Applicable to Entuity v22.0 upwards. If you are using an earlier version of Entuity, please see this article.
Applicable to private VM platforms
Datastore Summary dashboard
HBA (Host Bus Adaptor) Summary dashboard
VM Platform Summary dashboard
Applicable to public VM platforms
CSP Virtual Machine Summary dashboard
CSP Virtual NIC Summary dashboard
Public VM Platform Summary dashboard
Region Summary dashboard
Virtual Disk dashboard
Virtual NIC Summary dashboard
Applicable to both private and public VM platforms
Virtual Machine (VM) Summary dashboard
Virtual Switch (VSwitch) Summary dashboard
Please find below the different types of Summary dashboards that are applicable to the VM platforms and virtualization data supported in Entuity.
Different virtualization summary dashboards are available depending on the selected VM, distinguishing between private (e.g. VMWare, Hyper-V) and public, cloud-based (e.g. AWS and Azure) VM platforms. This is due to the differences in monitored data between private and public VM platforms.
Applicable to private VMs:
Cluster Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to VMWare. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the cluster: display name, server name; status; type; total memory; total cpu; number of cores; number of threads; number of hosts; any user-specified annotations; and the StormWorks ID.
- Hypervisors/Hosts - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of hypervisors/hosts associated with this cluster, detailing for each the following: display name; status; hypervisor number of CPUs; hypervisor product name; hypervisor product version; and hypervisor total memory.
- Virtual Machines - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of virtual machines associated with this cluster, detailing for each the following: display name, status, guest memory %, host memory %, and number of snapshots.
- Effective CPU - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the effective CPU (in MHz) of this cluster.
- CPU Util % - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the CPU utilization % on this cluster.
- Effective Memory - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the effective memory (in actual value) for this cluster.
- Memory Util % - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the memory utilization % on this cluster.
Datastore Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to VMWare. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the datastore: display name; server name; type; if the datastore is accessible; the maintenance mode applied to the datastore; capacity; any user-specified annotations; and the StormWorks ID.
- Hypervisors/Zones - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of hypervisors/zones associated with this datastore, detailing for each the following: display name; number of CPUs; product name; product version; and total memory.
- Virtual Machines - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of virtual machines associated with this datastore, detailing for each the following: display name, status, guest memory (%), host memory (%), and number of snapshots.
- Used Space % - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the used space % for this datastore.
- Free Space - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the free space (in actual value) for this datastore.
- Uncommitted - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the uncommitted (in actual value) for this datastore.
HBA (Host Bus Adaptor) Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to VMWare. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the HBA: display name; status; server name; status history summary; type; bus number; driver; key; model; PCI; storage protocol; any user-specified annotations; and the device to which the HBA belongs.
- Incident Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this HBA.
- Events Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet details the events raised on this HBA.
VM Platform Summary dashboard:
When in the context of a VMWare vCenter or ESXi object, this Summary dashboard consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the VM platform: display name; object status; server name; status history summary; type; any user-specified annotation; device type; managed since; management level; and polled IP address.
- Incident Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this VM platform.
- Associated VMs - this is a VM Status dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart showing the statuses of the associated virtual machines on this VM platform.
- Events Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the events raised on this VM platform.
- Latency - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the latency (in ms) on this VM platform.
- Virtual Switches - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of virtual switches associated with this VM platform, detailing for each the following: display name; status; max ports; and current ports.
- Hypervisors/Zones - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of hypervisors/zones associated with this VM platform, detailing for each the following: display name; status; hypervisor number of CPUs; hypervisor product name; hypervisor product version; and hypervisor total memory (in mb).
- Datastores - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of datastores associated with this VM platform, detailing for each the following: display name; type; if the datastore is accessible; the maintenance mode applied to the datastore; capacity; and used %.
- Clusters - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of clusters associated with this VM platform, detailing for each the following: display name; status; effective CPU; effective memory; number of cores; number of hosts; and number of threads.
This dashboard displays all the above dashlets except dashlets for Datastores or Clusters when in the context of the following objects:
- Oracle VM Manager
- HyperV
- Amazon Web Service
- Microsoft Azure
- Cisco ACI
- Cisco DNA Center
- Meraki Cloud Controller
- Viptela Cloud Controller
Applicable to public VM platforms:
Block Storage Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to AWS and Azure. Block storage is the storage that the cloud service provider itself assigns to the VM, rather than the VM's own internal, virtual storage. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the block storage: size of the block storage; snapshot ID (note that this is not available for Azure); and create time.
