To run the Port Discard Trend report
The Port Discard Trend report provides regression-based trend prediction for port discards. This report enables you to see port discard predictions for the next 6 months, for both inbound discards and outbound discards. Predictions are made by applying regression analysis to the selected device's historical port discard data, which by default is for the previous 8 weeks, but you can configure this figure.
Port Discard Trend report details:
Name | Description |
Device Name | identifier of the device, e.g. host name or IP address. |
Port Name | description of the port. |
Inbound Speed | inbound port speed of the line. |
Inbound 6 month prediction | predicted inbound discards of the port, in 6 months' time, as a % of the referenced port speed. |
Inbound 12 month prediction | predicted inbound discards of the port, in 12 months' time, as a % of the referenced port speed. |
Outbound Speed | outbound port speed of the line. |
Outbound 6 month prediction | predicted outbound discards of the port, in 6 months' time, as a % of the referenced port speed. |
Outbound 12 month prediction | predicted outbound discards of the port, in 12 months' time, as a % of the referenced port speed. |
Inbound discards trend % | graphs predicted inbound discards of the port, over the next 6 months, as a % of the referenced inbound port speed. |
Inbound discards % | inbound discards of the port over the reporting period, as a % of the referenced port inbound speed. |
Outbound discards trend % | graphs predicted outbound discards of the port, over the next 6 months, as a % of the referenced outbound port speed. |
Outbound discards % | outbound discards of the port over the reporting period, as a % of the referenced port inbound speed. |
To run the Port Discard Trend report:
- In the Main Menu, click Reports.
- This will open the Reports page. Click Activity Reports.
- This will open the Activity Reports page. Click Port Discards Trend.
- This will open the Port Discards Trend Options page.
- If you want to reuse previously saved report values, select it in the Use saved values dropdown field.
- Specify the format of the report in the Report format field.
- Specify the View against which the report is to be run in the Please select a View dropdown field. From ENA v18.0 P06 upwards, you can drag Views into this field from the Drop Box.
- Specify the device against which the report is to be run in the Please select a device dropdown field.
- Specify the port against which the report is to be run in the Please select a port dropdown field.
- Specify the upper value of scale used on the chart in the report in the Max chart scale (%) field, e.g. if you have a discard rate below 20%, you may not want to display all the way up to 100%.
- Specify if you want the Report Period to be a Recent period or across a Range.
- Specify the time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable in the Prime Time fields, e.g. between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
- ENA v17.0 P08 upwards: Specify the time zone to which you want the reporting period to apply. By default, this is set to None, which means that the time zone of the host/consolidation server is used.
- Click Save to save your report values, Run to run immediately, or click Cancel.
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