This has been superseded by ENA v18.0 P03. Please see this article for the latest information on this subject.
To build an Inventory Table report
The Inventory Table report allows you to build a report that displays component details in a single table of data. You can specify one or more attributes by which to sort the data. You can also limit the returned results to the TopN.
You an include any attribute value or aggregate values of time series data.
To build an Inventory Table report:
- In the Main Menu, click Reports. This will open the Reports page.
- Click Report Builder in the bottom left of the browser. This will open the Report Builder page.
- Click Inventory table. This will open the Report Builder - Single Table page. There are three sections to building a Single Table report:
1. Report options:
- Enter a name for the report in the Name field.
- Enter a title for the report in the Report title field.
- Enter a title to be displayed on the chart in the Chart title field.
- Click Report Options + for further options:
- Enter a URL for your report in the Report URL field. Every report is assigend a default URL when it is created. If you enter a new URL for an existing report, then a copy of that existing URL is made. Note, any new URL you enter must be unique - if you enter a URL that is already assigned to a report, then that existing report will be overwritten.
- In ENA v17.0 P07 upwards, you can click Browse next to the Report URL field and select the directory or folder in which you want to save your report, or you can create a new folder in which to save it.
- Keep the Navigation Framework box checked if you want to include the navigation framework available for reports generated in HTML. The navigation framework allows users to scroll through reports, return to the reports listing, and generate the report in another format.
- Keep the Charts Legend box checked if you want to include the chart to have an accompanying legend.
- Keep the Row Count box checked if you want to include the report to have an accompanying row count in the header.
- Specify the page width of the HTML report in the Page Width field. By default, this is 612 pixels.
- Specify the margin widths in the Margins fields. The defaults are Left 30px, Right 18px, Top 20px, Bottom 20px.
- Enter a URL for your report in the Report URL field. Every report is assigend a default URL when it is created. If you enter a new URL for an existing report, then a copy of that existing URL is made. Note, any new URL you enter must be unique - if you enter a URL that is already assigned to a report, then that existing report will be overwritten.
- Check the Include Standard Header box to select the standard components to include in the report's header:
- View Name
- Report Period.
- Prime Time.
- Print Time.
- Logo.
- Description.
- Entuity recommends that you make use of the Description field to help others maintain the system at a later date.
- Specify the default time frame for the chart in the Primary time frame fields.
- Specify the time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable in the Prime Time fields, e.g. between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
2. Adding attributes:
- You will need to add columns to your table in which the attributes will be displayed. Click Add Column to add columns, and then drag in attributes from an Attribute dashboard in another tab or browser. From ENA v17.0 P09 and ENA v18.0 P01 onwards, you can also drag in attributes from the title bar or series value parts of a Chart dashlet, or from a Key Info dashlet. You can drag in attributes from multiple different components, and they can also be of different types.
- Click on the attribute's name in the Value column to open the Timeseries Attribute Selection window. Here you can quickly access further attributes from the device or devices that you have already selected attributes from. Selecting these attributes will automatically populate the next empty field. You can also access this window by clicking None in the Value column next to an empty field.
- In the Timeseries Attribute Selection window, you can also specify if you want to aggregate attributes in the Aggregate Method dropdown field.
- Use the up and down arrows on the left to change the attribute order.
- Check the box in the Show column to show the attribute on the chart.
- Select the format you want to use for the data in the Display Type column. The default is Auto.
- Specify the width of the column in the Width column. The default is Auto.
- Specify the horizontal alignment of the column in the Align column.
- If you have ticked the Show Advanced Options box in the top right corner, you can select a markup format and enter markup tags in the Markup column.
3. Select devices to run the report against:
- Specify the maximum number of rows to run the report against in the Maximum number of rows field.
- If you have ticked the Show Advanced Options box in the top right corner, you can apply expressions to filter the content of rows in the table via the Row Filter field.
- Drag in the managed objects you want to run the report against in the Use Selection field.
- Alternatively, you can uncheck Use Selection and instead check Ignore selection, and use objects from view and then specify the filter of objects you want to use, via the View, server and object type.
- Click Preview to preview the report or Publish to publish the report to the User Defined Reports folder. If you tick the Show Advanced Options box in the top right of the page, you will also have the option to Copy Report URL to your clipboard.
The below section is applicable to ENA v17.0 P07 upwards.
4. Share report with users in the user groups to which you belong:
By default, this section is hidden and set to 'Default', which refers to your global permissioning default. However, you can specify whether other users in your user groups can have access.
IMPORTANT NOTE: users must be very careful when granting report access to other users. Please read this section before sharing reports.
- Click Sharing Options+ (below Show Advanced Options in the top right of the page) to expand the Group Access window.
- This window lists the user groups to which you belong. For each user group, specify the level of access the users in that group have to this report. By default, the report is visible only to you.
- Select from one of the following options:
- Default - global permissioning default.
- No Access - users in this user group have no access to this report (unless they are members of another user group with permission).
- View - members of the user group can view generated reports.
- View and Run - members of the user group can run and view generated reports.
- View, Run and Schedule - members of the user group can schedule, run and view generated reports.
- View, Run, Schedule and Edit - members of the user group can schedule, run, view and edit generated reports.
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