- Incident Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this block storage.
- Events Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the events raised on this block storage.
CSP Virtual Machine Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to AWS and Azure. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following information about this virtual machine: display name; display type (i.e. 'CSP Virtual Machine'); VMUUID; server name; heartbeat status; annotation (if any); access key; architecture; availability zone (i.e. region); hypervisor type; image ID; CSP virtual machine type; launch time; memory (MB); private address; private DNS; public address; public DNS; reservation; subscription ID; resource groups; and instrumented.
- Incident Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this cloud service provider VM machine.
- CPU - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the CPU usage % on this virtual machine.
- VM Guest Memory - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the VM guest memory % on this virtual machine.
- Disk Usage - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts disk usage on the VM in %. Disk usage is derived from OS volumes, not block storage.
- Block Storage - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of the block storage on this VM, detailing display name, size (GB) and creation time. Block storage is the storage that the cloud service provider itself assigns to the VM, rather than the VM's own internal, virtual storage.
- OS Volumes - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of the OS volumes on this VM, detailing display name, summary, size (MB), average disk %, and utilization %. Note, data is only displayed in this dashlet if the VM is instrumented for Cloud Watch Agent (AWS) or PerfInsights (Azure).
- Virtual NICs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table listing the virtual NICs on this VM, detailing MAC address, display name, and summary. Note, Virtual NICs are not populated for Azure.
- Traffic (bytes) - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the traffic (in bytes) on this virtual machine.
CSP Virtual NIC Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to AWS and Azure. It consists of a Key Info dashlet, which displays the following details of this cloud service provider virtual NIC: display name; display type; summary; elastic IP address; key; MAC address; private DNS name; private IP address; subnet; zone; and VPC.
Public VM Platform Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to AWS and Azure. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the VM platform: display name; type (i.e. 'VM Platform'); virtualization platform type (e.g. 'Amazon Web Service'); device type; managed since; and management level.
- Incidents Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this VM platform.
- Associated VMs - this is a VM Status dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart showing the statuses of the associated virtual machines on this VM platform.
- Regions - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the regions covered by this VM platform, detailing region name, region endpoint, and the highest incident level in that region. The Regions Endpoint column is only applicable to AWS. It is not currently an attribute for Azure, and so this column will be blank for Azure VM platforms.
Regions endpoint is only relevant for AWS. Maybe in the future for Azure, but not now for Azure. Region endpoint is an attribute belonging to the region, but is not the region itself.
Region Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to AWS and Azure. It consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the region: display name; and type (i.e. 'Region').
- Instrumented VMs - this is a Pie Chart dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of how many VMs have been instrumented with the Cloud Watch Agent (AWS) or PerfInsights (Azure) and how many have not. You can click this pie chart to open in a new tab a table listing the VMs and whether they are instrumented.
- VM Status - this is a Pie Chart dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the VMs in the region by their 'powered on' or 'powered off' status. You can click this pie chart to open in a new tab a table listing the VMs and whether they are powered on or off.
- CSP VMs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the CSP (cloud service provider) VMs in the region and provides the following details about each: object status; display name; VMUUID; heartbeat status; IP addresses; CPU %; memory (mb); guest memory %; average disk %; total RX kb/s; total TX kb/s; instrumented; CSP virtual machine type.
Virtual Disk dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to private cloud VM platforms (e.g. VMWare, Hyper-V etc), and consists of the following dashlets:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the virtual disk:
- Incidents Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this virtual disk.
- Events Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the events raised on this virtual disk.
- Utilization - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the utilization % on this virtual disk.
Virtual NIC Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard is applicable to private cloud VM platforms (e.g. VMWare, Hyper-V etc), and consists of the following dashlets:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the virtual machine: display name; type (i.e. 'Virtual NIC'); key; label; MAC address; summary; and unit.
- Virtual Port Group - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the virtual port groups on this virtual NIC, detailing name, type (e.g. 'Standard Port Group') and key.
- Connection - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the connections on this virtual NIC, detailing name, entity, MAC, key, VLAN, and VNIC key.
