error was detected, that the LSR discarded is above the set threshold. |
severe |
the LSR may be short of buffer space. | check the LSR configuration. There may also be low buffer events raised for the device. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) incident
Event ID: 203
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the interface’s discard rate of error free packets has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
the initial reason for discarding packets, e.g. low buffer space, has been resolved, or traffic to the LSR may have dropped. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) incident
Event ID: 204
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the rate per second of outbound labeled packets (for which no error was detected) discarded by the LSR is above the set threshold. |
severe |
the LSR may be short of buffer space. | check the LSR configuration. There may also be low buffer events raised fro the device. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) incident
Event ID: 205
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the interface's discard rate of error-free packets has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
the initial reason for discarding packets (e.g. low buffer space) has been resolved, or traffic to the LSR may have dropped. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate incident
Event ID: 208
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of outgoing MPLS packets that required fragmentation before transmission on this interface is above the set threshold. |
severe |
an interface capacity mismatch causes incoming packets to be fragmented before they can be transmitted. Fragmentation is a resource intensive process and can adversely affect LSR performance. | configure the LSR to send and receive compatible sized packets. |
MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface High Fragmentation Rate incident
Event ID: 209
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the interface’s fragmentation rate of has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth incident
Event ID: 198
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the total amount of available bandwidth available on this interface is below the set threshold. Available bandwidth is calculated as the difference between the amount of bandwidth currently in use and total bandwidth. |
severe |
overused interface. | for an interface that is showing consistently low bandwidth, consider adjusting its load. |
MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Low Bandwidth incident
Event ID: 199
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the amount of free bandwidth that is on the interface has transitioned to below the low bandwidth threshold. |
information |
reduced load on the interface. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space incident
Event ID: 200
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the total amount of available buffer space available on this interface is below the set threshold. Available buffer space is calculated as the difference between the amount of buffer space currently in use and total buffer space |
severe |
overused interface. | for an interface showing consistently low buffer space, consider adjusting its load. |
MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Low Buffer Space incident
Event ID: 201
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the amount of free buffer space on the interface has transitioned to above the low buffer space threshold. |
information |
reduced load on the interface. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) incident
Event ID: 206
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of labeled packets that have been received on this platform and were discarded because there were no matching entries found for them in mplsInSegmentTable. |
severe |
there were no forwarding rules for these received packets. | check the configuration of your forwarding tables. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Discard Rate (Lookup Failure) incident
Event ID: 207
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the platform's discard rate, caused by lookup failures, has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
the platform is receiving packets for which it has appropriate lookup table entries. | none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) incident
Event ID: 202
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the rate per second of inbound labeled packets, for which no error was detected, that the LSR discarded is above the set threshold. |
severe |
the LSR may be short of buffer space. | check the LSR configuration. There may also be low buffer events raised for the device. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (RX) incident
Event ID: 203
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the platform's discard rate of error-free packets has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX)
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) incident
Event ID: 204
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the rate per second of outbound labeled packets, for which no error was detected, that the LSR discarded is above the set threshold. |
severe |
the LSR may be short of buffer space. | check the LSR configuration. There may also be low buffer events raised for the device. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Error Free Discard Rate (TX) incident
Event ID: 205
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
iIndicates the platform’s discard rate of error free packets has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
none. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate incident
Event ID: 208
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of outgoing MPLS packets that required fragmentation before transmission on this platform is above the set threshold. |
severe |
an interface capacity mismatch causes incoming packets to be fragmented before they can be transmitted. Fragmentation is a resource intensive process and can adversely affect LSR performance. | configure the LSR to send and receive compatible sized packets. |
MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS LSR Interface Platform High Fragmentation Rate incident
Event ID: 209
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the platform's fragmentation rate has transitioned to below the set threshold. |
information |
a reconfiguration of the involved interfaces. a drop in traffic on the platform. |
none. |
MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate
Parent incident: MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate incident
Event ID: 224
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the VRF is receiving packets with labels for which it is not configured at a rate above the set threshold. |
severe |
the VRF is receiving packets from an area of the network for which it is not configured. This may indicate a misconfiguration or security problem. | investigate the source of the illegal labels. |
MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate Cleared
Parent incident: MPLS VRF High Illegal Label Rate incident
Event ID: 225
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the VRF is receiving packets with labels for which it is not configured at a rate below the set threshold. |
information |
a misconfiguration has been corrected. | none. |
MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Disappeared
Parent incident: MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Disappeared incident
Event ID: 226
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
the interface has not received the BGP keep alive message within the set time. |
critical |
if the involved devices are managed by Entuity, view the router status. |
MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Newly Discovered
Parent incident: MPLS VRF Interface BGP Neighbor Disappeared incident
Event ID: 227
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
a new BGP neighbor has been added to the network. |
minor |
the administrator has added a new BGP neighbor to the network. | where you have concerns over security, check the new neighbor is expected. |
MPLS VRF Non-operational
Parent incident: MPLS VRF Non-operational incident
Event ID: 223
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
when the number of active interfaces associated with a VRF is zero, then the VRF is not operational. |
critical |
check the number of interfaces, and check the configuration. |
MPLS VRF Operational
Parent incident: MPLS VRF Non-operational incident
Event ID: 222
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the VRF has transitioned from a non-operational to an operational state. |
information |
VRF has returned to an operational state, e.g. after the device has been rebooted. | none |
Network Outage
Parent incident: Network Outage incident
Event ID: 983047, 512:7
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Network Outage events are raised on information Entuity collects using traceroute and ICMP ping. It indicates an outage on your network, caused for example by node failure, unreachability of a managed port. The Details column of the event indicates the particular category of the outage, how Entuity identifies the outage category is a product of how it handles traceroute data. Entuity discovers all IP addresses configured on a device and then determines which ports, if any, these IP addresses belong to. The success of this association is dependent on the structure of the SNMP MIB. Also if a port is unmanaged within Entuity then an IP address cannot be associated with the port. |
critical |
the Details column in the Events dashlet indicates the particular cause of the outage:
in the Impacted column of the Events dashlet, Entuity displays a count of the nodes, servers and applications impacted by the port down or node failure. You can view the list of impacted objects - or at least those components for which you have permission to view by clicking Show Details in the context menu. When Entuity raises a Network Outage event, the action you take depends upon the event type raised, on your network administrator role and whether you have physical access to the device:
Network Outage Cleared
Parent incident: Network Outage incident
Event ID: 983048, 512:8
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates an outage on your network is now resolved. |
information |
the Details column in the Events dashlet indicates the particular network outage clearance:
none. |
Network Usage Alert
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1131
Default severity: minor
New DHCP Server Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1132
Default severity: information
New Splash User Registered
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1133
Default severity: information
Optical Output Power High
Parent incident: Port High Optical Power incident
Event ID: 524368, 2:80
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the transmitted optical power is high. | severe |
the transmitted optical power value has exceeded the upper threshold of the specified working range for the optical port. |
for the optical port, adjust the optical power to the appropriate working range, ensure use of the correct cable and distance, and consult the vendor's documentation. |
Optical Output Power High Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Optical Power incident
Event ID: 524367, 2:79
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the transmitted optical power was high but has now returned to acceptable levels. | information |
the transmitted optical power value is now again within the working range for the optical port. |
none. |
Optical Output Power Low
Parent incident: Port Low Optical Output Power incident
Event ID: 524366, 2:78
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the transmitted optical power is low. | severe |
the transmitted optical power value has fallen below the lower threshold of the specified working range for the optical port. |
for the optical port, adjust the optical power to the appropriate working range, ensure use of the correct cable and distance, and consult the vendor's documentation. |
Optical Output Power Low Cleared
Parent incident: Port Low Optical Output Power incident
Event ID: 524365, 2:77
