To add an Events List dashlet to a custom dashboard
To configure or export the table in the dashlet
The Events List dashlet shows you a list of the events on a managed object, together with key details on those events.
The Events List dashlet is applicable to any data source.
To add an Events List dashlet to a custom dashboard:
- When adding a dashlet to a new custom dashboard or editing an existing custom dashboard, follow the instructions for adding a dashlet, select Events List in the Select Dashlet Type, and click Next.
- The Create Dashlet form will slide in on the right, which contains the following sections and fields:
Dashlet Settings
- Enter a name of your dashlet in the Name field.
- You can then choose the source of the data to be displayed in the dashlet.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from the context of its parent dashboard, select Dashboard. You can see the context of the parent dashboard in the Dashboard Context field at the top of the form.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from another dashlet in this current dashboard, select Dashlet.
- If you want this dashlet to source its data from a specific managed object or objects on your network, select Fixed Object. You can then click Browse to an object to search for the object(s) in Explorer, or drag into the box your desired object(s) in from another browser window.
Event Severity
- Select the event severity levels you want to be displayed by clicking the Event Severity Filter field, which opens a new form from where you can select from the following:
- Information.
- Minor.
- Major.
- Severe.
- Critical.
Event Type
- Choose whether you want to include events on objects that are not in the source but do impact objects in it, with the Include Impacting Events radio button.
- Specify which events you want to include in the list in the Event Filter dropdown field. You can choose between All Events (default), Include Events and Exclude Events. If you choose Include Events or Exclude Events, the Events Included / Excluded appears below. Clicking this takes you to a new form where you can choose the events you include or exclude respectively.
Event Timeframe
- Specify whether to Use Dashboard Timeframe. If switched off, you can specify a custom timeframe of included events in the Opened Timeframe field below.
Advanced Settings
- Click the Advanced Settings field to open the Advanced Settings form.
- Choose whether you want to hide the title of the dashlet in the Hide Title Bar field. If selected, the dashlet's Overflow Menu will also be hidden, but in the Promote Menu Options field you can then choose if you want to display the options in the dashlet's Overflow Menu in the overall dashboard's Overflow Menu.
- Choose whether you want the dashlet to automatically refresh in the Auto Refresh field.
- Click Done in the top right of the form to save and return to the Create Dashlet form, otherwise click Cancel.
- Click Done to save your dashlet, otherwise click Cancel.
To configure or export the table in the dashlet:
Please see the article on configuring tables in Entuity.
The available columns are as follows:
Column Name | Column Description |
! | severity level of the event. |
# | number of times that the event has appeared since any previout age out, e.g. '3' indicates the third occurence of the event. |
Name | name of the event. |
Source | source of the event. This will be a managed object. |
Details | details of the event. |
Impacted | details what is impacted by the event, e.g. managed objects (such as a list of VLANs), internal Entuity processes, service(s), or managed objects identified by Availability Monitor. |
Last Updated | time and date the event was last updated. |
Server | server on which the event has been raised. |
[Custom Attribute Name] | Entuity v19.0 P04 upwards. User-specified custom attribute added to the event, e.g. an event rule or event trigger. |
To view details of an event:
- You can either view the details of an event in the table of the Events List dashlet, or you can select the event and click Details in the top right. You can also access details by right clicking on the selected event and clicking Details.
- The Event Details form will slide in on the right with important details about the event.
- You can view all the events on a single managed object by clicking the source name in the Source column. This will open the Events dashboard for that managed object.
To suppress an event:
- Select the event or events that you want to suppress and click the Suppress Events button (or via the dashlet's Overflow Menu or the right-click context menu). You can select multiple events by holding Ctrl or Shift and selecting the events that you want to suppress.
- The Event Suppression form will slide in on the right. Please see the event suppression article for further help and information on how to suppress events.
Please see the following for help and information on event functionality in Entuity RESTful API:
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