Applicable to Entuity v19.0 P03 upwards.
To add a Gauge dashlet to a custom dashboard
The Gauge dashlet displays attributes and metrics for a specific context (e.g. a View or device) in a specified number of gauges. You can include as many individual gauges as you prefer in the Gauge dashlet, and their size and display will depend upon the size of the dashlet itself and the screen size you are using.
The Gauge dashlet is useful when you want to monitor attributes in pairs, such as a total and a usage metric, or when creating a custom dashboard to display a large number of metrics vs thresholds at-a-glance. An example might be when you want to monitor a Cisco APIC, whereby the Gauge dashlet provides the ability to easily depict e.g. the attributes IP Endpoints Total and IP Endpoints Used in the same gauge.
To add a Gauge dashlet to a custom dashboard:
- When adding a dashlet to a new custom dashboard or editing an existing custom dashboard, follow the instructions for adding a dashlet, select Gauge in the Select Dashlet Type, and click Next.
- The Create Dashlet form will slide in on the right.
Dashlet Settings
- Enter a name for your dashlet in the Name field.
- You can then choose the source of the data to be displayed in the dashlet.
The Gauge dashlet can display data when applied to any type of object (View, device, port etc).
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from the context of its parent dashboard, select Dashboard. You can see the context of the parent dashboard in the Dashboard Context field at the top of the form.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from another dashlet in this current dashboard, select Dashlet.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from a specific View/Subview, device or port on your network, select Fixed Object. You can then click the Drop Box icon to add an object from the Drop Box, Browse to an object to search for the View/Subview, device or port in Explorer, or drag into the box your desired View/Subview, device or port in from another browser window.
- In the Layout Direction field, specify the direction in which the gauges are arranged, either Horizontal or Vertical, examples of which are shown below:
- In the Gauges section, you can add the gauges displaying your desired attribute/metric.
- Click the Drop Box icon to add an attribute from the Drop Box, Add Gauge to search for the attribute in Explorer, or drag into the box your desired attribute in from another browser window.
- This will open the Gauge Definition form. In the below example, we have selected the attribute Admin Down% (hourly).
- You can edit your attribute selection in the Attribute field.
- In the Range Type, select the scale against which the gauge will be set, either Min and Max or Attribute Value.
- If you select Min and Max, you can then specify the Min Value and Max Value of the scale. In this case, it is between 0% and 100%.
- If you select Attribute Value, you can then specify an attribute that measures the same metric but provides a value of the original attribute, e.g. if your Gauge dashlet is for a Cisco APIC, then you might want an individual gauge with the Attribute 'IP Endpoints Total', and the Range Type of 'IP Endpoints Used'. This gauge will then how the IP Endpoints Used against the IP Endpoint Total of the specified Cisco APIC. Note, you should only use an attribute value for the Range Type if it is measuring the same metric as the original attribute.
- You can add or drag in a threshold in the Add Threshold field. Depending on the object attribute selected, there might already be thresholds specified that will appear in the form. This will open the Threshold Definition form, wherein you can specify the type of threshold you would like to add to the gauge. You can add as many thresholds you as you like. Note, thresholds that are added to the Gauge dashlet do not raise events when exceeded - they are simply UI representations. Please see this article for further help and information on enabling event thresholds in Entuity.
- In the Style dropdown field, specify how the gauge might appear, choosing from the following:
- Bar
- Bar (Horizontal)
- Dial
- Meter
- Bar
- Specify the Heading you want for the gauge in the dropdown field, either Auto, None or Text. If you select Text, you can then enter the heading you want for the gauge.
- Click Done in the top right to save the individual gauge and return to the Create Dashlet form, otherwise click Cancel.
Advanced Settings
- Click the Advanced Settings field to open the Advanced Settings form.
- Choose whether you want to hide the title of the dashlet in the Hide Title Bar field. If selected, the dashlet's Overflow Menu will also be hidden, but in the Promote Menu Options field you can then choose if you want to display the options in the dashlet's Overflow Menu in the overall dashboard's Overflow Menu.
- Choose whether you want the dashlet to automatically refresh in the Auto Refresh field.
- Click Done in the top right of the form to save and return to the Create Dashlet form, otherwise click Cancel.
Once you have specified the dashlet parameters, click Done in the top right of the form to save your changes, otherwise click Cancel.
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