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the transmitted optical power was low but has now returned to acceptable levels. | information |
the transmitted optical power value is now again within the working range for the optical port. |
none. |
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High
Parent incident: Operating System Average Total CPU High Utilization incident
Event ID: 1200
Default severity level: severe
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Average Total CPU High Utilization incident
Event ID: 952
Default severity level: major
OS Average Total CPU Utilization High Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Average Total CPU High Utilization incident
Event ID: 1201
Default severity level: information
OS Committed Bytes % Used High
Parent incident: Operating System Committed Bytes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 179
Default severity level: major
OS Committed Bytes % Used High Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Committed Bytes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 178
Default severity level: minor
OS Committed Bytes % Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Committed Bytes Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 177
Default severity level: information
OS High Pages
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages incident
Event ID: 86
Default severity level: severity
OS High Pages Warning
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages incident
Event ID: 85
Default severity level: minor
OS High Pages Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages incident
Event ID: 84
Default severity level: information
OS High Pages Output
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages Output incident
Event ID: 89
Default severity level: major
OS High Pages Output Warning
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages Output incident
Event ID: 88
Default severity level: minor
OS High Pages Output Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System High Pages Output incident
Event ID: 87
Default severity level: information
OS Low Free Physical Memory
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Physical Memory incident
Event ID: 1202
Default severity level: severe
OS Low Free Physical Memory Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Physical Memory incident
Event ID: 951
Default severity level: major
OS Low Free Physical Memory Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Physical Memory incident
Event ID: 1203
Default severity level: information
OS Low Free Swap Memory
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Swap Memory incident
Event ID: 1204
Default severity level: severe
OS Low Free Swap Memory Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Swap Memory incident
Event ID: 943
Default severity level: major
OS Low Free Swap Memory Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Swap Memory incident
Event ID: 1205
Default severity level: information
OS Low Free Virtual Memory
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Virtual Memory incident
Event ID: 1206
Default severity level: severe
OS Low Free Virtual Memory Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Virtual Memory incident
Event ID: 936
Default severity level: major
OS Low Free Virtual Memory Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Low Free Virtual Memory incident
Event ID: 1207
Default severity level: information
OS Physical Memory % Used High
Parent incident: Operating System Memory Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 1212
Default severity level: major
OS Physical Memory % Used High Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Memory Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 944
Default severity level: minor
OS Physical Memory % Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Memory Used Percent High incident
Event ID: 1213
Default severity level: information
OS Polling Error
Parent incident: OS Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1216
Default severity level: severe
OS Polling Warning
Parent incident: OS Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1215
Default severity level: major
OS Polling OK
Parent incident: OS Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1214
Default severity level: information
OS Processor Time High
Parent incident: Operating System Processor Time High incident
Event ID: 415
Default severity level: severe
OS Processor Time High Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Processor Time High incident
Event ID: 414
Default severity level: major
OS Processor Time High Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Processor Time High incident
Event ID: 399
Default severity level: information
OS Service State Started
Parent incident: OS Service Stopped incident
Event ID: 1217
Default severity level: information
OS Service State Stopped
Parent incident: OS Service Stopped incident
Event ID: 1218
Default severity level: severe
OS Service Status Error
Parent incident: OS Service Error incident
Event ID: 1220
Default severity level: major
OS Service Status OK
Parent incident: OS Service Error incident
Event ID: 1219
Default severity level: information
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High
Parent incident: Operating System Shared Memory Segments Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 367
Default severity level: major
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High Warning
Parent incident: Operating System Shared Memory Segments Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 366
Default severity level: minor
OS Shared Memory Segments % Used High Cleared
Parent incident: Operating System Shared Memory Segments Percent Used High incident
Event ID: 365
Default severity level: information
OSPF Peer Briefly Not Established
Parent incident: OSPF Peer Briefly Not Established incident
Event ID: 164
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between OSPF speakers are now established, but recently bounced. Entuity identifies a recent bounce because the up time is lower than in the previous poll. |
critical |
check logs are activated on the device, and use the logs to investigate error messages. |
OSPF Peer Disappeared
Parent incident: OSPF Peer Disappeared incident
Event ID: 162
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a former adjacent peer has been removed from the router's configurations. Administrators should be aware of this change to be able to detect rogue configuration updates. |
critical |
removal of an adjacent router. | investigate the cause of router disappearance. |
OSPF Peer Established
Parent incident: OSPF Peer Not Established incident
Event ID: 161
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that virtual links between OSPF peers are well established. The state has just transitioned to Full. |
minor |
OSPF peering established. | none. |
OSPF Peer Newly Discovered
Parent incident:
- (Entuity v21.0 P02 upwards) OSPF Peer Disappeared incident
- (Entuity v21.0 P01 and below) OSPF Peer Newly Discovered incident
Event ID: 163
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity has discovered a new OSPF peer. |
minor |
configuration of a new OSPF peer. | none. |
OSPF Peer Not Established
Parent incident: OSPF Peer Not Established incident
Event ID: 160
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates to administrators that a former adjacent peer is no longer in reach. The state has just transitioned out of the Full state. |
critical |
problems with IP reachability or incorrect OSPF configuration. | use the ping and show route commands to verify network connectivity to the OSPF peer. You can use the show log messages command to look for errors relating to the peer. |
Other Component High Temperature
Parent incident: Component High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1363
Default severity level: severe
Other Component High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: Component High Temperature Cleared incident
Event ID: 1364
Default severity level: information
Path Deviated
Parent incident: Path Deviated incident
Event ID: 948
Default severity level: major
Path Deviation Cleared
Parent incident: Path Deviated incident
Event ID: 947
Default severity level: information
Path High Latency
Parent incident: Path High Latency incident
Event ID: 946
Default severity level: major
Path High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: Path High Latency incident
Event ID: 945
Default severity level: information
Path Unreachable
Parent incident: Path Unreachable incident
Event ID: 950
Default severity level: critical
Path Unreachable Cleared
Parent incident: Path Unreachable incident
Event ID: 949
Default severity level: information
Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1226
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the hard error rate for the physical disk is greater than the set threshold. By default 0. |
severe |
a hardware error with the physical disk. | review physical disk manufacturer tolerances as there maybe loss of data. |
Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Hard Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1225
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the hard error rate for the physical disk was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of hard error rate is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Physical Disk High Latency
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Latency incident
Event ID: 1230
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the latency for the physical disk is greater than the set threshold. By default 20. |
severe |
high demand is placed on the disk. | review physical disk stats and storage architecture. |
Physical Disk High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Latency incident
Event ID: 1229
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the latency for the physical disk was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of latency is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1228
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the soft error rate for the physical disk is greater than the set threshold. By default 0. |
severe |
a hardware-related glitch with the physical disk. | in most cases it can be ignored, but monitor disk for any other issues to verify. |
Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1227
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the soft error rate for the physical disk was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of soft error rate is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Physical Disk High Temperature
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1365
Default severity level: severe
Physical Disk High Temperature Cleared
Parent incident: Physical Disk High Temperature incident
Event ID: 1366
Default severity level: information
Polling Error
Parent incident: Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1193
Default severity level: severe
Polling OK
Parent incident: Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1191
Default severity level: information
Polling Warning
Parent incident: Polling Problem incident
Event ID: 1192
Default severity level: major
Port Down
Parent incident: Port Status Problem incident
Event ID: 524290, 2:6
Default severity level: critical
Port Duplex Change
Parent incident: incident
Event ID:
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates that an Ethernet port has changed from half to full duplex or vice versa. |
information |
none. |
Port Error Disable Alarm
Parent incident: Port Error Disable Alarm incident
Event ID: 524328, 2:40
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
on Cisco Stack devices, Entuity identifies the additional port status, error disabled port. |
critical |
the port error disable state indicates that the port has been brought down by the device (even though its admin status is up) because of detected errors persisting for a configured errdisable timeout period. This only happens if sysErrDisableTimeoutEnable is set for the device. |
a port in this state will not come up again unless manually re-enabled by the network administrator. |
Port Error Disable Alarm Cleared
Parent incident: Port Error Disable Alarm incident
This event is only enabled through additions to Entuity's configuration. Contact your Entuity Support representative for details.
