To run a MPLS LSR Performance report
The MPLS LSR Performance report provides a summary of the performance of MPLS Label Switched Router ports. You can configure the parameters of the report to focus on the components that you are most interested in.
MPLS LSR Performance details:
Name | Description |
Device Name | name of the device. |
Port Description (MIB 2) | port description, taken from SNMP-MIB2. |
Mean / Max available bandwidth (KBits/sec) | Usable Bandwidth, this value indicates the total amount of usable bandwidth on this interface and is specified in kilobits per second (Kbps). This variable is not applicable when applied to the interface with index 0. |
Mean / Max available space | Available Bandwidth, this value indicates the total amount of available bandwidth available on this interface and is specified in kilobits per second (Kbps). This value is calculated as the difference between the amount of bandwidth currently in use and that specified in mplsInterfaceTotalBandwidth. This variable is not applicable when applied to the interface with index 0. |
RX / TX discard no error packet rate |
Received Discard No Error Packet Rate is the difference between two contiguous inbound Error Free Discards sampled values, as a per second average. Transmitted Discard No Error Packet Rate is the difference between two contiguous outbound Error Free Discards sampled values, as a per second average. Error Free Discards are discarded packets even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted / received. One possible reason for discarding such a labelled packet could be to free up buffer space. |
RX / TX discard lookup failure packet rate | Received Discard Lookup Failure Packet Rate, the difference between two contiguous inbound Packets (Rx) sampled values, as a per second average. Transmitted Discard Lookup Failure Packet Rate, the difference between two contiguous outbound Packets (Rx) sampled values, as a per second average. |
To run a MPLS LSR Performance report:
- In the Main Menu, click Reports.
- This will open the Reports page. Click Connectivity and Routing.
- This will open the Connectivity and Routing page. Click MPLS LSR Performance.
- This will open the MPLS LSR Performance Options page.
- If you want to reuse previously saved report values, select it in the Use saved values dropdown field.
- Specify the format of the report in the Report format field.
- Specify the Report style template you want to use for the report from the dropdown field. Please see this article for help and information on reporting style templates.
- Specify the View against which the report is to be run in the Please select a View dropdown field. You can drag Views into this field from the Drop Box.
- Specify if you want the Report Period to be a Recent period or across a Range.
- Specify the time within the reporting period for which the report is applicable in the Prime Time fields, e.g. between 09:00 and 17:00 each day.
- Specify the time zone to which you want the reporting period to apply. By default, this is set to None, which means that the time zone of the host/consolidation server is used.
- Click Save to save your report values, Run to run immediately, or click Cancel.
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