- Virtual Switch - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the virtual switches on this virtual NIC, detailing the virtual switch name, type (e.g. 'Standard vSwitch'), maximum number of ports, and current ports.
- Virtual Switch Port - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the virtual switch ports on the virtual NIC, providing a description for each.
Applicable to both private and public VM platforms:
Hypervisor Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the hypervisor: connection state; display name; status; power state; server name; total CPU; total memory; type; CPUs; cluster link (a link that navigates you to the Cluster Summary dashboard for the cluster associated with this specific hypervisor); product build; product name; and product version.
- CPU Util - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the CPU utilization (in MHz) on this hypervisor.
- CPU Util % - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the CPU utilization % on this hypervisor.
- Memory Util - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the memory utilization (in actual value) on this hypervisor.
- Memory Util % - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the memory utilization % on this hypervisor.
- Virtual Machines - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of virtual machines associated with this hypervisor, detailing for each the following: display name, status, guest memory (%), host memory (%), and number of snapshots.
- Hypervisor NICs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of hypervisor NICs associated with this hypervisor, detailing for each the following: display name; MAC address; Rx packets per second; and Tx packets per second.
- HBAs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of host bus adaptors associated with this hypervisor, detailing for each the following: display name; status; model; storage protocol; and driver.
- Datastores - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of datastores associated with this hypervisor, detailing for each the following: display name; type; if it is accessible; the maintenance mode applied to the datastore; capacity (in actual value); and used %.
Virtual Machine (VM) Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the virtual machine: heartbeat status (green, yellow, red, or gray); oldest snapshot timestamp; name; server name; number of snapshots; type; link to the Cluster Summary dashboard for its associated cluster; memory (in mb); configuration file; power status; guestOS; and VMUUID.
- Incidents Summary - this is an Incidents Summary dashlet. This dashlet shows a pie chart of the incidents by severity level on this virtual machine.
- Events Over Time - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the events raised on this virtual machine.
- Virtual Disks - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a table of the virtual disks on this virtual machine, detailing for each the following: display name; summary; size (in mb), average disk %; and utilization %.
- Host Memory - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the host memory % on this virtual machine.
- VM Guest Memory - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the VM guest memory % on this virtual machine.
- Virtual NICs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the virtual NICs on this virtaul machine, detailing the display name, summary and MAC address for each.
- Disk Usage - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the disk usage (for both maximum % and average %) on this virtual machine.
- CPU - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the CPU usage % on this virtual machine.
- Virtual Controllers - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the virtual controllers on this virtual machine, detailing the display name and a summary for each.
- Traffic (pkts) - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the traffic (in packets) on this virtual machine.
- Traffic (bytes) - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the traffic (in bytes) on this virtual machine.
- CDROMs - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the CDROMs on this virtual machine, detailing the display name and a summary for each.
- Balloon Memory - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the balloon memory on this virtual machine (in actual value).
- Swap Memory Usage - this is a Chart dashlet. This dashlet charts the swap memory usage on this virtual machine (in actual value).
- Datastores - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet lists the datastores associated with this virtual machine, detailing the following for each: display name; type; accessible; the maintenance mode applied to the datastore; capacity (in actual value); and used %.
Virtual Switch (VSwitch) Summary dashboard:
This Summary dashboard consists of the following:
- Key Info - this is a Key Info dashlet. This dashlet displays the following details of the virtual switch: display name; status; server name; status history summary; type; annotation; current ports; IP address; and max ports.
- SNMP VSwitches - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a list of the SNMP VSwitches associated with this virtual switch.
- Port Groups - this is a Table dashlet. This dashlet displays a list of the port groups associated with this virtual switch.
Virtualization Object Status:
The following status icons are available for the abovementioned virtualization objects. Please refer to the Events Over Time dashlet on the relevant dashboard for details of the events that are impacting the status of the current object, or refer to the appropriate page in the VCenter UI interface.
OK - the object does not have alarms or configuration issues with a warning (yellow) or critical (red) status, and has at least one green status.
Warning - the object does not have alarms or configuration issues with a critical (red) status, and has at least one with a warning (yellow) status.
Critical - the object has alarms or configuration issues with a critical (red) status.
- Unknown - all the object's alarms have an unknown (gray) status, and the configuration status of the object is not being monitored.
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