Event ID: 524329, 2:41
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
information |
transition of port status to normal. | none. |
Port Flapping:
Parent incident: Port Status Problem incident
Event ID: 524293, 2:5
Default severity level: critical
Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 385
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is dropping some packets in its receive buffers. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently. The discard rate is higher than the active dynamic threshold. |
severe |
lack of bandwidth on the port, transmit buffer sizes too small. |
Use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. Although the percentage level of discards the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. Port Minimum Packet Rate for Discards allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: InDiscards=0.32% (threshold=1%) of 7.66Mpkts/300s. Packet-rate=25.54kpkts/s (threshold=0.001pkts/s) |
Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Inbound Discards (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 384
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was dropping enough packets in its receive buffers to cross the set dynamic threshold is no longer doing so. |
information |
inbound discards has returned to levels within the dynamic threshold. | none. |
Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 389
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is receiving corrupted packets from the network (a brownout). These packets will be thrown away by the switch or router that is reporting this problem, causing application layer timeouts and re- transmissions. Network users may be complaining about slow application response times. Types of corrupted packets include CRC errors, alignment errors, giants, and runt packets. |
severe |
Check the duplex settings on switch ports reporting this problem, and the PC or server which is attached to the switch port. If this isn't the cause of the problem, move the PC or server to a different port and see if the corruption continues. If so, swap out the NIC card on the PC or server. Although the percentage level of faults the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. The Port Minimum Packet Rate for Faults allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: InFault=0.28% (threshold=1.00%) of 24.05Mpkts/300s --> align=9%, crc=4%, abort=16%. Packet-rate=80.16kpkts/s (threshold=1.00pkts/s) |
Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Inbound Fault (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 388
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was receiving corrupted packets from the network (a brownout) is no longer receiving those packets. |
information |
reduction in traffic. | none. |
Port High Inbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 397
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
severe |
if high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
Port High Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 396
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage) is now operating within dynamic thresholds. |
information |
utilization for the port has, during the past hour, returned to within the expected threshold. | none. |
Port High Optical Input Power
Parent incident: Port High Optical Input Power incident
Event ID: 524364, 2:76
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the received optical power is high. |
severe |
the received optical power value has exceeded the upper threshold of the specified working range for the optical port. | for the optical port, adjust the optical power to the appropriate working range, ensure use of the correct cable and distance, and consult the vendor's documentation. |
Port High Optical Input Power Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Optical Input Power incident
Event ID: 524363, 2:75
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the received optical power was high but has now returned to acceptable levels. |
information |
the received optical power value has now come back within the working range for the optical port. | none. |
Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 383
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is dropping some packets in its transmit buffers, and/or experiencing difficulties transmitting packets out onto the network. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently. The discard rate is higher than the active dynamic threshold. |
severe |
Use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. Although the percentage level of discards the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. Port Minimum Packet Rate for Discards allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: OutDiscards=0.32% (threshold=1%) of 7.66Mpkts/300s. Packet-rate=25.54kpkts/s (threshold=0.001pkts/s) |
Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Outbound Discards (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 382
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was dropping large numbers of packets in its transmit buffers, and or experiencing severe difficulties transmitting packets out onto the network is now performing normally. |
information |
reduced traffic. | none. |
Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 387
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is failing to transmit some packets onto the network (a brownout). These packets will be thrown away by the switch or router that is reporting this problem, causing application layer timeouts and re-transmissions. Network users may be complaining about slow application response times. Types of transmit errors include late collisions, carrier loss, and SQE test errors. The outbound fault rate is higher than the active dynamic threshold. |
severe |
Check the duplex settings on switch ports reporting this problem, and the PC or server which is attached to the switch port. If this is not the cause of the problem, move the PC or server to a different port and see if the corruption continues. If so, swap out the NIC card on the PC or server. Although the percentage level of faults the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. The Port Minimum Packet Rate for Faults allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: OutFault=7.40% (threshold=1.00%) of 2.21Mpkts/300s --> SQE=1%, late col=7%, ex col=11%, abort=7%, car loss=75%. Packet-rate=7.37kpkts/s (threshold=1.00pkts/s) |
Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port High Outbound Fault (Dynamic) incident
Event ID: 386
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was failing to transmit some packets onto the network (a brownout), is now transmitting successfully. |
information |
resolution of:
none. |
Port High Outbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 393
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
severe |
if high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
Port High Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 392
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage) is now operating within dynamic thresholds. |
information |
utilization for the port has during the past hour is within the expected threshold. | none. |
Port Inbound Discards High (Device Congestion)
Parent incident: Port Inbound Discards High (Device Congestion) incident
Event ID: 524302, 2:14
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is dropping some packets in its receive buffers. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently |
severe |
use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. Although the percentage level of discards the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. Port Minimum Packet Rate for Discards allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: InDiscards=0.32% (threshold=1%) of 7.66Mpkts/300s. Packet-rate=25.54kpkts/s (threshold=0.001pkts/s) |
Port Inbound Discards High Cleared (No Device Congestion)
Parent incident: Port Inbound Discards High (Device Congestion) incident
Event ID: 524303, 2:15
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was dropping sufficient packets in its receive buffers to cross the set dynamic threshold, is no longer doing so. |
information |
inbound discards have returned to levels within the dynamic threshold. | none. |
Port Inbound Fault High (Packet Corruption)
Parent incident: Port Inbound Fault High (Packet Corruption) incident
Event ID: 524298, 2:10
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is receiving corrupted packets from the network (a brownout). These packets will be thrown away by the switch or router that is reporting this problem, causing application layer timeouts and re- transmissions. Network users may be complaining about slow application response times. Types of corrupted packets include CRC errors, alignment errors, giants, and runt packets |
major |
check the duplex settings on switch ports reporting this problem, and the PC or server which is attached to the switch port. If this isn't the cause of the problem, move the PC or server to a different port and see if the corruption continues. If so, swap out the NIC card on the PC or server. Although the percentage level of faults the port reports may be high, if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. The Port Minimum Packet Rate for Faults allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: InFault=0.28% (threshold=1.00%) of 24.05Mpkts/300s --> align=9%, crc=4%, abort=16%. Packet-rate=80.16kpkts/s (threshold=1.00pkts/s) |
Port Inbound Fault High (No Packet Corruption) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Inbound Fault High (Packet Corruption) incident
Event ID: 524299, 2:11
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was receiving corrupted packets from the network (a brownout) is no longer receiving those packets. |
information |
reduction in traffic. | none. |
Port Link Down
Parent incident: Port link Down incident
Event ID: 524290, 2:2
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port has transitioned to the down state. |
critical |
Port Link Up
Parent incident: Port link Down incident
Event ID: 524291, 2:3
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port has transitioned to the up state. |
information |
none. |
Port Low Inbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 397
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing low levels of inbound utilization (bandwidth usage). |
severe |
may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. Check through other events that have recently been reported if excessively low levels of utilization persist. |
Port Low Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Inbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 396
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing low levels of utilization (bandwidth usage) is now operating within dynamic thresholds. |
information |
utilization for the port, during the past hour, is within the expected threshold. | none. |
Port Low Optical Input Power
Parent incident: Port Low Optical Input Power incident
Event ID: 524362, 2:74
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the received optical power is low. |
severe |
the received optical power value has fallen below the lower threshold of the specified working range for the optical port. | for the optical port, adjust the optical power to the appropriate working range, ensure use of the correct cable and distance, and consult the vendor's documentation. |
Port Low Optical Input Power Cleared
Parent incident: Port Low Optical Input Power incident
Event ID: 524361, 2:73
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the received optical power was low but has now returned to acceptable levels. |
information |
the received optical power value is now again within the working range of the optical port. | none. |
Port Low Outbound Utilization (Dynamic)
Parent incident: Port Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 391
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing low levels of inbound utilization (bandwidth usage). The low inbound utilization is lower than the active dynamic threshold. |
severe |
may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. Check through other events that have recently been reported if excessively low levels of utililzation persist. |
Port Low Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Outbound Utilization (Dynamic) Abnormality incident
Event ID: 390
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing low levels of utilization (bandwidth usage) is now operating within dynamic thresholds. |
information |
utilization for the port has returned to within the expected threshold during the past hour. | none. |
Port Operationally Down
Parent incident: Port Operationally Down incident
Event ID: 36
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the port is not responding - its administrative state is up but its operational status is down. By default, this event is only enabled for core ports, specifically:
You can enable (or disable) this event on non-core ports via the port's Context Menu (Polling > Status Events > Enable / Disable). |
critical |
Attempt to ping the device:
Port Operationally Down Cleared
Parent incident: Port Operationally Down incident
Event ID: 37
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was not responding, is now either responding, or its administrative state has been set to down. |
information |
none. |
Port Outbound Discards High (Port Congestion)
Parent incident: Port Outbound Discards High (Port Congestion) incident
Event ID: 524304, 2:16
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is dropping some packets in its transmit buffers, and/or experiencing difficulties transmitting packets out onto the network. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently. |
major |
Use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. Although the percentage level of discards the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. Port Minimum Packet Rate for Discards allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: OutDiscards=0.32% (threshold=1%) of 7.66Mpkts/300s. Packet-rate=25.54kpkts/s |
Port Outbound Discards High (No Port Congestion) Cleared
Parent incident: Port Outbound Discards High (Port Congestion) incident
Event ID: 524305, 2:17
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was dropping large numbers of packets in its transmit buffers, and or experiencing severe difficulties transmitting packets out onto the network is now performing normally. |
information |
reduction in traffic. | none. |
Port Outbound Fault High (Transmit Errors)
Parent incident: Port Outbound Fault High (Transmit Errors) incident
Event ID: 524300, 2:12
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ndicates that a port is failing to transmit some packets onto the network (a brownout). These packets will be thrown away by the switch or router that is reporting this problem, causing application layer timeouts and re-transmissions. Network users may be complaining about slow application response times. Types of transmit errors include late collisions, carrier loss, and SQE test errors. |
major |
Check the duplex settings on switch ports reporting this problem, and the PC or server which is attached to the switch port. If this is not the cause of the problem, move the PC or server to a different port and see if the corruption continues. If so, swap out the NIC card on the PC or server. Although the percentage level of faults the port reports may be high if it has a low packet throughput then you may want to amend the behavior of the event. You can activate a low traffic filter to eliminate nuisance events. The Port Minimum Packet Rate for Faults allows you to set a packets per second threshold; only when this threshold is crossed could Entuity potentially raise this event. When activated the threshold is included to the event details string, for example: OutFault=7.40% (threshold=1.00%) of 2.21Mpkts/300s --> SQE=1%, late col=7%, ex col=11%, abort=7%, car loss=75%. Packet-rate=7.37kpkts/s (threshold=1.00pkts/s) |
Port Outbound Fault High Cleared (No Transmit Errors)
Parent incident: Port Outbound Fault High (Transmit Errors) incident
Event ID: 524301, 2:13
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port that was failing to transmit some packets onto the network (a brownout) is now transmitting successfully. |
information |
none. |
Port Speed Change
Parent incident: incident
Event ID:
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port has changed its interface speed. |
information |
none. |
Port Up
Parent incident: Port Status Problem incident
Event ID: 524291, 2:7
Default severity level: information
Port Utilization Decreased
Parent incident:
Event ID: 524315
Default severity level: major
Port Utilization High
Parent incident: Port Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 524310, 2:22
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
severe |
if a high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
Port Utilization High Cleared
Parent incident: Port Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 524311, 2:23
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing high levels of utilization is now transmitting lower traffic volumes. |
information |
reduced application traffic. | none. |
Port Utilization Increased
Parent incident:
Event ID: 524314
Default severity level: major
Port Utilization Low
Parent incident: Port Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 524312, 2:24
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) is experiencing low levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). |
severe |
may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. Check through other events that have recently been reported if excessively low levels of utilization persist. |
Port Utilization Low Cleared
Parent incident: Port Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 524313, 2:25
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port (link) that was experiencing low levels of utilization is now transmitting higher traffic volumes. |
information |
increased application traffic. | none. |
Potential Vulnerability
Applicable to Entuity v22.0 GA upwards
Parent incident: Potential Vulnerability incident
Event ID: 1381
Default severity level: information, although the severity of this event will depend on the CVSS Base Score. Please see this article for further help and information on CVSS Base Score severities.
A Potential Vulnerability event is raised if a CVE is matched against a device during a vulnerability monitoring scan.
CVEs have three potential configuration types from which a match can be made. Potential vulnerabilty events are only raised where the CVE configuration matches the device's CPE configuration. Partial matches are not currently supported.
- Basic - only one CPE needs to match for a device to be considered potentially vulnerable, e.g. cpe:2.3:a:fusionpbx:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- Running on/with - a combination of potentially vulnerable and non-vulnerable CPEs must be present, e.g. cpe:2.3:o:netgear:wnr3500u_firmware:*:*:*:*:*:*:* running on/with cpe:2.3:h:netgear:wnr3500u:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
- Advanced - a complex enumeration of CPEs must be present, e.g. cpe:2.3:a:hm-print_project:hm-print:1.2a:*:*:*:*:*:*:* AND cpe:2.3:h:eq-3:homematic_ccu2:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:* AND cpe:2.3:o:eq-3:homematic_ccu2_firmware:2.47.20:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Note, the CVE is only matched against the first matching CPE configuration, e.g. if the CVE's configuration is cpe:2.3:a:fusionpbx:1.1:*:*:*:*:*:*:* OR cpe:2.3:a:fusionpbx:1.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*, and both of those CPEs are assigned to the device, then only the first CPE checked contributes towards the potential vulnerability incident in Entuity.
Potential Vulnerability Cleared
Applicable to Entuity v22.0 GA upwards
Parent incident: Potential Vulnerability incident
Event ID: 1382
Default severity level: information
A Potential Vulnerability Cleared event is raised if no CVE is matched against a device following an earlier match.
Potential Vulnerability Patched
Applicable to Entuity v22.0 GA upwards
Parent incident: Potential Vulnerability incident
Event ID: 1383
Default severity level: information
A Potential Vulnerability Patched event is raised during a vulnerability monitoring scan if the patch levels of Windows OS Server devices on your network are matched with patched CVEs.
Power Supply Came Up
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1134
Default severity: information
Power Supply Major Fault
Parent incident: Power Supply Problem incident
Event ID: 655484, 8:124
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a major power supply hardware problem. |
severe |
faulty power supply hardware. | telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Power Supply Minor Fault
Parent incident: Power Supply Problem incident
Event ID: 655482, 8:122
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor power supply hardware problem. |
severe |
faulty power supply hardware. | telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. |
Power Supply OK
Parent incident: Power Supply Problem incident
Event ID: 655480, 8:120
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the power supply fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty power supply has been swapped out. | none. |
Power Supply Unknown State
Parent incident: Power Supply Problem incident
Event ID: 655486, 8:126
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the state of the device's power supply hardware is unknown. |
severe |
the power supply type is unknown. The ID EEPROM of the power supply has not been programmed or has been corrupted, or the power supply is not supported by the router. | telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled depending on the type of problem. Refer to the device documentation for details on power supply unknown. |
Power Supply Went Down
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1135
Default severity: severe
Processor Utilization High
Parent incident: Procesor Utilization High incident
Event ID: 655420, 8:60
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the identified processor on the device has high CPU utilization. When the processor cannot be identified, Entuity raises the event against single processor 1. |
minor |
use the managed host function to view current and historic levels of process usage. Also create reports, e.g. a Router Summary Report, that runs every hour to monitor router CPU utilization. |
Processor Utilization High Cleared
Parent incident: Procesor Utilization High incident
Event ID: 655421, 8:61
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the processor on the device no longer has high utilization. |
information |
reduced usage. | none. |
QoS Above Bandwidth Limit
Parent incident: QoS Bandwidth Problem incident
Event ID: 56
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, has exceeded the limit. |
severe |
the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, has exceeded the limt. | evaluate the need to raise the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class. |
QoS At Bandwidth Limit
Parent incident: QoS Bandwidth Problem incident
Event ID: 57
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, has reached the limit. |
minor |
the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, has reached the limt. | evaluate the need to raise the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class. |
QoS Class Bit Rate High
Parent incident: QoS Class Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 100
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the bit rate is greater than the set QoS Class Bit Rate High threshold. By default 500000. |
minor |
highest number of bit rate is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | evaluate the need to adjust limits for the QoS class. |
QoS Class Bit Rate High Cleared
Parent incident: QoS Class Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 101
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the bit rate was greater than the set QoS Class Bit Rate High threshold but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of bit rate is now below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High
Parent incident: QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 102
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop bit rate is greater than the set QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High threshold. By default 100000. |
minor |
highest number of drop bit rate is now below the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate if the device or link is under high load and evaluate the need to adjust limits for the QoS Class. |
QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High Cleared
Parent incident: QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 103
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop bit rate was greater than the set QoS Class Drop Bit Rate High threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of drop bit rate is now below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High
Parent incident: QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High incident
Event ID: 104
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop packet rate is greater than the set QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High threshold. By default 10. |
severe |
highest number of drop packet rate is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate if the device or link is under high load and evaluate the need to adjust limits for the QoS Class. |
QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High Cleared
Parent incident: QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High incident
Event ID: 105
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop packet rate was greater than the set QoS Class Drop Packet Rate (Buffer Shortage) High threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of drop packet rate is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High
Parent incident: QoS Drop Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 106
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop bit rate is greater than the set QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High threshold. By default 10. |
minor |
highest number of drop bit rate is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | investigate if the device or link is under high load and evaluate the need to adjust limits for the QoS Class. |
QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High Cleared
Parent incident: QoS Drop Bit Rate High incident
Event ID: 107
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the drop bit rate was greater than the set QoS Queue Drop Bit Rate High threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary |
information |
highest number of drop bit rate is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
QoS Under Bandwidth Limit
Parent incident: QoS Bandwidth Problem incident
Event ID: 107
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, had previously exceeded but has now dropped back below the limit. |
information |
the bandwidth utilization, based on the amount of bandwidth assigned to the traffic class, has dropped below the limt. | none. |
RADIUS Authentication Server Unreachable
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1136
Default severity: major
Returned To Using Primary Power
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1137
Default severity: information
Rogue AP Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1138
Default severity: minor
Rogue DHCP Server Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1139
Default severity: minor
Routing Broadcast Traffic High
Parent incident: Routing Broadcast Traffic High incident
Event ID: 524322, 2:34
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates an incorrect packet broadcast on a network that causes most hosts to respond all at once, typically with wrong answers that start the process over again. |
major |
in a TCP/IP network is the use of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests for address resolution, where the number of devices in a segment is too large. Defective network adapter card or cable run may cause electrical noise to be sent along the cable, causing broadcast packets to be unanswered. This may cause more broadcast traffic, generating a broadcast storm. |
Routing Broadcast Traffic High Cleared
Parent incident: Routing Broadcast Traffic High incident
Event ID: 524323, 2:35
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
sent by the router to the sender of a packet indicating that the route is now available. |
information |
resolution of high broadcast problem. | none. |
Routing High No Routes to IP Destination
Parent incident: Routing High No Routes To IP Destination incident
Event ID: 655432, 8:72
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
sent by the router to the sender of a packet indicating that there is no route available to deliver the packet to the intended receiver. |
information |
resolution of high broadcast problem. | none. |
Routing High No Routes to IP Destination Cleared
Parent incident: Routing High No Routes To IP Destination incident
Event ID: 655433, 8:73
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
sent by the router to the sender of a packet indicating that there is no route available to deliver the packet to the intended receiver. |
minor |
investigate destination address and network connections. |
Routing ICMP High Redirects
Parent incident: Routing ICMP High Redirects incident
Event ID: 655434, 8:74
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates routers handling packets with incorrect addresses. |
minor |
device configured with incorrect routing entries. | locate the incorrectly configured device and correct. Alternatively, where you feel it is appropriate, disable ICMP redirects. |
Routing ICMP High Redirects Cleared
Parent incident: Routing ICMP High Redirects incident
Event ID: 655435, 8:75
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a reduction in incorrectly addressed packets. |
information |
device reconfiguration. | none. |
Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds
Parent incident: Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds incident
Event ID: 655430, 8:70
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates TTL (Time To Live) value in the IP Packet is decremented to zero. The router discards the IP packet and an ICMP 'TTL Expired in transit' message is sent back to the sending IP address. |
minor |
locate the incorrectly configured sending device and correct. |
Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds Cleared
Parent incident: Routing ICMP High TTL Exceeds incident
Event ID: 655431, 8:71
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates transmission to the device is now within TTL (Time To Live) value in the IP packet. |
information |
device now online. | none. |
Running On Backup Power
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1140
Default severity level: severe
SDN Controller Connection Failed
Parent incident: SDN Controller Connection Failure incident
Event ID: 791
Default severity level: information
SDN Controller Connection Failure Cleared
Parent incident: SDN Controller Connection Failure incident
Event ID: 790
Default severity level: information
Sensor Error
Parent incident: Sensor State Problem incident
Event ID: 1198
Default severity level: severe
Sensor Not Present
Parent incident: Sensor State Problem incident
Event ID: 1199
Default severity level: major
Sensor OK
Parent incident: Sensor State Problem incident
Event ID: 1195
Default severity level: information
Sensor State Unknown
Parent incident: Sensor State Problem incident
Event ID: 1197
Default severity level: severe
Sensor Warning
Parent incident: Sensor State Problem incident
Event ID: 1196
Default severity level: information
Service Down
Parent incident: Service State Problem incident
Event ID: 919
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the named service is down. |
critical |
number of components failing in the service is sufficient to cause the service to fail. | in the Entuity UI, navigate to the My Network View and open the Services dashboard to see the current status of all services. Select the required service to drill down and view the status of its components. |
Service State Degraded
Parent incident: Service State Problem incident
Event ID: 918
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the state of the named service is degraded. |
severe |
the combined state of components in this service crosses the set threshold at which Entuity determines performance of the overall service is compromised. However, the set threshold at which the service would have failed has not been crossed. | in the Entuity UI, navigate to the My Network View and open the Services dashboard to see the current status of all services. Select the required service to drill down and view the status of its components. |
Service Status Off
Parent incident: Service State Problem incident
Event ID: 917
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the named service is now set to not generate a state. The event details indicate Status is set to None. |
informations |
user has amended the service configuration type to None. | in the Entuity UI, navigate to the My Network View and open the Services dashboard to see the current status of all services. Select the required service to drill down and view the status of its components. |
Service State Unknown
Parent incident: Service State Problem incident
Event ID: 921
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the state of the named service is unknown. |
severe |
state of one or more of the components in the service is unknown. | in the Entuity UI, navigate to the My Network View and open the Services dashboard to see the current status of all services. Select the required service to drill down and view the status of its components. |
Service Traffic High
Parent incident: Service Traffic High incident
Event ID: 763
Default severity level: severe
Service Traffic High Cleared
Parent incident: Service Traffic High incident
Event ID: 762
Default severity level: information
Service Traffic Low
Parent incident: Service Traffic Low incident
Event ID: 761
Default severity level: severe
Service Traffic Low Cleared
Parent incident: Service Traffic Low incident
Event ID: 760
Default severity level: information
Service Up
Parent incident: Service State Problem incident
Event ID: 920
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the named service is up, after its state has previously been Down or Unknown. |
information |
sufficient components in this service are now up, so the service is now available. | none. |
Settings Changed
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1141
Default severity: information
SNMP Agent Not Responding
Parent incident: Device Not Responding To SNMP incident
Event ID: 655363, 8:3
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device - specifically its SNMP agent - is not responding to SNMP requests, but it was available when Entuity last attempted to ping it. It is the response to the ping that determines whether Entuity considers a device to be up or down. SNMP Agent Not Responding events are not raised when a device is down. Entuity availability monitoring operates in one of two modes:
critical |
check that the SNMP community string of the device in Entuity is still configured correctly. |
SNMP Agent Responding
Parent incident: Device Not Responding To SNMP incident
Event ID: 655364, 8:4
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the device is now responding to SNMP requests, but was unavailable when Entuity last attempted to Ping it. Entuity pings the IP addresses of managed objects every two minutes. |
information |
none. |
SNMP Agent Restart Detected
Parent incident: SNMP Agent Restart Detected incident
Event ID: 254
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the SNMP service has restarted on the managed host, since Entuity last attempted to poll it. It also indicates the SNMP counters polled by Entuity for the managed host have been reset, which may explain any unexpected data spikes. |
major |
none. |
SNMP Authentication Failure
Parent incident: SNMP Authentication Failure incident
Event ID: 655368, 8:8
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a request did not get proper authentication, usually the result of a bad community string. |
severe |
invalid community was received in a message. | ping the device to ensure that it is still contactable. If the ping is successful, check that the IP address and SNMP community string of the device in Entuity are still configured correctly (although it may not be the Entuity server that is issuing the SNMP requests that are failing). |
SNMP Response Time High
Parent incident: SNMP Response Time High incident
Event ID: 655377, 8:17
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device's response to an SNMP request was greater than the set threshold. |
severe |
latency may be caused by the traffic load on the network, or by load on the device or intermediate devices. | in the Entuity UI, navigate to the device in question and open its Summary dashboard to see and drill down into its latency chart. To view this device's latency performance within the context of other devices, run the Device SNMP Response Time report, which is an Administrative report. |
SNMP Response Time High Cleared
Parent incident: SNMP Response Time High incident
Event ID: 655378, 8:18
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device's response to an SNMP request has now returned to within the set threshold. |
severe |
latency has returned to within the set threshold. | none. |
SNMPv3 Duplicate Engine ID
Parent incident: SNMPv3 Duplicate Engine ID incident
Event ID: 655450, 8:90
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that two or more devices under management now have the same SNMPv3 engine identifier. Under SNMPv3, devices use the engine identifier when determining the source of a trap and decoding its message. |
severe |
a device under ENA management has been reconfigured with an engine identifier used by another device that is also under management. | event details include information on the two devices with the same engine identifier. You should reconfigure one of the devices with a unique engine identifier. Please see this article for further help and information. |
SSL Certificate Expiration Cleared
Parent incident: SSL Certificate Expiration Critical incident, SSL Certificate Expiration Warning incident
Event ID: 1378
Default severity level: information
SSL Certificate Expiration Critical
Parent incident: SSL Certificate Expiration Critical incident
Event ID: 1377
Default severity level: critical
SSL Certificate Expiration Warning
Parent incident: SSL Certificate Expiration Warning incident
Event ID: 1376
Default severity level: severe
SSL Certificate Expired
Parent incident: SSL Certificate Problem incident
Event ID: 1023
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the SSL certificate has expired. Entuity continues to raise this even, every 24 hours, until the certificate is renewed or removed. |
critical |
SSL certificate has passed its expiry date. | install a new SSL certificate. |
SSL Certificate Expiring
Parent incident: SSL Certificate Problem incident
Event ID: 1024
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the SSL certificate expiry date is within the set expiry notification period. You can amend the notification period against the device. Entuity continues to raise this event, every 24 hours, until the certificate is renewed, removed or expires |
severe |
SSL certificate expiry date is within the set notification period. | obtain a new SSL certificate. You can create self-signed certificates yourself, otherwise obtain one from a recognized SSL certificate-issuing authority. |
SSL Proxy Service Administrative Available to SNMP Poll
Parent incident: SSL Proxy Service Administrative Unavailable to SNMP Poll incident
Event ID: 1021
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the device is responding, because its administrative state is up. |
information |
administrator has configured the administrative state to up. | none. |
SSL Proxy Service Administrative Unavailable to SNMP Poll
Parent incident: SSL Proxy Service Administrative Unavailable to SNMP Poll incident
Event ID: 1022
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the device is not responding, because its administrative state is down. |
critical |
administrator has taken the module down. | none. |
SSL Proxy Service Operational Available to SNMP Poll
Parent incident: SSL Proxy Service Operational Available To SNMP Poll incident
Event ID: 1019
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the device is responding to SNMP polling, because its operational state is up. |
information |
SSL Proxy service has been down but is now available. | none. |
SSL Proxy Service Operational Unavailable to SNMP Poll
Parent incident: SSL Proxy Service Operational Available To SNMP Poll incident
Event ID: 1020
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the device is not responding to SNMP polling, because its operational state is down. |
critical |
SSL certificate has passed its expiry date. | contact your SSL authority for a valid certificate. |
Storage Device High CPU Usage
Parent incident: Storage Device High CPU Usage incident
Event ID: 1248
Default severity level: severe
Storage Device High CPU Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Device High CPU Usage incident
Event ID: 1247
Default severity level: information
Storage Device High Memory Usage
Parent incident: Storage Device High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1250
Default severity level: severe
Storage Device High Memory Usage Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Device High Memory Usage incident
Event ID: 1249
Default severity level: information
Storage Device High Power Consumption
Parent incident: Storage Device High Power Consumption incident
Event ID: 1367
Default severity level: severe
Storage Device High Power Consumption Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Device High Power Consumption incident
Event ID: 1368
Default severity level: information
Storage Device Low Usable Capacity
Parent incident: Storage Device Low Usable Capacity incident
Event ID: 1252
Default severity level: severe
Storage Device Low Usable Capacity Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Device Low Usable Capacity incident
Event ID: 1251
Default severity level: information
Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1232
Default severity level: severe
Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Hard Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1231
Default severity level: information
Storage Pool High Latency
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1236
Default severity level: severe
Storage Pool High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1235
Default severity level: information
Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1234
Default severity level: severe
Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Soft Error Rate incident
Event ID: 1233
Default severity level: information
Storage Pool High Used Capacity
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Used Capacity % incident
Event ID: 1238
Default severity level: severe
Storage Pool High Used Capacity Cleared
Parent incident: Storage Pool High Used Capacity % incident
Event ID: 1237
Default severity level: information
STP New Root Device
Parent incident: STP Topology Change incident
Event ID: 720897
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has reported a new root switch for a spanning tree in which it participates. This even is detected by the generation of an SNMP trap on the device. |
critical |
telnet to the device and check the system logs for an indication of what caused a new device to become the root switch. |
STP VLAN Topology Change
Parent incident: STP Topology Change incident
Event ID: 720898
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device reported a topology change for a spanning tree in which it participates. This event is detected by the generation of an SNMP trap on the device. |
major |
telnet to the device and check the system logs for an indication of what caused the topology change. |
Switch Port Connected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1142
Default severity: information
Switch Port Disconnected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1143
Default severity: minor
Syslog Alert
Parent incident: Syslog Alert incident
Event ID: 1048578
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
severe |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | dependent on the syslog event raised. |
Syslog Critical
Parent incident: Syslog Critical incident
Event ID: 1048579
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
severe |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | dependent on the syslog event raised. |
Syslog Debug
Parent incident: Syslog Debug incident
Event ID: 1048584
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
information |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | none. |
Syslog Emergency
Parent incident: Syslog Emergency incident
Event ID: 1048577
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
critical |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | dependent on the syslog event raised. |
Syslog Error
Parent incident: Syslog Error Events incident
Event ID: 1048580
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
major |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | dependent on the syslog event raised. |
Syslog Information
Parent incident: Syslog Information incident
Event ID: 1048583
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
information |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | none. |
Syslog Notice
Parent incident: Syslog Notice incident
Event ID: 1048582
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
minor |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | none. |
Syslog Warning
Parent incident: Syslog Warning incident
Event ID: 1048581
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
syslog can generate system messages for each of the defined facilities, those defined by default and those defined locally. All of the system message can be prioritized. Syslog event details have the format: tag:message where:
minor |
Entuity administrator determines which system messages generate events that are displayed, and the facilities and at what priority level from which these system messages come. | dependent on the syslog event raised. |
UCS Blade Down
Parent incident: UCS Blade Status incident
Event ID: 719
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a blade fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Blade Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Blade Status incident
Event ID: 718
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a major blade hardware or firmware problem. |
severe |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Blade Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Blade Status incident
Event ID: 717
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a minor blade hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Blade OK
Parent incident: UCS Blade Status incident
Event ID: 715
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a blade fault for a device has been cleared. |
OK (green) |
faulty blade has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Blade Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Blade Status incident
Event ID: 716
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that Entuity cannot determine the status of the blade. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Chassis Down
Parent incident: UCS Chassis Status incident
Event ID: 684
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Chassis Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Chassis Status incident
Event ID: 683
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a major chassis hardware or firmware problem. |
severe |
faulty hardware or firmware. | telnet to the device and check the system settings for an indication of what the problem is. A hardware swap out may need to be scheduled, depending on the type of problem. |
UCS Chassis Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Chassis Status incident
Event ID: 682
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a chassis has a minor hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Chassis Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Chassis Status incident
Event ID: 680
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a chassis fault for a device has been cleared. |
OK (green) |
faulty chassis has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Chassis Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Chassis Status incident
Event ID: 681
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that Entuity cannot determine the status of the chassis. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fabric Extender Down
Parent incident: UCS Fabric Extender Status incident
Event ID: 709
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fabric extender fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fabric Extender Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fabric Extender Status incident
Event ID: 708
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a major fabric extender hardware or firmware problem. |
severe |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fabric Extender Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fabric Extender Status incident
Event ID: 707
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a minor fabric extender hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fabric Extender Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Fabric Extender Status incident
Event ID: 705
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a fabric extender fault for a device has been cleared. |
OK (green) |
faulty fabric extender has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Fabric Extender Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Fabric Extender Status incident
Event ID: 706
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that Entuity cannot determine the status of the fabric extender. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Down
Parent incident: UCS Fan Status incident
Event ID: 699
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fault on a fan on the device chassis. |
critical |
faulty fan hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fan Status incident
Event ID: 698
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fan on the device chassis has a major fault. |
severe |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fan Status incident
Event ID: 697
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fan on the device chassis has a minor fault. |
major |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Module Down
Parent incident: UCS Fan Module Status incident
Event ID: 694
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a fan on the device chassis is down. |
critical |
faulty fan module hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Module Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fan Module Status incident
Event ID: 693
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a module has a minor fan hardware problem. |
severe |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Module Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Fan Module Status incident
Event ID: 692
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a module has a minor fan hardware problem. |
major |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Module Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Fan Module Status incident
Event ID: 690
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a fan module fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty fan module has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Fan Module Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Fan Module Status incident
Event ID: 691
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the status of the fan module is not reportable or is unknown. |
minor |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Fan Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Fan Status incident
Event ID: 695
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a fan fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty fan has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Fan Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Fan Status incident
Event ID: 696
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the status of the fan is not reportable or is unknown. |
minor |
copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Local Disk Down
Parent incident: UCS Local Disk Status incident
Event ID: 714
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a local disk fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty local disk hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Local Disk Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Local Disk Status incident
Event ID: 713
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a major local disk hardware or firmware problem. |
major |
faulty local disk hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Local Disk Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Local Disk Status incident
Event ID: 712
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor module (line card) hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty local disk hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Local Disk Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Local Disk Status incident
Event ID: 710
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a module (card) fault for a device has been cleared. |
OK (green) |
faulty local disk has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Local Disk Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Local Disk Status incident
Event ID: 711
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the local disk is unknown. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
Parent incident: UCS Power Supply Status incident
Event ID: 689
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a PSU fault for a device. |
critical |
faulty PSU hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS PSU Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Power Supply Status incident
Event ID: 688
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor PSU hardware or firmware problem. |
critical |
faulty PSU hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS PSU Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Power Supply Status incident
Event ID: 687
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor PSU hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty PSU hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
Parent incident: UCS Power Supply Status incident
Event ID: 685
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a PSU fault for a device has been cleared. |
OK (green) |
faulty PSU has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS PSU Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Power Supply Status incident
Event ID: 686
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the PSU is unknown. |
minor |
faulty hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Switch Card Down
Parent incident: UCS Switch Card Status incident
Event ID: 704
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a switch card fault for a device. |
major |
faulty switch card hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Switch Card Major Fault
Parent incident: UCS Switch Card Status incident
Event ID: 703
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a major switch card hardware or firmware problem. |
severe |
faulty switch card hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Switch Card Minor Fault
Parent incident: UCS Switch Card Status incident
Event ID: 702
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a device has a minor switch card hardware or firmware problem. |
minor |
faulty switch card hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UCS Switch Card Status OK
Parent incident: UCS Switch Card Status incident
Event ID: 700
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a switch card fault for a device has been cleared. |
information |
faulty switch card has been swapped out. | none. |
UCS Switch Card Status Unknown
Parent incident: UCS Switch Card Status incident
Event ID: 701
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuityri received an enterprise trap for which it does not have a loaded MIB, rules or custom event. Trap details include its OID and argument values. |
major |
faulty switch card hardware or firmware. | copy the message from the event description, or copy the message from the console/system log in the Cisco UCS Manager. Research and attempt to resolve the issue using the tools and utilities provided at Also refer to the Release Notes for UCS Manager and the Cisco UCS Troubleshooting Guide. If you cannot resolve the issue, execute the show tech-support command and contact Cisco Technical Support. |
UDLD Error
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1145
Default severity: minor
Unknown Trap
Parent incident: Unknown Trap incident
Event ID: 655370, 8:10
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates Entuity received an enterprise trap for which it does not have a loaded MIB, rules or custom event. Trap details include its OID and argument values. |
major |
Entuity received an enterprise trap, for which a mapping has been included to the Entuity database. | through the Event Management System you can import and load MIBs, creating rules and custom events for trap definitions. Alternatively you can prevent Entuity raising Unknown Trap events by activating the Discard Unknown Trap rule. |
Unreachable Devices Detected
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1147
Default severity: minor
Uplink Status Changed
Parent incident:
Event ID: 1148
Default severity: information
User Defined Attribute State Disabled
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Status incident
Event ID: 357
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
major |
this event is a state event and is raised when the attribute reports its state as disabled. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the disabled state. |
User Defined Attribute State Down
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Status incident
Event ID: 358
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
severe |
this event is a state event and is raised when the attribute reports its state as down. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the down state. |
User Defined Attribute State Other
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Status incident
Event ID: 356
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
major |
this event is a state event and is raised when the attribute reports its state as other. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the other state. |
User Defined Attribute State Up
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Status incident
Event ID: 359
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
information |
this event is a state event and is raised when the attribute reports its state as up. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the up state. |
User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality Cleared
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality incident
Event ID: 360
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
information |
this event is a threshold event and is raised when the polled attribute value has transitioned to a normal state. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the normal state. |
User Defined Attribute Value Critical
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality incident
Event ID: 364
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
critical |
this event is a threshold event and is raised when the polled attribute value is within the set critical threshold boundary. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the critical threshold state. |
User Defined Attribute Value High
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality incident
Event ID: 363
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
severe |
this event is a threshold event and is raised when the polled attribute value is within the set high threshold boundary. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the high threshold state. |
User Defined Attribute Value Low
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality incident
Event ID: 361
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
major |
this event is a threshold event and is raised when the polled attribute value is within the set low threshold boundary. | view the event details to see the configuration setup for the low threshold state. |
User Defined Attribute Value Warning
Parent incident: User Defined Attribute Value Abnormality incident
Event ID: 362
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
through User Defined Polling, you can create attributes for Entuity to poll. You can also set Entuity to raise events depending upon the values returned. |
major |
this event is a threshold event and is raised when the polled attribute value is within the set low threshold boundary. | View the event details. This contains the configuration setup for the low threshold state. |
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Alarm
Parent incident: VM Heartbeat Problem incident
Event ID: 1330
Default severity level: severe
Virtual Machine Heartbeat OK
Parent incident: VM Heartbeat Problem incident
Event ID: 1332
Default severity level: information
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Unknown
Parent incident: VM Heartbeat Problem incident
Event ID: 1329
Default severity level: minor
Virtual Machine Heartbeat Warn
Parent incident: VM Heartbeat Problem incident
Event ID: 1331
Default severity level: major
Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High
Parent incident: Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High incident
Event ID: 78
Default severity level: major
Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High Cleared
Parent incident: Virtual Machine Max Disk Usage High incident
Event ID: 77
Default severity level: information
Virtual Machine Moved
Parent incident: VM Moved incident
Event ID: 63
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity has monitored the moving of a VM between hypervisors. |
minor |
corrected connection details. | none. |
Virtual Machine Powered Off
Parent incident: VM Power Status Changed incident
Event ID: 69
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
ENA has monitored a VM powering off. |
information |
corrected connection details. | none. |
Virtual Machine Powered On
Parent incident: VM Power Status Changed incident
Event ID: 70
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity has monitored a VM powering on. |
information |
corrected connection details. | none. |
Virtualization Connection Failed
Parent incident: Virtualization Connection Failed incident
Event ID: 65
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that Entuity has failed to connect to the identified VM platform. |
severe |
Confirm the connection details (the connection to a VM platform is through its SDK). View and modify connection details via the Main Menu > Administration > Managed Assets page. |
Virtualization Connection Success
Parent incident: Virtualization Connection Failed incident
Event ID: 64
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
Entuity has successfully connected to the VM platform after a previous failure. |
information |
corrected connection details. | none. |
Parent incident: Virtual Machine High CPU incident
Event ID: 74
Default severity level: major
VM CPU High Cleared
Parent incident: Virtual Machine High CPU incident
Event ID: 73
Default severity level: information
VM Guest Memory High
Parent incident: VM Guest Memory High incident
Event ID: 76
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates high memory utilization on the VM. The VM High Guest Memory Threshold can be set against the VM platform and against individual VMs. |
minor |
excessive application holding of resources. | run a Flex Report to identify long-term utilization of tunnels on the VPN. |
VM Guest Memory High Cleared
Parent incident: VM Guest Memory High incident
Event ID: 75
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous VM Guest Memory High alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VM memory utilization has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
vManage Device Alarm
Parent incident: vManage Alarm incident
Event ID: 769
Default severity level: severe
vManage Device Alarm Cleared
Parent incident: vManage Alarm incident
Event ID: 768
Default severity level: information
vManage Poller Failed
Parent incident: vManage Poller Failed incident
Event ID: 767
Default severity level: severe
vManage Poller Overrun
Parent incident: vManage Poller Overrun incident
Event ID: 765
Default severity level: severe
vManage Poller Overrun Cleared
Parent incident: vManage Poller Overrun incident
Event ID: 764
Default severity level: information
vManage Poller Success
Parent incident: vManage Poller Failed incident
Event ID: 766
Default severity level: information
Volume High Latency
Parent incident: Volume High Latency incident
Event ID: 1244
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the latency for the volume is greater than the set threshold. By default 20. |
severe |
high demand is placed on the volume and the underlying disks. | review storage architecture. |
Volume High Latency Cleared
Parent incident: Volume High Latency incident
Event ID: 1243
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the latency for the volume was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of latency is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
Volume High Used Provisioned
Parent incident: Volume High Used Provisioned % incident
Event ID: 1246
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the usage for the provisioned volume is greater than the set threshold. By default 85. |
severe |
highest number of provisioned volume usage is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | review storage architecture. |
Volume High Used Provisioned Cleared
Parent incident: Volume High Used Provisioned % incident
Event ID: 1245
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the usage for the provisioned volume was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of provisioned volume usage is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | free up space or increase volume capacity. |
VPN High Active Tunnels
Parent incident: VPN High Active Tunnels incident
Event ID: 607
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates high VPN tunnel usage. |
minor |
run a Flex Report to identify long-term utilization of tunnels on the VPN. |
VPN High Active Tunnels Cleared
Parent incident: VPN High Active Tunnels incident
Event ID: 606
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous VPN High Active Tunnels alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VPN tunnel usage has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
VPN High Cluster Current Users
Parent incident: VPN High Cluster Current Users incident
Event ID: 933
Default severity level: severe
VPN High Cluster Current Users Cleared
Parent incident: VPN High Cluster Current Users incident
Event ID: 932
Default severity level: information
VPN High Current Users
Parent incident: VPN High Current Users incident
Event ID: 935
Default severity level: severe
VPN High Current Users Cleared
Parent incident: VPN High Current Users incident
Event ID: 934
Default severity level: information
VPN High Initiation Failure Rate
Parent incident: High VPN Initiation Failure incident
Event ID: 814
Default severity level: severe
VPN High Initiation Failure Rate Cleared
Parent incident: High VPN Initiation Failure incident
Event ID: 815
Default severity level: information
VPN High Initiation Response Failure Rate
Parent incident: High VPN Initiation Response Failure incident
Event ID: 812
Default severity level: severe
VPN High Initiation Response Failure Rate Cleared
Parent incident: High VPN Initiation Response Failure incident
Event ID: 813
Default severity level: information
VPN High System Capacity Failure Rate
Parent incident: High VPN Sys Capacity Failure incident
Event ID: 816
Default severity level: severe
VPN High System Capacity Failure Rate Cleared
Parent incident: High VPN Sys Capacity Failure incident
Event ID: 817
Default severity level: information
VPN High Total Hits Rate
Parent incident: VPN High Total Hits Rate incident
Event ID: 931
Default severity level: information
VPN High Total Hits Rate Cleared
Parent incident: VPN High Total Hits Rate incident
Event ID: 930
Default severity level: information
VPN Load Average High
Parent incident: VPN Load Average High incident
Event ID: 600
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
load average (average number of processes in the runqueue during the polling interval) is above the set threshold. |
minor |
run a Flex Report to identify long term utilization of tunnels on the VPN. |
VPN Load Average High Cleared
Parent incident: VPN Load Average High incident
Event ID: 601
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous VPN Load Average High alarm has been cleared. |
information |
average loading for the runqueue has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
VPN Network Port Utilization High
Parent incident: VPN Network Port Utilization High incident
Event ID: 604
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a VPN ethernet port (link) is experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
minor |
if high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
VPN Network Port Utilization High Cleared
Parent incident: VPN Network Port Utilization High incident
Event ID: 605
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous VPN Network Port Utilization High alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VPN port utilization has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
VPN Tunnel Disappeared
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel Disappeared incident
Event ID: 818
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a VPN tunnel has been removed. |
critical |
a configuration change removing the VPN tunnel | review VPN configuration and investigate the cause of router disappearance. |
VPN Tunnel Discovered
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel Disappeared incident
Event ID: 819
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a VPN tunnel was discovered. |
minor |
a configuration change adding the VPN tunnel | review VPN configuration. |
VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss
Parent incident: High VPN Tunnel In Packet Loss incident
Event ID: 820
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the packet loss is greater than the set VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss threshold. By default 5. |
severe |
highest number of packet loss is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | check issues with physical connectivity and latency. |
VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss Cleared
Parent incident: High VPN Tunnel In Packet Loss incident
Event ID: 821
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the packet loss was greater than the set VPN Tunnel High Inbound Packet Loss threshold, but has now transitioned below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of packet loss is below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss incident
Event ID: 823
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the packet loss is greater than the set VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss threshold. By default 5. |
severe |
highest number of packet loss is greater than the set threshold when the device is polled. | check issues with physical connectivity and latency. |
VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss Cleared
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel High Outbound Packet Loss incident
Event ID: 822
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the packet loss was greater than the set threshold, but has now transitioned back below the set boundary. |
information |
highest number of packet loss is back below the set threshold when the device is polled. | none. |
VPN Tunnel Usage High
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel Usage High incident
Event ID: 602
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates high VPN tunnel usage. |
minor |
run a Flex Report to identify long term utilization of tunnels on the VPN. |
VPN Tunnel Usage High Cleared
Parent incident: VPN Tunnel Usage High incident
Event ID: 603
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a previous VPN Tunnel Usage High alarm has been cleared. |
information |
VPN tunnel usage has returned to acceptable levels. | none. |
VSwitch State Alarm
Parent incident: VSwitch State Problem incident
Event ID: 1314
Default severity level: severe
VSwitch State OK
Parent incident: VSwitch State Problem incident
Event ID: 1316
Default severity level: information
VSwitch State Unknown
Parent incident: VSwitch State Problem incident
Event ID: 1313
Default severity level: minor
VSwitch State Warn
Parent incident: VSwitch State Problem incident
Event ID: 1315
Default severity level: major
Vulnerability Monitoring Fail
Applicable to Entuity v22.0 GA upwards
Parent incident: Vulnerability Monitoring Fail incident
Event ID: 1379
Default severity level: information
Vulnerability Monitoring Success
Applicable to Entuity v22.0 GA upwards
Parent incident: Vulnerability Monitoring Fail incident
Event ID: 1380
Default severity level: information
WAN Port High Inbound Discards
Parent incident: WAN Port High Inbound Discards incident
Event ID: 32
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) is discarding packets. This packet loss causes end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently. |
major |
when congestion occurs downstream in the network, and the device needs to free buffer space frames are discarded. For Frame Relay the switch dropping frames will select from its buffer the frames with the DE bit set first. If this is not sufficient to relieve the congestion, frames with DE bit clear will be dropped next. |
use the Ticker tool to check inbound broadcast traffic on the port reporting discards. If broadcast traffic is light, telnet to the device and check system resources. Increasing the size of the receive buffers, and/or upgrading the device hardware (CPU and memory) may be necessary. |
WAN Port High Inbound Discards Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port High Inbound Discards incident
Event ID: 33
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates a WAN Port HighInbound Discards alarm has been cleared as the port discard rate is now below the high threshold value. |
information |
reduced transmission. | none. |
WAN Port High Inbound Errors
Parent incident: WAN Port High Inbound Errors incident
Event ID: 28
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is receiving corrupted packets from the network (a brownout). These packets are thrown away by the port’s device, causing application layer timeouts and re-transmissions. Network users may complain about slow application response times. Types of corrupted packets include CRC errors, alignment errors, giants, and runt packets. |
major |
check the duplex settings on switch ports reporting this problem, and the PC or server which is attached to the switch port. If this isn't the cause of the problem, move the PC or server to a different port and see if the corruption continues. If so, swap out the NIC card on the PC or server. |
WAN Port High Inbound Errors Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port High Inbound Errors incident
Event ID: 29
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the port error rate is now below the high threshold value. |
information |
port error rate is now below the high threshold value, as alerted by the WAN Port High Inbound Errors alarm. | none. |
WAN Port High Inbound Utilization
Parent incident: WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared incident
Event ID: 20
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) is experiencing high levels of utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
major |
if high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
WAN Port High Inbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared incident
Event ID: 21
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
a WAN Port High Inbound Utilization alarm has been cleared, because the port error rate is now below the high threshold value. |
information |
reduced application traffic. | none. |
WAN Port High Outbound Discards
Parent incident: WAN Port High Outbound Discards incident
Event ID: 34
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a port is dropping some packets in its transmit buffers even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently |
major |
use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. |
WAN Port High Outbound Discards Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port High Outbound Discards incident
Event ID: 35
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
correlated clearing event for the WAN Port High Outbound Discards event. |
information |
the port discard rate is now below the high threshold rate. | none. |
WAN Port High Outbound Errors
Parent incident: WAN Port High Outbound Errors incident
Event ID: 30
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that the WAN port is dropping large numbers of packets in its transmit buffers, and/or experiencing severe difficulties transmitting packets out onto the network. Packet loss and transmission delays cause end to end application performance degradation, as applications timeout and re-transmit data intermittently. |
major |
use the Ticker tool to check the current outbound port utilization. If this is high, and a historical graph of port utilization reveals that, in general, the link is highly utilized, then more bandwidth may be needed. |
WAN Port High Outbound Errors Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port High Outbound Errors incident
Event ID: 31
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
correlated clearing event for the WAN Port High Outbound Errors Event. |
information |
port error rate is now below the high threshold value. | none. |
WAN Port High Outbound Utilization
Parent incident: WAN Port Outbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 24
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) is experiencing high levels of outbound utilization (bandwidth usage). This may cause users who are communicating over this area of the network to experience slow application response times. |
major |
if high port level utilization persists, then the link speed may need to be increased to accommodate the extra traffic levels. |
WAN Port High Outbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port Outbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 25
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the WAN port utilization is now below the high threhsold value. |
information |
reduced application traffic. | none. |
WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization
Parent incident: WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared incident
Event ID: 22
scription | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) is experiencing low levels of inbound utilization (bandwidth usage). |
major |
problem may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. If excessively low levels of utilization persist, check through other events that have recently been reported. |
WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port Low Inbound Utilization Cleared incident
Event ID: 23
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) that was experiencing low levels of utilization is now receiving higher traffic volumes. |
information |
increased application traffic. | none. |
WAN Port Low Outbound Utilization
Parent incident: WAN Port Outbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 26
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) is experiencing low levels of outbound utilization (bandwidth usage). |
major |
problem may be symptomatic of an issue elsewhere in the network. If excessively low levels of utilization persist, check through other events that have recently been reported. |
WAN Port Low Outbound Utilization Cleared
Parent incident: WAN Port Outbound Utilization Abnormality incident
Event ID: 27
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates that a WAN port (link) that was experiencing low levels of utilization is now transmitting higher traffic volumes. |
information |
increased application traffic. | none. |
Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs
Parent incident: Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs incident
Event ID: 811
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of connected access points is greater than the set threshold (which is by default 1,000). |
major |
changes in wireless usage have occurred since the network was designed. | investigate the attached AP history of the device. |
Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs Cleared
Parent incident: Wireless Controller High Number of Connected APs incident
Event ID: 810
Description | Default severity level | Typical causes | Actions |
indicates the number of connected access points was greater than the set threshold (which is by default 1,000), but is now below that threshold. |
information |
number of APs attached to the Wireless Controller has returned to an acceptable level. | none. |
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